A Short Description of the Activities

I planned the interdisciplinary project I Am Familliar with Maths in classes III c and II a in

the Powiatowe Gimnazjum nr 11 Szkół Ogólnokształcących

ul. Wyspianskiego 2

32-650 Kęty



to be carried out in the second part of April.

The objecticves were:

a. active objectives:

-  finding information and selecting it,

-  applying information,

-  planning and conducting research,

-  presenting the effects,

b.  detailed objectives (attitudes):

-  responsiblity,

-  regularity,

-  persistance,

-  readiness to co-operation,

-  openess to others,

-  creativity,

-  good ogranisation of work.

I planned 1 and half of month to finished the project. The work on the project in class II a was conducted by my colleague Bogusława Gugulska (a Maths teacher).

In calss III c the students could spend the right amount of time on the project and get involved in it more[1]. The fact that the project was an extra work for them and they could get a mark for it motivated them more. ( the knowledge gained while doing the project was not included in the curriculum).

The project was to be presented on 1st of June 2005 during the Festival of Science[2], whereas two groups ( I Am Famillar with Number Fi and Are the Polish Overweight?) presented the effect during a special meeting with the parents on 30th May 2005, and also showed its effects to the students of the first classes in Gimnazjum.

The work on the project went in accordance with the steps:

-  8 groups were chosen (mainly of 4 people, but there was one group of 5 boys, and 1 group of 2 people[3], and a one-person group[4]),

-  within one week each group chosen the topic,

-  they also came up with two new topics: The Polish- the Society of Information and Numerology and Horoscopes.

All the groups worked regularly.They took part in the meetings taht were held for them every week. The exeption[5] was the group of boys, which work on the project called The Room of My Dream as they didn’t complete the task on time. The pesentation was ogranised in different forms: a video or a DVD film show, a multimedia presentation, a website, a speech, a report, a folder. The effects of the students’ work were very good (I was positively surprised as it was prepared by the class where the avarage marks in the first term were the lowest of all the classes).

The students said that this form of work, although it required a lot of time, was very good. In the Self-Assessment[6] part they wrote what they thought of their work, what problems they faced. What they managed to do and what they didn’t manage to do. They were staisfied with this form of work as: ”Not only we find out about new things but also we learn how to co-

-operate with other people in the group and we get familliar with the difficult art of compromising.”

Self-assessment turned out to be a difficult task, although the students knew the suggested craiteria before they started working on the project. There was a discussion on every part conected with the assessment of the project and the assessment of the presentation, the jury was chosen. I suggesed that the jury should consist of me and the students (one student from each class), The students asked me to assess the effects by myself or with the other teachers. They said that they might be not objective as not everybody liked everybody in the class. The final assessment was done by the jury consisting of:

-  E. Zakrzewska, a Maths teacher,

-  A. Obidowicz, a Maths teacher,

-  A. Zielonka, a History teacher.

Each mark was discussed with the students in groups on 2nd June 2005 during a Maths lesson, it was explaind what was given the highest mark by the jury. I focued on the elements contcted with the content of the topic as well as the quality of the presenation and told the students what they should improve.

I think that the students liked with idea of project work. This method strenghens the integration in a group- group work in some cases caused that the relation between some of the students bacame closer. Previously their contact after school was rare and now it has been changed. During the project work the teachers were asked for help, mainly the Computer Studies teachers- E. Subik, P Kotlarczyk.

Personaly speaking, I got to know the students better, thier interests, skills and abilities as well as creativity.

Kęty, 20-06-2005 Elżbieta Zakrzewska


I.  Length of time: 1 and half month

II. Topic: An interdisciplinary project- ”I Am Familliar with Maths”.

I.  Objectives:

a. active objectives:

-  finding information and selecting it,

-  applying information,

-  planning and conducting research,

-  presenting the effects,

b.  detailed objectives (attitudes):

-  responsiblity,

-  regularity,

-  persistance,

-  readiness to co-operation,

-  openess to others,

-  creativity,

-  good ogranisation of work.

IV. Characteristics of Eduducational Material:

- Mathematics

- Biology

- Physical Education

- Art

-  History

-  Computer Studies

-  Physics

-  Geography

-  Statistics

-  Technics

V.  Requirements:

The project is an extra work for the students. This work can be assessed. The information gained thanks to the project is not included in the curriculum.

VI. Planning of work technique:

-  using the information technology.

VII.  Description of Conducting the Project:

1.  Forming groups.

2.  Choosing tthe topic.

3.  Searching for information.

4.  Planning the project (an experiment)

5.  Carrying out the project and presenting it.

6.  Assessing (the criteria of the assessment are enclosed in attachment no1)

VIII List of the Topics:

-  A Room of My Dreams (building a model in a scale, estimating the cost, carrying out a survey on it, conclusions, comparing the costs,...)

-  Are the Polish Overweight? (interviewing the school nurse, a survey among the school-mates, coefficient BMI, the connection between physical activity and the build.,..)

What Does Jumping Ability Depend On?

-  Clocks ( the history of clocks, making a sun clock, a water-glass, a star-nocturnal clock,...)

-  A Historical Map of Poland’s Area (the population, charts with the number of population, how it changed and why, which city was the capital for the longest period of time, models of settlements,...)

Taking Measures of Buildings in the Area.

The Electric Energy- How to Save It?

-  I Am familliar with Number Fi

-  The Symmetry in Our Surrounding (the art., the architecture, floors, stain-glasses, buildings, leaves, snow-flakes,...)

The Statistic Characteristic of Our Class.

Assessment of the project

Topic of the project
Form of the presentation / Date of the presentation
Assessment of the project work / Assessed skillls / Points 1- 6

Precise topic expression

Proper and clear objective qualification

Proper selection and choice of information
Use of the computer programs
Precise elaboration of effects and conclusions
Choice of proper methods and tools
Essential correctness
Aesthetics of work
Meeting the deadline of the project
Creativity of work
Points given for doing the project
Assess-ment of the presentation / visible, separate stages of presentation
keeping the contact with recipients
meeting the deadline
use of time of presentation
attractivness of presentatyion-visualisation

Number of points given for presentation

Total number of points given for the project / Total number of points
Marks: : excellent 100% - 95% max points 69% - 50% satisfactory
very good 94% - 85% 49% - 40% poor
good 84% - 70% 39%- 0% unsatisfactory
-assess-ment / - what did you manage to do, what didn’t you manage to do?
-  why didn’t you manage to do it?
-  which task was the most difficult to do?
-  did you manage to achieve the aim?
-  did you meet the deadline?
-  was it easy to collect the materials?
-  did everybody join the work?
-  did you have problems with making decisions?
-  what would you improve?
-  do you enjoy this form of work?


Project Assessment Sheet

Pedagogical Requirements
Essential Dimension;
-  usefulness of the content in everyday life (concsiousness of usefulness of subjects- a student learns more than the curriculum of the subjects offers),
-  accuracy of the objectives,
-  accuracy of the chosen material,
-  presence of problems that require to be solved(a student gains knowlegde in experience and puts is in action),
-  accuracy of the chosen topic – usefulness, reach, oryginality, attractiveness,
-  connection with the students’ interests,
-  dependence of the requirements on objectives,
-  possibilities of doing the project.
Didactic Dimenssion:
-  accurate choice of method/techique of teaching,
-  accurate coice of work form,
-  accurate choice of didactic appraches,
-  usefulnes of homework.

Social Dimension

-  ability to co-operate in a group, solve conflicts, make decisions, negotiate,
-  ability to work organisation (devision of duties, to meet deadlines, be responsibe for yourself and others as well as for the effects of your work),
-  ability to communicate and keep contact in different situations,
-  ability to present your point of view and understand the points of views of different people,
-  ability to search for, order and use informaton from different sources and an ability to use information technology in an effective way,
-  developing of the ability to think independently and creatively,
- ability to plan the work independently, activity and to do the planned work independently as well as to be responsible for it.
-  independence in making decisions,
-  independent inquiring, developing skills of exploration,
-  development of resourcefulness, imagination,
-  developing the right attitude towards people and work,
-  learning through work ( learning based on co-operation in a broad meaning of this word),
-  assessing,
-  assessing of behaviour,
-  getting more involved.

Political Dimension

-  developing of skills of practical activities,
-  preparing for public speeches, debates and discussions,
-  develpouing of skills of co-operation in groups, compromising, negotiationg
(without mutual understanding, an ability to lead a dialogue and co-operation it is difficult to have good or very good effects of any activities),
-  developing of skills to justify your decissions and ideas,
-  developing of skills to analyse different situations, arguements,
-  developing of leading a dialogue and listening to others.
-  using the right to information,
-  the right and need of critical receiving of information,
-  clasifying information according to its usefulness to doing the project,
-  assessing,
-  assessing of attitudes,
-  creating your opinions.

Ethical Dimension

Creating values:
- activity,
-  responisibility,
-  caring for commonwealth,
-  community,
-  co-operation and mutual responsibility,
-  freedom,
-  tolerance,
-  being involved,
-  consequence, concluding, reflection.

Elżbieta Zakrzewska

School phone:033-845-37-30

„ Maths in a Project ”

Topic / Are the Polish Overweight? / I Am Familliar with Number Fi . / Symmetry in Our Surrounding . / The Room of My Dreams.
FACTS / -  Preparing the theoretical part connected with the topic of overweight ( including giving the defincion of BMI coefficient, using it in connection with a certian group of people) .
-  Preparing the broshure about overweight, carring out interviews , making a DVD film. / -  Giving the definition of FI number, examples and certain dependences .
-  Making simple calculation on given examples. / -  Revising the
definition of the
central and axial
symmetry, the axis
symmetry of a firgure,
- Noticing and
figures in practice. / -Revising the definition of scale, the similarity of scale.
-  Revising the definition of theorem of relation of areas and sizes of similar figures.
-  Making calculations concerning the area, size, cost.
SKILLS/ACTIVITIES / 1. The student can plan their activities, e.g. gathering information and carry the plan out.
2. The student chooses the right terms, expressions and uses them in the right way.
3. The student reads information given in a form of text, table, chart or formula.
4. The student selects information, analyses it, presents in in a clear way and uses in practice
5. The student presents the effect of thier work in different ways. / 1. The student can plan their activities, e.g. gathering information and carry the plan out.
2. The student chooses the right terms, expressions and uses them in the right way (e.g. the increasing sequence)
3. The students reads information given in a form of text.
4. The student selects information, analyses it, presents in in a clear way and uses in practice
5. The student presents the effect of thier work in different ways. / 1. The student can plan their activities, e.g. gathering information and carry the plan out.
2.The students chooses the right terms, expressions and uses them in the right way in practice.
3. The student presents the effects of thier work in different ways. / 1. The student can plan their activities, e.g. gathering information and carry the paln out.
2. The student chooses the right terms, expressions and uses them in the right way.
3. The student gathers and reads information given in a form of text, table, chart, formula, presents them clearly and uses in practice.
Topic / The Statistical Characterization of Our Class. / What Does Jumping Depend On? / The Historical Map of Poland/Region / Measuring the height od Objects in the Area.
FACTS / -  Preparing and carrying out the right surveys (gathering information on your own).
-  Using the elements of descriptive statistics.
-  Carrying out an interview with a nurse. / -  Carrying out examinations on a given group of people
-  Making hypothses and verifying them. / - Using the similarity, scales and theorems concering the areas of similar figures. / -  Using different technical equipment ( e.g. string, tape-measure ...), different sources of information.
-  Using theoretical knowlegde ( e.g. The Thales theorem).
SKILLS/ACTIVITIES / 1. The student can prepare a plan of activities e.g. gathering information and carry it out.
2. The student chooses the right terms, expressions and uses them in the right way.
3. The student presents the gathered information in diagrams and charts.
4. The students selects information, analyses it, interprets it and clearly presents it.
5. The student presents the effects of their work in different ways. / 1. The student can prepare a plan of activities and carry it out.
2. The student selects information, analyses it and clearly presents it.
3. The students notices some dependences.
4. The student presents the effects of their work in different ways. / 1. The student can prepare a plan of activities and carry it out.
2. The student selects information, analyses it.
3. The student presents the effects of their work. / 1. The student can prepare a plan of activities e.g. gathering information and carry it out.
2. The student selects information, analyses it, clearly presents it and uses in practice.
3. The student presents the effects of their work.

[1] Earlier the students had been preparing for the final exams (besieds, they did their homework and revised the material from the previous years).