
(A problem solving interdisciplinary lesson using printed columns from The Chronicle.)

by Anice Fenley-Wild Peach Elementary

TAKS: Math-K9C 16B 23 38,9ABC 48ABC Art - K9C 11AB,2B,3C 21B,2.B 31B, 2A, 3A,1B,2A,3A 41AB

TEKS: Math-K7 16 27ABC 38 4ABC Art - K9C 6b 1AB, 21AB 31AB 43AB

Critical Thinking Skills (Bloom’s Taxonomy) (levels of learning):

*Knowledge **Comprehension ***Application****Analysis*****Synthesis******Evaluation

1 2 3 4 5 6

Prior Knowledge: Identification of architecture, shapes, spatial reasoning, art designs & elements. *

Supplies: newspaper pages that have columns (no pictures), black (9 x 12) and yellow (6X9) or smaller construction paper, glue, scissors.

Focus: Using The Chronicle discuss and display columns for the newspaper. Discuss how the newspaper is read in columns and how this differs from reading a book. **

Objective: Using columns from The Chronicle TLW design and create a cityscape using spatial reasoning and the elements and principals (balance) of art design. *****

Input: Display and discuss various types of buildings and cityscapes. (Ex. i. e.Taj Mahal, The Capitol, pyramids, skyscrapers, barns, etc.) Discuss the types various roofs that are seen on tall buildings and how cityscapes are related to everyday life. **

Model/Guided Practice: Model how to cut out columns by making them the desired width and height and glue on black paper. (for night scene) Next cut out windows and doors from yellow construction paper using various heights and lengths of rectangular and square shapes and glue to the buildings. Include stars and a moon (at any phase). **

Independent Practice: Using the newspaper, have each student design and create a cityscape using columns from The Chronicle, black and yellow construction paper, glue and scissors. ***

Conclusion: As the activity is completed, students will use critical thinking skills to conclude the lesson:

·  Produce a finished designed product and discuss the success with the class. ******

·  Describe the shapes and forms in the cityscape. ****

·  Analyze the shapes, columns/ buildings, and roofs that were arranged to create a particular mood. (peaceful, new, old, modern) ****

·  Interpret the architecture that reflects an American design. *****

Evaluate the elements & principals of art design and spatial reasoning that are in the

cityscape by summarizing the components that were used. ******


1.  If the cityscape was leveled/destroyed, how could it be changed from the original design, what geometric forms and art & design elements would be used in a new design? ****

2.  Create a huge (wall size) class or group cityscape. *****

3.  Compare the cityscape with the business section of your hometown. ******

4.  Create a musical pattern that matches the highs/heights and widths of the buildings. ******

(for students who use music to help them think)