A proud provider of Infant Swimming Resource Self-Rescue® Lessons

Lesson Guidelines:

Thank you for enrolling your child with Infant Swimming Resource. Thefollowing Guidelines have been outlined and created to allow you to provideyour child with the best and safest experience during his/her participationin ISR Lessons. Many of these Guidelines have been established based onover 50 years of research and experience. Thus, they exist to protect the
health and wellbeing of your child.

1. Any child, that has not been potty trained for at least 6 months, is required to use a re-usable swim diaper. Disposable swim diapers will not be allowed in the pool, as they have proven to be ineffective in the pool environment. ISR will send new students a promotional code to order a swim diaper through theisrstore.com after registration. Please do not use this code, as your instructor will provide a swim diaper for new students the day of lessons. Refresher students can purchase a swim diaper from your instructor.

2. Diet is an important aspect of your child’s ISR Lesson Experience. Your child should not eat/drink high fat foods or dairy products within 2 hoursof their lesson time slot. All other food/drink should be avoided for 1 – 1½ hours before lessons. In addition, children under the ageof three (and sometimes older children) should avoid apple and peach productsthroughout the duration of their ISR Lessons. Please review the Diet section of your ISR PRB for moreinformation.

3. Promptness is a must. Your child’s lesson time is the time (s)he should be ready to begin the lesson. Please arrive early to dress your child. If behavioral issues arise, please do not dress your child for lessons at home. If you are late to lessons, I can give you what is left of your lesson time, if any is available, but cannot guarantee a full lesson or a lesson at all. If no lesson is given due to not being on time, it will not be considered a credit.

4. If you need to have a lengthy conversation about lessons, scheduling, etc., please contact your instructor via email or phone.

5. Please make sure your instructor has an “in route” number for you, if it is not available on the registration form. This is in case lessons have to be canceled suddenly. Please never assume lessons are not being given for ANY reason unless you receive notification from your instructor.

6. Please print the approved ISR registration and full BUDS and bring them on the first day. You should have received an email with both of these documents in them.

7. Picture taking is permitted and is highly recommended. Videotaping may be done on Fridays only. Your child must be dressed in a swim diaper and bathing suit/t-shirt/sunshirt for all pictures and videotaping.

8. If you will need to use the changing table for your child please bring 4 towels. One towel is to be placed on top of the changing table for surface protection and 3 towels for lessons as directed in the PRB. Refer to your ISR PRB for more info.

9. Please do NOT allow your child to wear/use any type of flotation devices (water wings, noodles, etc.) This WILL interfere with the lesson progression and also extend the amount of time your child will need in lessons. To further minimize the duration of lessons, you will want to ensure your child practices their skills properly when swimming for recreation. A child that practices incorrectly (including in the bathtub or on steps) will require additional time in lessons.

Thank you for your cooperation with these guidelines.

Please sign______Date______

Heather Smith · (904) 625 8934 · · www.watchthemswim.com

Michelle Auth · (904) 864 1182 · · www.swimjax.com