In “Becoming A Christ-Centered Disciple-Making Church” Let’s Consider...

“7. The Life Of Discipleship: The Andrew Model – Bringing A Boy”

Text: John 6:1-13

Theme – Purpose - Introduction

Theme: Our theme has been “Becoming A Christ-Centered, Disciple-Making Church.” We began with the “Lesson Of Discipleship” from the “Sermon on the Mount” in Matthew 5 thru 7. Now, we’re using the disciple named Andrew as an example of the “Life Of Discipleship.” We observed the beginning of Andrew’s own discipleship experience with Christ. Then we looked at Andrew’s interest in bringing a family member to Jesus, namely his brother Simon. In today’s session we’ll see that there was a “great company” (Matthew 6:5) that followed Jesus. In the company was a boy whom Andrew brought to Jesus.

Purpose: What can we do to more effectively disciple people and bring people into deeper relationship with Jesus within our company, within our church and congregation? In today’s study, we want to magnify three elements that are absolutely necessary to such a process. If we want to become a Christ-centered, disciple-making church then we must have the element of caring. We must have the element of commitment; and we must understand that it is all in vain without the central element of Christ and His work.

Introduction: Dr. Howard Hendricks has been a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary since 1951, but his Christian experience began with the invitation of a Sunday school teacher in north Philadelphia named Walt. In his book, Teaching To Change Lives, Dr. Hendricks recalls, “Walt picked up a total of thirteen boys in that community for his Sunday school class... nine were from broken homes. Eleven of the thirteen are now in full-time vocational Christian work. I can’t tell you much of what Walt said to us, but I can tell you everything about him... because he loved me for Christ’s sake.”

Nineteen centuries before Walt, a fellow named Andrew was faithfully following the Lord Jesus “into a desert place belonging to the city called Bethsaida” (Luke 9:10). As Mark tells us “when the day was now far spent” the disciples said, “Send them away ... for they have nothing to eat,” but Jesus felt a responsibility to the crowd and He said, “How many loaves have ye? go and see” (Mark 6:35-38). As some of the disciples were saying, “Send them away;” Andrew, with less skepticism and more concern, was singing, “Hark! ‘tis the Shepherd’s voice I hear; Out in the desert dark and drear... Bring them in; bring them in.” Like Walt after him, Andrew brought a boy to Jesus. Let’s notice what happened.

Main Message

A. Notice What Happened When Caring Took Over

We know very little about this boy. In fact only John’s account of the feeding of the five thousand even mentions him. I think it is safe to conclude, though, that Andrew must have expressed an interest in him. Out of the “five thousand men, beside women and children” (Matthew 14:21), there must have been others who had bread; but Andrew’s heart was drawn to this boy. Out of such a vast audience this little unnamed boy had the opportunity to come close to the Lord. How did it happen? Andrew must have extended an invitation to him. I’ve talked to many people who said that they became involved in church simply because someone showed interest in them and invited them. It’s a simple principle, but it works!

B. Notice What Happened When Commitment Took Over

Some of the disciples were focusing upon the desert location and the lateness of the hour, and others saw the multitude as too big and the money as too small. However, in the midst of all of this negativity we see the commitment of this leader named Andrew. Jesus had told them to go and see how many loaves they had, and Andrew simply obeyed (cf. Mark 6:38). The “barley loaves” pointed to his poverty, for the wheat bread would be reserved for the upper crust of society. The “two small fishes” were not lunch portions of flounder, but it speaks of a fish relish. His willingness to hand over what little bit he had to the Lord shows the commitment of this lad. The commitment of one or two can prove to be a blessing to many.

C. Notice What Happened When Christ Took Over

Earlier, Jesus asked Philip, “Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat? And this he said to prove him: for He himself knew what He would do (John 6:5-6). This little boy had no idea that he would fit into Christ’s plan, but Jesus knew; and Jesus can manifest His arrangements and make it clear what part He has in mind for you. He can bring reason and purpose into your life. In the boy’s hands, this was a meager lunch. But in Jesus’ hands it fed a multitude. Jesus can multiply your ability, and great things can happen when you yield what you have to Him.


On a snowy Sunday morning many years ago, a fifteen-year-old boy (let’s call him Charlie) slipped into a Methodist church service. Charlie later wrote, “The minister did not come that morning; he was snowed up, I suppose. At last, a very thin-looking man, a shoemaker, or tailor, or something of that sort, went up into the pulpit to preach.” Charlie was saved that morning, and he said, “My gratitude most of all is due to God... for the preached Word... addressed to me by a poor, uneducated man, a man who had never received any training for the ministry, and probably will never be heard of in this life, a man engaged in business, no doubt of a humble kind, during the week, but who had just enough of grace to say on the Sabbath, ‘Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth’.” We don’t know the layman’s name that preached, but we do know Charlie. I think you’ll recognize the name Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Would you be a Walt or an Andrew or an unidentified layman who is willing to bring someone closer to Jesus?