A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor of Casey and Vance Davis for rescuing Isaac Nolt and his pony from the Green River.

WHEREAS, on February 10, 2014, Vance Davis was putting hay in the family's dog houses when he heard cries of help coming from the vicinity of the Green River in Casey County. Upon closer inspection, he saw that a young boy was trapped in the frigid water with his pony; and

WHEREAS, Vance quickly called his father, Casey County Clerk Casey Davis, and the elder Davis began to collect items he knew he would need for the rescue effort;

WHEREAS, rushing to the scene, Casey pulled close to the river in his four-wheeler, then wrapped a cable from the vehicle's winch around a jug; and

WHEREAS, Vance climbed a tree extending over the river and threw the jug into the water. On the second attempt the boy, 14-year-old Isaac Nolt, grabbed onto the jug and Vance proceeded to pull him to shore; and

WHEREAS, with the pony still trapped in the river, Casey and Vance hooked the cable to the animal's bridle. When the bridle broke, the pony slipped deeper into the water, and all hope seemed to be lost; and

WHEREAS, on a second try, Casey hooked the cable to the halter, pulling the animal safely onto the riverbank; and

WHEREAS, the entire rescue operation incredibly took 15 minutes; and

WHEREAS, this honorable body commends the work of those Kentuckians who give of themselves to help people in greatest need. Casey Davis and his son, Vance, are two such citizens, and they are hereby recognized on this day for rescuing Isaac Nolt and his pony. Their calm during the most trying circumstances imaginable should be duly acknowledged, as should their inventiveness and quick thinking as they risked their own safety to save the life of another;


Be it resolved by the Senate of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

Section 1. Casey and Vance Davis are duly honored for their heroism and their selfless sacrifice to their fellow man, and granted best wishes as they continue to be a model for citizens of their community and this great Commonwealth.

Section 2. When the Senate adjourns this day, it does so in honor of Casey and Vance Davis.

Section 3. The Clerk of the Senate is directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to Senator Jimmy Higdon for delivery.

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