Main user types:

racing athletes

User profile : Bodybuilders

  1. # of users that occupy this user type: ~ 20,000.
  1. General responsibilities or activities: a description of the product and create Facebook feedback
  1. Computer skills: basic user(someone who knows how to use internet)
  1. Domain expertise: user must know the ground rules of using the UFS. For example how to exercise, how to eat and use the UFS.
  1. Goals: gain more muscle
  1. Pain Points: recommendation problems and how to use to become more effective
  1. Usage Contexts: people who are on Facebook and body building, any place where there is internet connection e,g: café, gym, library etc…
  1. Tool Ecosystem: excel, word, other blogging sites etc…
  1. Collaborators: trainers, personal and fellow trainers
  1. Frequency of Use: everyday

Body builders story

Body builders can

User story “As, want, so that”

As a bodybuilder, I want to improve my recovering process, so that I can build more muscles.

As an UFS owner, I want to sell these products, so that I can earn money.


Kalle 24-years old

Working, playing ice-hockey, workout at gym

Computer skills average: Using Facebook, Google, and email.

Goals: He wants to be in good shape, enhance health and look good.

Problems: Timing, don’t have always time for hobbies, difficulty of training programs(how to find a program, which really works)

Collaborators: Ice-hockey team and gym mates

Frequency of use: achieve the goals: 3-6 times a week, 1-2 hours each time.

How to help Kalle so that he finds a good training program and help timing so that he gets enough rest (because of hard work and 2 hobbies).


Petri 30 years old, construction worker, single

Computer skills: quite lame computer skills , can pay bills and use google

Quotes: Used to: “Hard work, chilling at home”, Going to be:” Still working hard, but fixing the lifestyles by training and eating right”

Goal: Lose some weight and get better muscle condition

Motivation: Wants to look good and feel good

Problems: Don’t know how or where to start

Relevant demographics: Other singles who are living alone in a quite small apartment

User story: Former couch potato who is fed up with his bad condition and his poor eating habits and wants to get in shape by training in the gym and by jogging, wants to find a women and settle down, don’t know how to start because of poor knowing about sports.

“As a couch potato who haven’t exercised for a long time I want lose some weight and get better muscle condition, so that I would look and especially feel better”

DoD: How to help persons like Petri to find the information about nutritions, how to eat right and how to train right. We have to help Petri to find his way to the page of wrange and have to find people who would help Petri to train and eat right.