Date filled out: August 28, 2001
A) Project Information
1. Project Title: Los Osos Community Services District Wastewater Facilities Project2. Project Purpose – Problem / Goals ("why" the project):
Throughout Los Osos, high density of development using septic systems, sandy soils and shallow ground
water have contributed to ground water impairment (drinking water supplies) and surface water
degradation in the Morro Bay State and National Estuary. Widespread use of septic systems on small lots
has contributed to ground water degradation to such an extent that water supply wells throughout the
Community of Los Osos have been shut down and replaced with deeper wells. The very small lots
necessitate use of 15 to 25 foot deep seepaage pits, in lieu of leachfields, for wastewater disposal.
However, the already shallow water problems are made worse by the community’s shift away from using
the shallow aquifer (polluted with nitrates) and to pumping from the deeper aquifer. This results in
recharge of the shallow basin and rising ground water levels to such a degree that ground water surfaces
and seepage pits are actually sitting in ground water.
The resulting surface and ground water problems have been a priority for the Regional Board for thirty
Years. The community of 15,000 residents have struggled for more then twenty years to develop a
sewering plan for its constituents. The wastewater facilities treatment project is now through project
development and has an approved and certified EIR.. In June 2001, the voters approved a ballet measure
to form an assessment district to pay for the cost of the sewer project. Current projections indicate the
project will cost approximately $84 million and the per household assessment will be more than $100 per
month. This grant will off-set some of the cost and demonstrate to the community that the State/Regional
Board is willing to support resolution of its highest priority water quality problems with available grant
The project is the acquisition on an 81.18 acre site, the Broderson property. The total cost to purchase the
property is estimated at $4,650,000 dollars. The grant amount awarded by the State/ Regional Water
Quality Control Board is $2 million dollars. The additional $2,650,000 dollars needed to purchase the
property will come from bonds approved by the voters in June 2001 ballot initiative to enact a wastewater
assessment district. The use of the Broderson site will be for wastewater disposal and habitat mitigation.
Acquisition of the Broderson site will mitigate impacts associated with the development of the wastewater
treatment facility at the TRI-W site. The goal is to purchase additional habitat in the greenbelt to replace
that which would be lost to the development of the wastewater treatment facility. The purchased habitat
will be at a ratio in excess of that which is taken, and of a much higher quality. The mitigation also
includes the objective of improving the Broderson property through transplanting endangered species
or growth from new seeds of new stock.
3. Project Abstract (brief description of project): The proposed project is the acquisition of an 81.18
acre parcel known as the Broderson site, located at the southern end of Broderson Avenue and Highland
Drive,in the community of Los Osos. The purpose of the Broderson site is for wastwater disposal and
endangered species habitat mitigation. It is an important site that is considered a critical path in
wastewater disposal and is an essential component of the wastewater treatment facility. The District's
purchase of the Broderson site will satisfy all direct impacts of the wastewater facilities collection,
treatment, and disposal systems The Broderson property will be utilized as a reciever site for a Habitat
Conservation Plan designed to mitigate the loss of endangered species at the Tri-W site; the location of
the wastewater treatment facility.
The EIR identifies that leach fields will ultimately be constructed on an eight-acre portion of the site with
the remaining 73 acres to be utilized for habitat restoration and mitigation. The Broderson property is
designated critical habitat for the Morro Shoulderband dune snail and provides excellent habitat for the
Morro kangaroo rat (federally endangered) and Morro manzanita.
B) Project Contact:
Name: Bruce Buel / Job Title: LOCSD General Manager
Organization: Los Osos Community
Services District / Webpage Address:
Address:2122 Ninth Street
Phone: (805) 528-9370 / Fax number: (805) 528-9377
C) Project Time Frame: Refers to the implementation period of project.
From: The LOCSD Board will apoprove and authorize the Broderson Parcel purchase agreement on September 20, 2001. / To: Escrow scheduled to be completed for the purchase
of the Broderson site on or before July 31, 2002
D) Participant Information: Name all agencies/groups involved with project. : The Loso Osos
Community Services District.
E) Location: 074-022-073 and 074-022- 074. The parcel is located on the southern urban fringe of the Los Osos/ Baywood Park area. The site is west of the southerly extension of
Broderson Avenue, and south of Highland Drive.
1. Size of Project (include units):
Approximately 81.18 Acres / 2. Counties included in project: San Luis Obispo
H) Short-term Goals: : Acquire the Broderson site, which is a key component of the overall
wastewater treatment and disposal system for the community of Los Osos.
I) Long-term Goals: The ultimate long-term goal is to acquire the property and utilize the site for
wastewater disposal as well as for habitat mitigation in exchange for endangered species impacted at the
Tri-W site which is the location of the wastewater treatment facility. Ultimately the long term goal of the
entire project is to improve water quality by alleviating the groundwater contamination and to provide a
sustainable water supply for the community as well as protect public health and safety, and minimize degradation of the natural environment related to the management of wastewater.