Governing UBU Council
A Principles (Refer to UBU Constitution Section C11 and 18-22)
The primary purpose of the UBU Council is to be the principal representative and policy-making institution of the UBU.
Its membership consists of directly elected councillors (Chair, Lay Members, Non- Sabbatical Officers) and councillors nominated by the bodies with devolved powers (AU Council, Academic Affairs Council, Media Council, and SF Council).
All Members of UBU may attend and observe Council meetings and may speak at the absolute discretion of the Chair; they may not vote on any issue.
The UBU CEO, staff members and External Trustees may attend and speak at the absolute discretion of the Chair.
The Minutes of the meeting will be recorded and kept by the UBU Democracy and Campaigns Assistant. Or in their absence an alternative member of UBU Staff.
B Council Advisory Committee
Council shall be guided by an ‘Advisory committee’. This committee shall comprise the Chair of Council (hereinafter referred to as the Chair), the Deputy Chair, the Union Affairs Officer, the Democracy and Campaigns Assistant, and the CEO of the Students’ Union. This committee will be responsible for:
- Setting, approving, and scrutinising the agenda for Council
- Enforcing the code of conduct relating to Council (Appendix 1)
- Advising on Council quorum
C Membership (Refer to UBU Constitution Section C, 18)
- Chair of Council
- Chair shall be elected annually in line with Byelaws
- Deputy Chair of Council
- Deputy Chair shall be elected at the start of the academic year from the lay membership of UBU Council.
- Voting Members of UBU Council shall comprise of the following areas:
- nine lay places (Elected in the UBU general election);
- two Faculty Representatives (selected by the Academic Affairs Committee membership);
- two Athletics Union (AU) representatives (Elected from the Athletics Union council);
- two Societies Federation (SF) representatives (Elected from the Societies Federation council);
- two Media Area representatives (Elected from the Media Council);
- one place for each constituted UBU Non-Sabbatical Officer. Subject to advisory committee review;
- the chair of council shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie. But shall not otherwise vote.
- Non-voting members shall be:
- Sabbatical Officers;
- Athletic Union Vice President;
- Societies Federation Vice President;
- Media Vice President.
- Ex-officio members (without voting rights) shall be:
- UBU Democracy and Campaigns Assistant;
- minute Taker.
- Others who may attend and observe;
- all Members of UBU, with speaking rights granted at the discretion of the chair, if they are proposing or seconding a motion;
- UBU staff members;
- UBU External Trustees may attend and speak at the absolute discretion of the Chair;
- UBU Staff may attend and speak at the absolute discretion of the Chair;
- Others may speak at the absolute discretion of the Chair;
- Others may not vote on any issue.
7.Co-Option of Members
7.1.In the event of UBU Council positions remaining vacant, these posts shall remain available to all UBU Members for co-option.
7.2.Candidates for co-option must hand in a manifesto to the Council Advisory Committee to be sent out with the agenda.
7.3.Potential candidates must make a short speech, in UBU Council, explaining their manifesto.
7.4.Relevant questions may be put to potential candidates.
7.5.The candidates must withdraw from council for the vote and Members discussion.
7.6.The meeting shall proceed to a vote, on which a simple majority elects the candidate.
7.7.Co-opted members shall take up position immediately.
- Sub-Committees
9.1The sub-committees of the UBU Council shall be elected at the first Council of the year in line with Appendix 1 of this Council Byelaw (Council Sub-committees).
9.1.UBU Councillors will automatically lose their position if:
- they fail to send apologies to two consecutive full UBU Council Meetings;
- they fail to attend three full UBU Council Meetings.
D Meetings – Standing Orders governing the preparation and administration of meetings
10.Notice of Meetings
10.1.UBU Council shall be convened by UBU Union Affairs Officer or in their absence the UBU Academic Affairs Officer and shall be held in accord with UBU Constitution.
10.2.It is the responsibility of the Council Advisory Committee to ensure that notice is provided:
- for UBU Council: ten working days prior, including the deadline for submission of agenda items;
- for Extraordinary UBU Council: five working days prior, including the deadline for submission of agenda items.
11.1.Agenda will be drawn up by the Council Advisory Committee (See clause 1.6)
11.2.The Agenda of UBU Council meetings are to be published at least five clear working days before the meeting. If the Agenda is not sent out at least five clear working days before the meeting, the SOCC (UBU Constitution Clause 11.2) must seek Chair's approval for the continuation of the meeting.
11.3.The agenda for UBU Council Meetings shall comprise of the following (at the Chair’s discretion):
- roll call of everyone present;
- apologies;
- declaration of interest;
- approval of agenda (including any other business to be discussed);
- co-option of new members;
- approval of UBU Council minutes (with matters arising);
- presentation of UBU Executive minutes with approval of UBU Executive decisions;
- questions to Sabbatical Officers based on submitted reports;
- questions to Media, Sports, Societies, and Faculty Vice Presidents based on submitted reports and minutes from respective Councils;
- questions to Chair of Academic Affairs Council based on submitted report and minutes from the Academic Affairs Council;
- questions to Non-Sabbatical Executive Officers based on submitted reports;
- motions;
- your Big Ideas Feedback;
- any other business (to be submitted in advance to the Chair);
- announcements;
- date and time of next meeting.
- Agenda for Extraordinary UBU Council
- Shall comprise of:
- roll call;
- apologies;
- declaration of interest;
- notified item of discussion;
- date and time of next meeting.
- Reports
- Sabbatical Officers’ Reports shall include:
- the working hours record sheet;
- a written report.
13.2.Non-Sabbatical Officers’ Reports shall include:
- a written report
13.3.Academic Affairs, Media, Sports, and Society Reports shall include:
- the minutes of their respective councils;
- a written report
13.4.Failure to submit a report shall result in the following:
- absence of 1 report shall result in a written warning;
- absence of 2 reports shall result in a meeting with the Advisory Committee;
- absence of 3 reports shall result in a motion of censure at the next Council meeting.
- Submission of Motions
- Motions for inclusion on the agenda shall be submitted in writing to Council Advisory Committee no later than 12 noon,five clear working days preceding the UBU Council meeting.
14.2.Council Advisory Committee shall note the date and time that each motion is submitted.
14.3.If a motion fails to pass, it cannot be submitted in the same format again until the next academic year. The Council Advisory Committee shall decide if a resubmitted motion differs enough from its original format for it to be acceptable.
14.4.The Council Advisory Committee shall decide if a motion is eligible to be submitted to Executive meetings, Council Meetings, General Meetings, or Annual General Meetings.
14.5.Motions may be submitted by:
- UBU Executive;
- a Proposer, Seconder and 15 Assenters, all of whom must be Members of UBU.
15.Emergency Motions
15.1.Emergency motions shall be submitted in writing to the Chair or convenor up to one hour before the UBU Council meeting is due to commence.
15.2.The Chair shall announce the ruling on the eligibility of tabling the emergency motion and its position on the agenda (if applicable).
16.1.Amendments to motions may be submitted either prior to or during the meeting.
16.2.Drafting amendments may be discussed and accepted at any time.
16.3.Amendments must be proposed and seconded by full voting members of UBU Council
16.4.To be accepted into the main motion, an amendment must either:
- obtain the approval of the proposer and seconder of the main motion;
- be passed on general aye or by majority vote at the meeting otherwise, the amendment falls.
16.5.It is the responsibility of the Chair to accurately communicate the wording of the amendment to the meeting.
16.6.If the amendment fails, the meeting shall return to section 24.3iii. If the amendment is carried, then it forms part of the original motion and the meeting shall return to 24.3iii as above and continue discussing the amended motion.
- Closed Sessions
- UBU Council may meet in closed session for any item on the agenda when it considers that the interests of UBU would best be preserved by the matter remaining confidential to members of UBU Council. The following people shall be permitted to remain in UBU Council during closed sessions:
- UBU Executive;
- UBU Councillors.
- Timings
- The meeting shall not continue beyond 3 hours unless voted by a two-thirds majority of voting UBU Council members.
E Meetings – Conduct of Meetings
- Quorum
- Refer to Clause 23 in the UBU Constitution
19.2.The quorum of UBU Council and Extraordinary Council meetings shall be an absolute majority of the voting members, including vacancies.
- Role of the Chair
- UBU Council meetings are to be chaired by the Chair of the UBU Council or in their absence the Deputy Chair UBU Council.
20.2.The Chair is expected to run Council in a fair and impartial manner always.
20.3.If the Chair and Deputy Chair are not present at a meeting, the CEO will act as temporary chair over the reports section of the agenda only. After this section of the agenda is completed the meeting will be adjourned. If the CEO is not present, the meeting will be adjourned.
20.4.The Chair shall be heard in silence always and shall conduct the meeting in a manner, which will expedite constructive and balanced debate. Ensuring contribution from all Council members is encouraged.
20.5.Wherever possible, the Chair should rule per the Constitution, the relevant Byelaws and other regulations governing the running of UBU as they stand at present.
20.6.The Chair’s ruling shall be final unless overruled by a challenge to the Chair. The Chair will ensure the UBU Council Code of Conduct (Appendix 1) is being followed by members at all times.
20.7.The Chair shall have the power to request a member to leave the meeting if they are acting in a disruptive manner.
20.8.The Chair shall have the power to rule out of order any motion or amendment which recommends action which is ultra-vires (the legal regulations governing charities).
21.Role of the Deputy Chair
21.1.The Deputy Chair of Council shall support the Chair in any capacity in which they may be required at the discretion of the Chair.
- Challenges to the Chair
- Upon the passing of a procedural Motion to challenge a Chair’s ruling the Deputy Chair is to take the Chair.
22.2.The opponent to the Chair’s ruling shall explain their challenge.
22.3.Questions may be put to the Chair. There shall then be an opportunity for a member to speak in support of the Chair.
22.4.The Deputy Chair must then put the matter to the vote. If the vote is in favour of the challenge to the Chair the Chair may return to chairing the meeting but the challenge will stand with the Chair’s decision overruled.
22.5.If the vote does not uphold the challenge, then the Chair’s ruling will stand and be final.
- Questions
- UBU Council members wishing to speak must ‘catch the eye’ of the Chair
23.2.The Chair will indicate who is to speak.
23.3.Motions shall be heard (the time to be at the discretion of the Chair) as follows:
- speech in favour of the motion;
- speech against the motion;
- questions to the speakers and points from the floor;
- speech in summation on the motion;
- move to the vote.
23.4.Amendments to motions can be made at any time throughout the proposal. Any proposed amendments to the motion will be heard as follows:
- speech in favour of the amendment;
- speech against the amendment;
- questions to the speakers and points from the floor;
- speech in summation on the amendment;
- move to the vote.
23.5.Questions directed at speakers are to be relevant to the motion being discussed or to the conduct of a UBU Officer. They are to be posed in such a way as to cause no offence, as set out in UBU Policy.
23.6.All speakers may retain the right not to answer questions put at the meeting. (The Chair may suggest to a Sabbatical Officer that they should answer questions relating to their role.)
24.1.Voting shall be carried out by a show of hands unless a secret ballot is requested (whether prior to or during the meeting) by any member eligible to vote. The secret ballot will be agreed to by a general aye.
24.2.Voting to carry a motion is to be by simple majority of those present and eligible to vote except in the case of a procedural motion, where voting shall be by a two-thirds majority of those present and eligible to vote.
24.3.Once the Chair has brought the meeting to a move to vote there shall be no speaking until the vote has been carried out.
24.4.Where there are no speeches against or points regarding a motion the Chair shall move directly to the speech in summation and the vote.
24.5.Where necessary abstentions may be counted, and recorded in the Minutes of the meeting.
24.6.Proxy voting shall be allowed if the Convenor receives a written request either before or during the meeting. The request must be counter-signed by two other UBU Councillors.
24.7.In the event of a drawn vote the Chair shall have the deciding vote.
25.Procedural Motions
25.1.Procedural motions shall have precedence over the order of the meeting. A member must ‘catch the eye’ of the Chair and on being directed to speak shall announce that they wish to propose a procedural motion.
25.2.A failed procedural motion cannot be submitted again.
25.3.The proposer of the motion may then give their reasons for the proposal. There shall be an opportunity for a speech against the proposal. The matter shall then be put to the vote. The move must be carried by a two-thirds majority of those present and eligible to vote.
25.4.The following are procedural motions:
- a move that the motion be put to the vote without any further speeches or questions. If carried, the Chair must move directly to the vote on the motion;
- a move to cease discussions of the motion pending review;
- a move to challenge the Chair;
- a move for a temporary adjournment;
- a move to amend the order of the agenda;
- a move to allow speaking rights for a non-member of UBU Council;
- a move for a closed session in accordance with 1.3;
- a move for a direct question to an UBU Executive member in relation to the debate (the question should be submitted, before the vote, to the Chair who shall decide on the precedent for the question and relevance.).
Appendix 1- UBU Council Sub- Committees
A Make-up of Sub-Committees:
All committees are headed by one Sabbatical Officer, with a second Sabbatical Officer and a Non-Sabbatical Officer supporting them.
All Committees will include 2 Council Lay members and 2 representativesfrom the Athletic Union, Society Federation, Media, and Academic Affairs Council.
All Committees will be open to any Member of UBU as long as they have requested permission to attend with observer status. Permission can be gained by the respective heads of each Committee. If an observer wishes to have speaking rights they must also request these from the head of the Committee.
All heads of Committees will have flexibility in deciding when Committees meet (at least once a month during term-time) as well as any other meetings they may wish to arrange e.g. forum meetings with the general student body invited.
All Sub-committees must report back to UBU Council on a monthly basis. This can be a written report.
In order to maintain impartiality and fairness of the UBU Council, the UBU Chair of Council is not advised to be a part of any of such committees.
B Specific Committees:
Raise and Give (RAG) Committee
1.1.The committee shall be known as “University of Bradford Union of Students’ Raise and Give” Committee hereafter referred to as “UBU RAG”.
2.1.To raise money and distribute to local, national, and international charities that have been chosen by the UBU.
2.2.To be the principal fundraising body of the University of Bradford Union of Students’
2.3.To raise the profile of student fundraising in Bradford region.
2.4.To work with RAG nationally and the student movement
2.5.To provide guidance and support other groups wishing to organise fundraising events.
3.Organising Group
3.1.RAG Chair (Community and Welfare Officer) shall be responsible for:
- chair all meetings of RAG;
- to coordinate the work of the RAG committee;
- to liaise with other bodies to ensure RAG can work efficiently;
- to ensure that all actions take are in accordance with the RAG and UBU constitution;
- management of the RAG finances;
- to compile final figures for each collection and report such;
- oversight and supervision of collections;
- arranging raids and plan programme of activities.
4.Deputy Chair(Elected RAG Volunteer) shall be responsible for:
- to be the chair of meetings in the absence of the chair;
- to deputise the RAG Chair in their absence;
- must confirm decisions in writing with the Chair;
- communicate with Chair;
- be the main point of contact for external charities.
5.RAG Secretary (Elected RAG Volunteer) shall be responsible for:
i.draft and circulate agendas prior to meetings and the distribution of the minutes of RAG meetings.
- communication and information to student body and RAG committee
- report back to UBU Council monthly
- be the secondary point of contact for external charities
- deputise for theDeputy Chair in their absence
6.1.Organising meetings shall be called by the chair. There shall be no fewer than 3 meetings per academic term.