Chapter 8
Properties of CFLs
A pumping lemma for CFLs
Let L be an infinite CFL.
Then some integer
m > 0
such that any w L
with |w| m
can be decomposed as
w = uvxyz
with |vxy| m
and |vy| 1(v and y cannot both be null)
such that uvixyiz L,i = 0, 1, 2, ....
Idea of Proof
- Since length of w L is arbitrarily long
the RHS of production is bounded,
we may have a derivation tree of arbitrary length from root to leaf.
- Number of variables in G is finite
Thus some variable (say A) repeats in the derivation
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S * uAz * uvAyz * uvyz
By applying the composite production
A * vAy multiple times (say i)
before using A * x
we get the string
uvixyiz L generated.
Note on inequalities:
We assume that in the derivations A ==>* vAy, and A ==>* x that only the variable A repeats (and none others – A is the first to repeat as was the case for the first repeating state in the regular pumping lemma). Thus the lengths of v, x, and y depend only on the productionsand are bound independently of w – this give a justification for |vxy| m.
Also, because we can eliminate all and unit productions, |vy| 1. One of v or y could be empty if all productions added terminals on to the right (or left).
Example 8.1
Show L = {anbncn : n 0} is not CF.
Opponent picks m.(“pumping value”)
We choose w = ambmcm L
Opponent chooses partition
|vxy| m
|vy| 1
Two possibilities:
Case I:If either v or y contain more than one type of terminal symbol,
Then w2 = uv2xy2z
Contains a b preceded by c
Or, an a preceded by b.
==> L
Case II:v and x contain substrings of am, bm, or cm
Since at most one of v and y is null,
w2 = uv2xy2z increases the number of at least one, maybe two,
but not all 3 types of terminal symbols.
==> L
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Example 8.1 Analysis
For crossover
v or y may have sequences like:
Case I:...aabb...aabbaabb
Case II:..bbcc..bbccbbcc
Case III:..aabb..bcc..aabb..bcc|aabb..b|cc
In case I, w has b before a==>w2 L
In case II, w has c before b==>w2 L
In case III, w has c before a, etc.==>w2 L
Since not both v and y can be null,
One of the cases must hold.
Thus: w2 L and L is not context free.
Pumping Lemma for Linear Languages
- Definition 8.1
A CFL L is linear if linear grammar such that L = L(G)
Note:All linear grammars are CFGs.
Review of linear grammar:
G is linear if, and only if, all productions of the form
A xBy,x, y *,B V
orA zz *
Question:We know that all linear languages are CFLs.
But is converse true?
That is, are all CFL’s linear?
- Just because a specific grammar is not linear does not imply that the language generated by it is not linear.
That is, perhaps there is an equivalent linear grammar.
- Use pumping lemma for proving not linear.
- Pumping lemma for linear languages
Theorem 8.2
Let L be an infinite linear language.
some positive m
such that w L, with |w| m
w can be decomposed as
w = uvxyz
with |uvyz| mDoes not involve x, “anchored” on the left and right
|vy| 1Same as before
such that:
uvixyiz L
i = 0, 1, 2, ....
Strings v and y to be pumped must be located within m symbols of the left and right ends of w, respectively – an anchoring property! (compare to regular pumping lemma).
x can be of arbitrary length within constraints of inequalities.
See example 8.6, p. 218.
Regular and Context Free Comparison
Property / Regular / Context FreeClosed under , concatenation, * / Yes / Yes
Closed under / Yes / No
Closed under complementation / Yes / No
Closed under homomorphism / Yes / ?
Closed under right quotient / Yes / ?
Closed under symmetric difference L1L2 / Yes / No – why?
Closed under reversal / Yes / ?
Algorithm for determining if L is , finite, / Yes / Yes
Algorithm for determining if L1 = L2 / Yes / No - see p. 219
A special for CFL’s: Theorem 8.5:
The intersection of a Context free language with a Regular Language is context free
Sometimes this can be a powerful theorem in proving properties of a language.
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