Coldside Community Planning Partnership met in November and was given a presentation on Child Sexual Exploitation in Dundee by Glyn Lloyd. The aim of this presentation was to raise awareness of CSE in Dundee and highlight Dundee’s response to this and to present the Action Plan to be implemented. Glyn highlighted the multi agency approach adopted by Dundee which included training to be cascaded to professionals and support which would be available for victims. Other agenda items included the Coldside School and Community Facility which is deemed to be progressing well and is on schedule for August 2018. The Environment Section continue to work closely with members of the community to deal with issues raised and work in partnership with the Regeneration Forum to address some of these.
Following comprehensive consultation with future users, the Dundee City Council Project Manager for this project presented detailed outline proposals to the Coldside LCPP at its meeting of 11 August 2015. The proposals were generally well received. The detailed design of the plans presented to the Coldside LCPP is progressing well and the next target is to submit the pre-application notice for planning in early 2016. There will be a 12 week consultation period including a public exhibition in Our Lady's Primary School around March 2016 with the Planning Application programmed for submission in April 2016. The project is still on programme for opening in August 2018
§ Health and Social Care Integration
Protecting People of All Ages Dundee
The Protecting People in Dundee Communications Group has teamed up with Dundee Community Safety Partnership and created a new Facebook page. If you have a Facebook page or are part of a service which uses Facebook you can ‘like’ this page by searching for ‘Dundee Community Safety Partnership. By adding this page you will be kept up to date with information about what Protecting People do to alert people to scams, door step traders etc. To find out more about reporting Protecting People concerns in confidence visit: www.dundeeprotects.co.uk.
§ Active Schools
St John's R C High school's dance programme includes 3 different classes per week starting with a Monday after school. This class offers a range of styles including Jazz and Contemporary where the class are currently working towards producing a contemporary piece for a competition taking place at the Caird Hall next year. Tuesday is the S1-S3 Street and Hip Hop class where the participants learn different techniques within these styles including House and Popping and these are put into routines. Finally Friday's class is for the schools Dance Crew - Revolution. They are currently the British Schools Champions and gained their title in Blackpool this year. The team have competed in many competitions over the past year and a half with exciting opportunities ahead. The dance programme allows participants to not only gain skills in dance, but to gain confidence, develop strong relationships with other pupils and ultimately to have fun. For more information contact Kris Brash 07903001810.
§ Hearing Voices Network (Haven)
The Hearing Voices Network provides a range of services for people who hear voices. The organisation had a successful AGM on 22 November and has elected a new committee. The organisation has been successful in attracting a range of funding to continue to provide services including a film project, training and a befriending project. The project also works with the acute psychiatric wards at Carseview in order to provide peer befriending. For more information on this project please contact Keith on 01382 223023.
§ CLD Central Youth Work Team
There will be new times for groups delivered from the Maxwell Centre as of the 6th January 2016. These will be:
Monday 5.45-7.15 pm Girls Only ages 10 to 12 years
Monday 7.15-8.45 pm Mixed Group ages 12 to 16 years
Wednesday 6.30-8.30 pm Mixed Group drop-in 6.30-8.30 pm
During the Monday evening Girls Group, the focus of learning is around issues that arise such as bullying, peer relationships, family relationships, school, drugs & alcohol and personal safety in the community. The girls also get involved in issues regarding their community and are always interested in getting involved in new pieces of work. The mixed group on Mondays will focus on the needs, issues and interests of young people and in the new year this group plan to participate in a joint piece of work with the One World Centre, which will raise awareness of global issues. There is also the opportunity to participate in a range of activities during this session.
The Wednesday group is a drop-in where Youth Work staff provide support and learning opportunities in a safe, friendly environment. At the drop-in, they provide art resources, games, pool table, table tennis, Xbox, computers and also have a music tutor providing guitar and keyboard tuition. For more information contact the Central Youth Work Team on 436380.
§ Highwayman Management Group
In addition to the ongoing IT classes based at the Central Library, there will be a new course:
There's an App For That! Starting in January 2016, The Hilltown Project will be running beginner’s classes for tablets and smart phones. Whether you've got a device that you need help with or would like to learn more before getting one call 431503 for details or to book a space.
§ One World Centre
The One World Centre’s Creative Community Programme which is supported through Dundee Partnership Community Regeneration Fund has enabled young people from the Coldside and Maryfield areas to share their unique backgrounds, identities, interests and passions. Working alongside an artist, young people have created amazing art pieces that express how they truly feel about global issues and the future of our world.
The latest exhibition of their work will be held at the Steeple Church in partnership with Hot Chocolate Trust. Opening Friday 4th December 4-7pm and continuing Saturday, Sunday, Monday 12-5pm. If you can make it please drop in to meet some of the young people involved and to enjoy the work on display. For more information please contact .
§ Coldside Regeneration Forum
The Coldside Regeneration Forum has funded equipment for a few of the local sheltered housing complexes with the aim of reducing isolation for older people by encouraging socialisation. Funding has contributed to the costs of new garden furniture, music equipment and a printer. Hearing Voices Network have also benefitted from Regeneration funding to help the group promote and extend the work of their café for their users.
§ Health Checks
Beverley Knight has taken up a post with Dundee Healthy Living Initiative and provides a drop in service for health checks at various locations around the Coldside Ward. These include the Recovery Café at Coldside Parish Church and Coldside Community Office. For more information contact Beverley at
§ Hilltown Out of School Club
A group of children from the Out of School Club joined members of “Nae Limits” at a Bygone Years event. The children recited the poems of local poet Joseph Lee. The HOOSC have also had their AGM and have successfully elected a new committee.
§ Community Regeneration Team
The play area at Alexander Street: Due to the site of this popular play area being within the demolition site the space has become derelict and looks shabby, due to issues of rubbish, dog fouling, rubble and the fencing being covered with barbed wire which was wrapped around the park. The children had cut the fencing back to access the play area, which was deemed as being hazardous. We have since managed to get the park tidied and the fencing removed and the park is now safe, although still very neglected looking. The Regeneration Forum has decided to fund a wall art project with Our Lady's RC Primary School which will make the area much more child friendly and welcoming. This will be achieved with the help of the local artist who originally raised concerns about the play area. We are hopeful that this will encourage a greater sense of community spirit in the area which is soon to be a hub of community activity in the coming years.
§ Dundee Healthy Living Initiative
DHLI in the Coldside Ward have established a food collection point for the Dundee Foodbank. Donations are being received at the United Free Church on Caird Avenue. Most of DHLI’s group operate from this Church Hall therefore the venue was identified as the most suitable collection location. The first collection was donated to the Foodbank and equated to 94.9kg which enables 10 individuals or 3 families to receive an emergency food parcel. For more information contact Alison on 831452.
§ Soul Garden
Soul Garden is now providing lunch for people at Coldside Parish Church on Monday lunchtime. The lunches are provided on a donation basis which means people pay what they can or what they feel the meal is worth. This will run for a trial period until the New Year and will then be reviewed.
7 January 2016 / - / Coldside Regeneration Forum 6pm at MAXwell Centre11 January 2016 / - / Hindmarsh Tenants and Residents Group
26 January 2016 / - / Coldside Workers Networking Lunch at Coldside Church 12.00 noon
23 February 2016 / - / Coldside Community Planning Partnership 6pm, Committee Room 3
Elaine Pratt
Communities Officer
November 2015