Longhouse Project
The Iroquois Indians lived in longhouses. They made these houses from things found in nature. Most longhouses were made of bendable saplings and vines. Your assignment is to create a model of an authentic longhouse.
The model may show the longhouse from the outside or it may be created as a “cutaway” version and show the inside also. The longhouse should be built on a base or flat, portable surface that you can easily carry. The majority of the work should be done by you. Adult assistance is allowed, especially when you are using tools such as a glue gun, but remember that this is your project.
You will want to collect building materials from your yard or the forest to build the model. Some suggested materials to use to create the authentic longhouse are: twigs, bark, grasses, vines, leaves, mosses, thread, string, clay, glue, etc.
You will have three different books for our study of the Native Americans of New York. You may use any or all of these books as a references to help you create the model of the longhouse. The three main books are:
· Native Americans (a soft covered orange book)
· New York Yesterday and Today (a hard covered light blue book)
· New York, Adventures in Time and Place (a hard covered maroon and gold book - our primary social studies book)
In addition, you may want to use the website links below to help you:
An Iroquois village - http://www.nysm.nysed.gov/IroquoisVillage/villagetwo.html
Longhouse interior - http://www.nysm.nysed.gov/IroquoisVillage/images/figure3interiorlg.gif
While you are working on the model, please fill in the presentation sheet. This sheet will help you present your project to the class. (To print presentation sheet go to WEBFOLDER, and click on SOCIAL STUDIES, then on LONGHOUSE PRESENTATION SHEET)
GOOD LUCK & Have Fun!