JUNE18, 2015

A regular meeting of the Town Board was held on June18, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium.

Item 1 – Roll call and Pledge of Allegiance. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees;Isbell, Rohn, Ross and Mayor Moser. Attorney Rocklin was also present.Absent: Trustees Daniels, Heaton and Moos.

Item 2-Review of the Minutes of the May21stmeeting. TrusteeRoss moved to approve the minutes as written, seconded by Trustee Isbell. Motion carried 3-0.

Item 3–Continue discussion of trailer parking in residential areas. The board listened to input from three local business owners: Jeff Payne, Scott Schreiber and Kurt Hartshorn, who have trailers. Assistant Administrator, Jeff Schreier reported his findings on how other towns/cities are dealing with this issue. Gary reported that there are some subdivisions with HOA’s that do not allow parking of any trailers. Concluding questions and discussion Trustee Ross moved to amend the existing ordinance: section 15-4-2 to 72 hours rather than 24 hours and have the revised ordinance prepared for the board’s approval at the July meeting, seconded by Trustee Rohn. Motion carried 3-0.

Item 4–Library Board appointment – Julie Finn. TheBoard received a letter from the Eaton Library Board of Trustees requesting appointment of Julie Finn to fill a seat vacated on the Library Board by Ms. Tracy Schroth, whose term expires March of 2018. Ms. Finn resides at 1384 Colorado Parkway in Eaton. Concluding discussion,TrusteeRohnmoved to approve the appointment of Julie Finn to the Library Board of Trustees, seconded by Trustee Isbell. Motion carried 3-0.

Item 5 –Special recognition for Dave Sloan for his role in completing the new library addition. Gary expressed appreciation and recognition for the job Dave, library board president, has done on the new library addition. Dave provided an update of the project. The mayor, trustees and staff presented DaveSloan with a plaque thanking him for his dedication. The library will be hosting a grand opening for the new addition/remodel on August 1, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.

Item 6 – Special event liquor licenses: 1) Eaton Days Street Dance and 2) Eaton Industrial Park Grand Opening. Theboard received a request from Eaton Sertoma Club for a special events permit for July 10th to serve alcohol at the Eaton Days Street Dance. Concluding discussion Trustee Isbell moved to grant the request, seconded by Trustee Ross. Motion carried 3-0. Gary provided information regarding the special events permit for the grand opening of the Eaton Industrial Rail Park for July 16th to serve alcohol. Concluding discussion Trustee Isbell moved to grant the request, seconded by Trustee Rohn. Motion carried 3-0.

Item 7 -Citizen comments/questions. None.

Item 8-Reports.

- Chief Mueller provided an update on activities in the police department.

- Gary reported there will be a NISP Press Conference and Rally on July 2nd.

- Provided a copy of the letter sent to 14 property owners regarding repairs of sidewalks giving owners the option to have the Town pay for the work to be done and allow the owners up to 12 months to reimburse the Town at no interest or complete the repairs on their own. 4 owners have chosen to pay the town.

- Dispatch contract has been received and will be reviewed.

Trustee Ross provided an update on the MPO.

Item 9 – Adjourn. Having no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:59 p.m.

Erika C. Bagley, Town Clerk