Dan Required:
Shogo Required: _Renshi_ / Examination Place:__Spartanburg, South Carolina, USA
Date: __7_/_16_/20_06_
Surname / Forename(s) / Male / Date of Birth
Smith / Jane / * / _____42_____
Name in Japanese / Female / __1__/__18_/__64_ / Age
Address: 422 Cloud Drive
Redwood City, CA 94303
Present ANKF
Grade: ___5__Dan / Date Approved
_6_/_6_/2004 / Date Renshi Title Approved
Academic Record:
BS from San JoseState
University / Occupation:
Marketing Vice President
Kyudo Career / Seminar Attendance (last 3 years)
Year / Month / Record / Year / Month / Seminars
2004 / Apr 13
Sept 10
July 13
July 26
June 4
July 8
June 6 / Began kyudo in Kumamoto, Japan, under Fujiwara sensei
Began kyudo at San Jose Kyudo Club, San Jose, CA, USA
Shodan, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Nidan, San Jose, California, USA
Sandan, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Yondan, San Jose, CA, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Currently studying under Susan Heart, godan, at the Berkeley Kyudo CLub / 1997
2004 / July
June / Attended Kyudo USA 97 at Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Attended Kyudo USA 98 at San Jose, CA, USA
Attended Kyudo USA 2000 at
Indianapolis, IN, USA
Attended Kyudo USA 2001 at
San Jose, CA, USA
Attended Kyudo USA 2004 at
Indianapolis, IN, USA
Performing test in Rissha
Jane Smith
Signature of Applicant
Date: _3_/_28_/20__06_
Assessment of Candidate (To Be Completed by National President)
Details of Contribution:
National President: Signature:
NB. 1. Use original only and write in block letters. Copies not allowed
2. In the case of false information, the application will be disqualified
3. 1 year should have elapsed since passing the previous grade/title
4. Write age at the time of examination
5. Only international seminar attendance is required / Receipt

Notes for the Renshi application:

Kyudo Career: The first word in each paragraph is the rank obtained so it is very easy to follow the significant points in the student’s career just by running down the column. And of course the student’s seminar history is obviously more extensive that what is written here but she has followed the notes which ask the student to only list the last three years or so of the student’s seminar history.

Also, note how exact dates, not just month and year have been written. This is important for renshi candidates as they must wait a minimum of one year to the day before attempting the renshi test after obtaining their godan rank.

Rissha: Note how the test candidate has clearly indicated on her test form that she is performing the test in “rissha” or standing form. A doctor’s note must be attached to this test application explaining the reason.

Signature of National President: Although it says “national” president, this space is for the signature of the American federation president this candidate is affiliated with. The federation president should sign his or her name and also write the federation name in this space.

NB. Although the notes ask the applicant to write in block letters, the ANKF office has confirmed that using a typewriter or a word processor is acceptable also.

Not seen on the application: One of the most important things about this application is what you don’t see; she has made a copy of it before turning it in to the federation president. That way she’ll have a good working copy for reference when she fills out her next test application form and won’t have to remember all the seminar dates, test ranks and everything else. And she is making this copy for her own kyudo folder and not relying on her teacher to do it for her. Another good job!