Junior High Service Learning Program Rubric- 7th Grade
Educational Goals
By Sept. 28, 2012, studentinvestigates and
submits a comprehensive service
proposal for the
year, that includes preparation, direct service, and reflection to the Service Coordinator. / Student submits
a late proposal for the year, and/or doesn’t show direct service, and/or
personal growth goals aren’t noted. / Student does submit a service proposal for the year on time, that indicates minimal
preparation and contact with those being served, and unclear personal growth goals. / Student submits
a service proposal for the year on time, indicates preparation and direct contact with those being served, and clearly
expresses goals for personal growth. / Student submits a service proposal for the year on time,demonstrates significant preparation, communication and interaction with the served community, and notes challenging personal goals.
Meets genuine needs through direct service. / Student does
incomplete service, with no interaction with those being served, and no
written and signed service log. / Student does service and turns in incomplete or late service log. / Student does
service, and a
written and signed
service log. / Student does direct service, with a signed and written service log with detailed service given.
Meets yearly
timeline for
10 hours of service.
Nov. 8, 2012
March 1, 2013
May 3, 2013 / Student completes less than 2 hours by the First Trimester, less than 5 hours of service by the end of the Second Trimester, and doesn’t complete 10 hours for the year. / Student completes 2 hours of service by the First Trimester, less than 5 hours of service by the Second Trimester, and doesn’t complete 10 hours of service by the May deadline. / Student completes 2 hours of service by the First Trimester, 5 hours by the Second Trimester, but doesn’t complete 10 hours by the May deadline. / Student completes 5 hours of service by the Second Trimester and 10 hours of service by the May deadline.
Student creates a visual presentation of service including the Service Reflection form, by the May 16, 2013deadline, meeting the criteria as defined by the Service Coordinator. / Student doesn’t submit
a poster or binder presentation, meeting the required criteria,by the due date. / Student submits a poster or binder presentation, meeting some of the criteria, by the due date. / Student submits a poster or binder presentation, meeting the required criteria, by the due date. / Student submits a creative visual presentation and detailed reflection, that meet the required criteria, by the due date.
Religion Grade = Your service grade will be incorporated into your overall Religion grade each trimester.
2655 Homestead Road
Santa Clara, CA 95051
408 248-1094 Ext. 22
Student Name______Grade ______
Service Organization ______
Date(s) of Service______
Please explain in detail who was served and what you learned from your service.
Supervising Adult of Service (please print)______
Supervisor’s Signature______
Contact Information______
Total # Hours ______Minutes ______
Service Reflection
1. How did you grow as a Child of Faith during this service?
2. Did you have to make decisions based on Gospel values during this service? Describe.
3. What challenges did you face during this service?
4. How did you grow as a lifelong learner and/or responsible citizen as a result of this service?
5. Would you do this service again? Why?
Visual Presentation Rubric
A. Appearance
_____Display may be no larger than a tri-fold standard presentation board.
_____Your name and title of your presentation are clearly noted.
_____Your presentation is done neatly and shows pride in your work.
B. Essay of Service
_____Narrative of an introductory paragraph, a minimum of 3 to 4 detail paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.
_____Narrative includes the name or nature of the community served, a description of your service, your purpose in choosing the service you
did, and how you grew from this service.
_____Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation used.
_____Service Reflection form is displayed.
C. Creativity
_____How interesting is your presentation? Did you use quotes from interviews, examples of brochures, photos, and other visuals?
D. Turned in by May 16, 2013due date.
Some Service Resources
All service must be approved by your parents.
1. Fall Tea = 2 hours.
Contact – Flora Freitas
2. Community Ministry Sunday Luncheon and BINGO for Seniors = 3 hours.
Ongoing food distribution Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Contact – Joe Bauer 1 408 296-1193 x109
3. Scouting Troop or Veterans’ organization placing American flagson military gravestones
on Veterans’ Day = 1 to 2 hours.
Contact – Mr. Doyle Bennett or your local Scout Leader
4. Catholic Charities. Girls’ Empowerment Program
Contact – Linda Pippin
5. Bill Wilson Center Youth Shelters (Knitting Club makes scarves and hats)
Contact – Jessica Paz-Cadillos
6. St. Justin Parish as an altar server at weekend Masses = up to 6 hours.
Contact – Mr. Steve Russell
7. St. Justin Parish in music ministry at weekend Masses = up to 6 hours.
Contact – Mrs. Mercy Navarro or Lillian Kwiatkowski
8. Catechetical Ministry.
Contact – Ms. Tracy Sivegny
9. Lunch SJS Reading Club (older students read with emerging readers)
Contact - Mrs. Chris Washburn 30 min./lunch
10. Assist a parent approved senior citizen not related to you (ex. plant a garden,
water and/or mow the lawn, help with grocery shopping . . .)
11. Community Service Organization: YMCA, HumaneSociety, Senior Center, Boy’s
and/or Girl’s Club, the Red Cross, a LocalEnvironmental Group, Special Olympics, and so on. Must have parental approval.
12. Sort food/gifts for Thanksgiving/Christmas/Easter baskets through
the Community Ministry or other organization.
Contact – Joe Bauer 1 408 296-1193 x109
13. Earth Day tree planting or clean-up activities with an approved organization
or supervisor.
Contact – Catholic Green Initiative at the Chancery
14. Knights of Columbus outreaches.
Contact – Gary Delucchi 1 408-472-1299
15. Daughters of Charity Residence in Los Altos (visits with the Sisters)
Contact- Marla Zamorano 1 650-949-8802
16. Ongoing layette items (fleece blankets, knitted caps etc.) –
Ladies Guild Contact – Joan Hastings 1 408-243-6745
St. Justin School Junior High Service Proposal
(due to Ms. Aguilar by Sept. 30)
Name ______Grade______
Name of Organization(s)______
Adult Contact(s) ______
Goals of Service for the Person(s) Being Served (be specific)
Timeline for Service: 1st Trimester______
2nd Trimester______
3rd Trimester______
Personal Growth Goal(s)______
Parent Signature(s)______
Approval Date ______by ______
SJS Service Coordinator