Below are the minutes from the May 12th, 2007 meeting. Please forward any comments and/or corrections that you’d like considered being incorporated into these minutes.

The Geneseo Hills Homeowner’s Association Board met at the well house #3 office. In attendance were: Gary Gallens, Gus Stetter, Teresa Mahsem, and Brian Spindel.

The Treasurer reported bills were paid to:

 Farmer’s Mutual$ 428.18

 Water System Repair 128.21

 Chemical & Analysis 505.44

 Misc (light at well house & pump parts) 40.64

 Total $1,102.47


 Water & Street Lights $6,500.00

 Money Market Interest 32.82

 Total $6,532.82

The money market balance is: $26,652.22

The checking account balance is: $12,590.03

The board agreed to move $7500 out of the checking account and deposit it into the money market account. The board received a bill from Emerson Excavating for a water service location on a lot that was sold. The board had a discussion about sending that bill back to the realtor company since they sold the lot with the agreement that the water service would be located. The board was not informed of this agreement until after we were asked to locate the service on the lot. Gary turned in some receipts for dirt and seed, which were used to do lawn repairs. Gary made a motion to accept the report, and Gus 2nd it. Motion passed 4-0.

Teresa made a motion to accept the minutes from the Secretary, for the April meeting. Gary 2nd it. Motion passed 4-0.

Old Business:

 The mowing schedule is finished and is out.

 Speed limits are a county thing. Previous boards have tried unsuccessfully to get them changed. SO PLEASE WATCH YOUR SPEED IN THE ADDITIONS. IT’S NICE OUT, AND THE KIDS ARE OUTSIDE.

 Bids for the new water system are now closed, and the EPA is evaluating them. They should respond back to us in 60 to 90 days.

 PDC will continue to test the water. The bill monthly for us, and they are quicker than having the state test them.

 Teresa is continuing to researching the mailboxes for the well house.

 The board will pursue engineering and bids for the work to be done on the well house for the new system.

 The county and EPA is trying to get us on the re-imbursement list for filling in well #3.

 Gary and Merle will start late night flushing of the hydrants, so it shouldn’t affect too many people. A sign will be posted informing homeowners when it will take place.

 The sign on Wolf Rd will be put back up after completion of the intersection, and a designated area is given.

 The board received its compliance waiver from the EPA.

 No response has been received yet on the Customer Confidence Report.

 Teresa presented an early format for the newsletter that will soon be in circulation for the homeowners. Everyone agreed with the direction it was heading.


 The by-law revisions are still at the lawyer’s office for his approval.

 The road repairs have started on the addition. Geneseo Hills is on the county list to have them totally resurfaced.

 The new flush hydrants have been put on hold until the proposals come back on the well house modifications.

New Business:

 The board received the proposal from the At Edge Company, for the new water system. It is the same proposal as what is already on the web site.

 The board received its notice for its 3 year inspection of the well houses by the EPA. More to come on that.

The next board meeting will be held on June 12th, 2007, in the office of well house #3.

Brian made a motion to adjourn, and Teresa 2nd it. Motion passed 4-0.