A Programme-Focused Approach to Assessment and Feedback (PFAAF)
Project Team meeting, 20th September 2016, 7.B.14 Sighthill

Fiona Smart, Department of Learning & Teaching Enhancement (Convener)
Mark Carver, Department of Learning & Teaching Enhancement
Cathy Lambert, Director, Student & Academic Services
Steven Logie, Director, School Support Service
Katrina Swanton, Quality & Standards Manager
Amy Bostock, Department of Learning & Teaching Enhancement (Project support)
Apologies: Mark Huxham

1 / Welcome and introductions
The Convener welcomed Team members to the meeting and noted apologies.
2 / Notes from the last meeting – 30th August 2016
The minutes of the last meeting were approved, although section 4a will be amended to say that the revised module descriptor will be sent to the upcoming Quality and Standards Committee, rather than LTAC. The actions from the last meeting are being taken forward.
Matters Arising
Work stream 3 It was noted that data from the BA (Hons) Photography programme will now be collected as part Kimberly Wilder’s PhD, rather than as part of the current TESTA pilot. A longer-term approach to analysing assessment and feedback practices on the Photography programme is preferable for programme staff. However, short-term deadlines have been agreed for the collection of some programme data for the purposes of the PFAAF project.
3 / Reports for the work stream leaders
3a / Work stream 1 [Online module descriptor template, Cathy Lambert]
The work stream leader reported that she had had a useful meeting with Fiona Smart, Mark Carver and Brian Webster-Henderson to discuss proposals for the revised module descriptor and how to record formative assessment. While progress has been made on pedagogical issues, there are still systems and resources issues which need to be addressed.
The proposals for the online module descriptor and approvals system will be considered by the Quality & Standards Committee this week. It was noted that matching approval levels with appropriate staff roles has not been straight-forward. Team members expressed some concern about lack of engagement with the academic community in connection to the proposed changes.
The Team also highlighted the potential risks to the project with the departure of two work stream leads. Team members discussed how to go about finding new leaders for work streams one and six. It was agreed that it would be important to look as widely as possible across the academic leadership in the University for staff members with a good understanding of University structures.
  • Investigate systems options for students to record formative assessment, eg e-portfolios [Department of Learning & Teaching to take forward]
  • Share module descriptor proposals with the School champions [C Lambert / A Bostock to forward the Quality & Standards Committee paper to the Champions]
  • Discuss the appointment of new work stream leads with the Project Board Convener, Brian Webster-Henderson [Fiona Smart]

3b / Work stream 2 [Regulations and Approvals, Katrina Swanton]
It was reported that the revised Quality Framework will shortly be uploaded onto the staff intranet. A communication will go out to staff to raise awareness of the updated Framework.
It was noted that the changes have also been communicated to the School Champions to inform ongoing conversations within the Schools.
3c / Work stream 3 [Assessment and Feedback practices, Mark Carver]
The work stream lead stated that he has completed data collection for two programmes and the third will also shortly be concluded. The Project Board Convener is in contact with the Deans in regard to the programmes that have not yet engaged with the process. It was noted that one of the programmes involved in the TESTA pilot has come out very highly rated. The process had been useful for the programme leader and resulting changes to feedback practice are now feeding into programme review.
The work stream lead is also making use of valuable student survey data provided by the Edinburgh Napier Students’ Association on feedback.
3d / Work stream 4 [staff development, Mark Carver]
The work stream lead presented a revised outline of the staff development programme and requested feedback from the Team. The draft programme will also be sent to the School champions for comment.
It was suggested that session 6 should include information on the new module descriptor and links to relevant resources. The work stream six leader also stated that it would be useful to provide a session for staff on marking and providing feedback online.
The Team also discussed how to go about identifying staff involved in delivering or supporting teaching, and the nature of mandatory training. It was agreed that involving the Deans in the staff development process would be key and that line managers could help monitor staff engagement with the training.
It was noted that this unit of study in Moodle will create a rich resource for staff on assessment and feedback theory and practice. The Team discussed whether this should become the main repository for these resources. It was agreed that the LTA Resource Bank is now dated but that it would be useful to transfer case studies on it that are still relevant into the Moodle site.
Actions [Fiona Smart/Mark Carver]
  • Consult with Brian Webster-Henderson about how to engage Deans with PFAAF staff development (not using email). It will be important to provide background to the Deans on the project and why the staff development is taking place.
  • Contact Jane Hutchison in HR in regard to pulling lists of staff involved in teaching from the i-Trent system
  • Request that Deans validate the lists of staff in their Schools who should be involved in the training
  • DLTE to enrol staff on Moodle
  • Consider zero-hour lecturers and whether they should be paid to undertake the training
  • Contact Liz Adamson and the School champions for feedback on the staff development programme
  • Consider publicity for the staff development programme

3e / Work stream 5 [Assessment handbook, Mark Huxham]
It was agreed that A Bostock would ask Mark Huxham to forward on the updated Handbook.
3f / Work stream 6 [e-submission of coursework, Steven Logie]
The Team noted that a paper will be going to the next Learning, Teaching & Assessment Committee to highlight various work stream issues – these were raised in the work stream report received by the last Project Team meeting in August.
4 / Communications and engagement
The Convener reported that Brent Hurley (Project Manager in the Principal’s Office) has met with some of the School champions to discuss their role going forward, including raising awareness of the PFAAF project within the Schools. The Project Board Convener will also meet the School Champions in October to further discuss their role.
The Convener also informed the Team that she would be attending School LTAC meetings this trimester, as well as the upcoming Senior Leadership Group and University Leadership Team meetings to discuss PFAAF.
The Team is aware that there is still a pressing need to raise awareness about the project across the University. It is hoped that attending the above meetings, as well as engaging with the Deans around staff development will be helpful in this regard. It was noted that the Dean of Learning & Teaching (Project Board Convener) will also send out a newsletter to all staff soon on PFAAF.
5 / Date and time of next meeting:
Monday 17th October 2016, 10 -11.30am, 6.B.30 Sighthill campus