Newport is found on the east coast, in the smallest state of America, RhodeIsland. It's just over the bridge from Jamestown where movies like "Me, MyselfIrene" have been shot. Newport is located 45mins from Providence andapproximately 1 hour from Boston city.


Fly to Logan Airport, Boston. Go to the South Station Bus terminal, where aBonanza bus regularly departs for Newport, a one way ticket costs approx. $16and the journey takes approx. 1hr 20mins. If travelling from New York orHyannis, the bus transfers through Fall Rivers, a pretty dodgy area, so don'tstray too far from the bus shelter, watch your bags and try and work it that youpass through there during daylight. The bus station in Newport is located next tothe visitor’s centre and is within walking distance to the main town centre.

Newport, Rhode Island is conveniently located in the heart of New Englandand is easily reached by car, train, bus or boat!

Providence, RI - 34 Miles

Boston, MA - 71 Miles

Hartford, CT - 102 Miles

New York, NY - 180 Miles

Philadelphia, PA - 277 Miles

Washington, DC - 408 Miles

By Bus:

Kennedy Plaza - Downtown Providence, RI 33 miles/45 minutes

Public Transportation - Rhode Island Public Transit Authority

Car Rental Agencies - Multiple car rental companies located nearby

Peter Pan Bonanza Terminal - Providence, RI 36 miles/50 minutes

Public Transportation - Peter Pan/Bonanza Bus

By Rail:

Amtrak Kingston Station - West Kingston, RI 18 miles/30 minutes

Public Transportation - Reserved Car Service (401) 295-1100 or Rhode Island

Public Transit Authority

Amtrak Providence Station - Providence, RI 34 miles/45 minutes

Public Transportation - Bus or Ferry service by Rhode Island Public Transit



Perhaps the most attractive characteristic of Newport is the ability that thedestination has to appeal to a variety of travelling styles. Newport is home tomiles of scenic coastline ideal for exhilarating sailing excursions, relaxing beachtime, and rejuvenating walks. Although a small town in a small state, there isplenty to do in Newport. You can take a chartered boat tour which will take youall around the harbour including Jamestown and Block Island. There arebeautiful cliff walks to enjoy. You can also go to Ocean Drive and see themansions – you can even take a tour inside one! The tour of Breakers House ishighly recommended. If you fancy a break from Newport, you could head off toProvidence for the day, either by bus or by boat. A great way to spend a fewhours is to rent kayaks and go in and around all the wharfs. The city-by-the-sea'shistoric waterfront downtown is filled with cobblestone shopping wharves linedwith antique stores, art galleries, resort clothing shops, and specialty shops. Besure to stop by the Newport Visitors Centre to pick up the official DestinationNewport Coupon Book loaded with valuable savings throughout the city. Finallycheck out the "Tennis Hall of Fame" on Bellevue, next to "La Forge" restaurant.

Some of the Newport hotspots include:

The Boom-Boom-Room, Clarke Cooke House, Bannister Wharf (401) 849 2900

The Landing, 30 Bowen’s Wharf (401) 847 4514

Rhino Bar, 337 Thames Street (401) 846 0707

Studio 3, 2 Pelham Street (401) 842 0322

There are parties on boats most nights if you find some rich Americans!

Again, as with many seaside resorts, house parties provide the main source ofentertainment among Irish students.


Accommodation in Newport isn’t considered too hard to find. However, mostplaces do require the rent up front so be careful with this and be prepared to paya large sum. The main thing to remember is by law you are only allowed have 5-unrelated people living in the one house or apartment in Newport! That meansthat only 5 names can go on the lease although, most people do cram in as manyas possible, to keep down the rent.

If cops come around, all the extras are usually“visitors”!Brewer St. is a great place to live with loads of students. Some of the propertiesare big houses with three apartments. Brewer St. is right in the centre of Newportnear all shops, restaurants etc. It’s close to the bus station, and only a few stepsaway from the library.

The main Street in Newport is Thames St so any street located off this would beideal example: Anne St, Brewster St. The Broadway and Memorial areas are alsopopular.

Newport realty: Carey Richmond & Viking, (401) 849 7000.

For both jobs and accommodation it is advisable to avoid anywhere inMiddletown, it is too far away!

Look at the local newspaper; that might be ofsome help. Also, the website address for the Newport Chamber of Commerce is

The following is a list of websites that may prove useful when searching foraccommodation in Newport.

(start looking from the bottom of the page -cheaper)

(the metro is a free newspaper in Boston)


There are plenty of shops and restaurants on or around the Wharfs in Newport,many of which are known for employing Irish students for the summer months.

Some of these include - on Bowen's Wharf - The Sail Loft, on Bannister's Wharf -Mark, Fore & Strike, Soft as a Grape and Rockport. The Newport Creamery hasalso employed J1ers in the past and has two stores in Newport, one on Bellevueand one by the Gap store. The Fudge shop on Thames St. also takes on a lot ofIrish students. Another good place to look up is Remax on Memorial Boulevard.

The "La Forge" restaurant on Bellevue and Aidan’s bar on Broadway also areknown to take on Irish students.

Some more job leads include:

New York Yacht Club (waitressing, maintenance and waterfront, alsocalled Harbour Court if looking for directions!)

Ide Lewis Yacht Club

Nikolas pizza restaurant

Hotel Viking

Vanderbilt Hall hotel

The Chandler Hotel

A point to note when seeking employment in bars and restaurants is thatemployees are required to be at least 21 years of age to serve alcohol, so that willlimit some students in their choices when it comes to job searching.

Guys – if you don’t mind a bit of manual labour you should check out - the Newport Tent Company employs a lot of ableyoung men to erect tents in and around the Newport area. The hours are longand the mornings are early, but the money is good and it’s a great way ofmeeting people.


Tip between 15%-20% on your restaurant/bar bill or cab-fare. $1 per drinkotherwise.

Minimum wage is $7.10 p/h, except in tipping positions where it's $2.83 - $3.09p/h

If under 21 don't look for bar/waiter/waitressing work. It's not legal to servedrink as a minor.

Take the FIRST job you get, the first 3 weeks are the most expensive of thewhole summer, you can always leave when you get another one.

Negotiate when you're taking an apartment, it can't hurt & may save you afortune.

GET AIR CONDITIONING!Buy an air mattress from Sport-Mart before you leave Boston.

Kit out your apartment with 2nd hand stuff, it’s amazing what American’sthrow out!