
A previous media release on this subject appeared on December21, 2017


January31, 2018


Labour Force Survey Data, December, 4th Quarter and Annual data of 2017

SeasonallyAdjusted Data

It should be noted that the data in the seasonally adjusted series are partially based on past data from the quarterly labour force survey, so these series may change in the future after they are fully replaced by series based on the monthly labour force survey.

In December 2017: (For monthly data 12/2017)

  • Unemployment rate among persons aged 15 and over from the labour force – 4.0% (compared with 4.3% in November 2017).
  • Participation rate in the labour force among persons aged 15 and over – 64.1% (compared with 63.9% in November 2017).
  • Employment rate (the percentage of employed persons out of the total population) among persons aged 15 and over – 61.5% (compared with 61.1% in November 2017).

In the 4th quarter of 2017 (October-December): (For quarterly data 4/2017)

  • Unemployment rate among persons aged 15 and over from the labour force – 4.2% (compared with 4.1% in the 3rd quarter of 2017).
  • Participation rate in the labour force among persons aged 15 and over – 64.0% (same as in the 3rd quarter of 2017).
  • Employment rate among persons aged 15 and over – 61.3% (same as in the 3rd quarter of 2017).
  • Unemployment rate among persons aged 25-64 from the labour force – 3.6% (same as in the 3rd quarter of 2017).
  • Participation rate in the labour force among persons aged 25-64 – 80.3% (compared with 79.9% in the 3rd quarter of 2017).
  • Employment rate among persons aged 25-64 – 77.4% (compared with 77.0% in the 3rd quarter of 2017).
  • The share of employed persons usually working full time out of total employed persons – 78.0% (compared with 77.8% in the 3rd quarter of 2017).

In 2017 (original data):

Total population

  • Unemployment rate among persons aged 15 and over from the labour force – 4.2% (compared with 4.8% in 2016).
  • Participation rate in the labour force among persons aged 15 and over – 64.0% (compared with 64.1% in 2016).
  • Employment rate (the percentage of employed persons out of the total population) among persons aged 15 and over – 61.3% (compared with 61.1% in 2016).
  • Unemployment rate among persons aged 25-64 from the labour force – 3.7% (compared with 4.1% in 2016).
  • Participation rate in the labour force among persons aged 25-64 – 80.0% (compared with 79.9% in 2016).
  • Employment rate among persons aged 25-64 – 77.1% (compared with 76.6% in 2016).
  • The share of employees in high-tech sector of all employees – 9.0% (compared with 9.1% in 2016).
  • The number of employees who received their salary through an employment agency – 38,300 (compared with 36,000 in 2016).
  • Of all districts, the lowest unemployment rate was in the Central district – 3.5%.
  • Among localities with 100,000 residents and over, the lowest unemployment rate was in Ramat Gan and Rehovot – 2.8%.

Jews and Arabs

  • Unemployment rate among Jews aged 25-64 from the labour force – 3.7% (compared with 4.1% in 2016).
  • Participation rate in the labour force among Jews aged 25-64 – 85.3% (compared with 85.1% in 2016).
  • Employment rate among Jews aged 25-64 – 82.1% (compared with 81.6% in 2016).
  • Unemployment rate among Arabs aged 25-64 from the labour force – 3.7% (compared with 5.0% in 2016).
  • Participation rate in the labour force among Arabs aged 25-64 – 56.6% (compared with 56.2% in 2016).
  • Employment rate among Arabs aged 25-64 – 54.6% (compared with 53.4% in 2016).

Economic characteristics of households

  • Share of households with employed persons – 79.8% (compared with 79.7% in 2016).
  • Share of Jewish households with employed persons – 79.9% (compared with 79.7% in 2016).
  • Share of Arab households with employed persons – 78.3% (compared with 78.7% in 2016).
  • Of all districts, the share of households with employed persons was highest in the Judea and Samaria Area – 89.0%.
  • Of all districts, the share of households with employed persons was lowest in the Haifa district – 75.5%.
  • Among localities with 100,000 residents and over, the share of households with employed persons was highest in Bet Shemesh – 84.1%.
  • Among localities with 100,000 residents and over, the share of households with employed persons was lowest in Haifa – 72.8%.

Diagram's data

The Labour Force Survey is the main source of information regarding the labour force in Israel, and is conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics on an ongoing basis.

Starting from the beginning of2017, an average of 20,500 persons aged 15 and over a month have been interviewed on an ongoing basis. The survey population includes the permanent population of Israel, as well as tourists and temporary residents living in Israel continuously for more than one year. The survey follows the development of the labour force in Israel, its size and characteristics, the extent of unemployment, etc.

December2017- SeasonallyAdjusted Data

In December 2017, the number of persons in the labour force among persons aged 15 and over was 4.034 million. Of these, 3.871millionwere employed and approximately 163,000were unemployed. Among employed persons, 2.036 million were males (compared with 2.028 in November 2017) and 1.835 million were females (compared with 1.813 million in November 2017).

The participation rate among persons aged 15 and over in the labour force in December 2017rose to 64.1% (compared with 63.9% in November 2017). Among males (see Diagram 3), that rate declined to 68.6% (compared with 68.9% in November 2017), whereas among females it rose to 59.7% (compared with 59.0% in November 2017).

The unemployment rate among persons aged 15 and over from the labour force (see Diagram 1), declined to 4.0% in December 2017 (compared with 4.3% in November 2017). The unemployment rate of males (see Diagram 2) declined to 3.9% (compared with 4.3% in the previous month), and among females it declined to 4.2% (compared with 4.3% in the previous month).

The employment rate (calculated as the percentage of employed persons out of the entire population) amongpersons aged 15 and overrose to 61.5% in December 2017 (compared with 61.1% inNovember 2017). The employment rate among males(see Diagram 4) roseto 66.0% (compared with 65.9% in the previous month), and that of females rose to 57.2% (compared with 56.5% in the previous month).

4th Quarter Average (October-December) 2017 - SeasonallyAdjusted Data

In the 4th quarter of 2017, the number of persons in the labour force among persons aged 15 and over was 4.023 million. Of these, 3.855 million were employed and approximately 168,000 were unemployed. Among the employed persons, 2.030 million were males (compared with 2.026 million in the 3rd quarter of 2017) and 1.824 million were females (compared with 1.810 million in the 3rd quarter of 2017).

The participation rate among persons aged 15 and over in the labour force in the 4th quarter of 2017was 64.0% (same as in the 3rd quarter of 2017). Among males, the rate declined to 68.8% (compared with 68.9% in the previous quarter), whereas among females the rate rose to 59.4% (compared with 59.2% in the previous quarter).

The unemployment rate among persons aged 15 and over from the labour force,rose in the 4th quarter of 2017 to 4.2% (compared with 4.1% in the 3rd quarter of 2017). The unemployment rate of malesrose to 4.1% (compared with 4.0% in the previous quarter), and that of femalesrose to 4.3% (compared with 4.2% in the previous quarter).

Among persons aged 25-64 the participation rate in the labour forceroseto 80.3% in the 4th quarter of 2017 (compared with 79.9% in the 3rd quarter of 2017). Among males aged 25-64 the rate roseto 85.1% (compared with 84.7% in the previous quarter), and among females aged 25-64 the rate rose to 75.6% (compared with 75.2% in the previous quarter).

Among persons aged 25-64 the unemployment rate from the labour forcewas 3.6% in the 4th quarter of 2017 (same as in the 3rd quarter of 2017). Among males aged 25-64 the unemployment rate rose to 3.6% (compared with 3.5% in the previous quarter), whereas among females aged 25-64 the unemployment rate declined to 3.6% (compared with 3.7% in the previous quarter).

The number of employed persons in the 4th quarter of 2017 reached 3.885 million (compared with 3.836 million in the 3rd quarter of 2017). The number of employed persons who usually worked full time (35 hours and over per week) rose by 0.7% compared with the 3rd quarter of 2017 (an increase of approximately 21,000 employed persons), whereas the number of employed persons who usually worked part time (less than 35 hours per week) declined by 0.4% compared with the 3rd quarter of 2017 (a decrease of approximately 3,000 employed persons). The share of those usually employed full time of all employed persons rose to 78.0% (compared with 77.8% in the previous quarter). Among males that share was 86.9% (same as in previous quarter), whereas among females it rose to 68.1% (compared with 67.6% in the previous quarter). (Detailed figures can be found in Tables 1.24-1.26 in the "Labour Force Survey Quarterly – Labour Force and Wages Statistics" on the website).

The number of persons who worked full time (35 hours and over) in the determinant weekrose by 2.7%, compared with the 3rd quarter of 2017(an increase of approximately 69,000 employed persons), whereasthe number of persons who worked part time (less than 35 hours) in the determinant weekdeclined by 3.2%, compared with the 3rdquarter of 2017(a decrease of approximately 32,000 employed persons). The number of persons temporarily absent from work in the determinant week declined in the 4th quarter of 2017 by 3.8%, compared with the 3rdquarter of 2017 (a decrease of approximately 10,000 employed persons).(Detailed figures can be found in Tables 1.4-1.6 in the "Labour Force Survey Quarterly – Labour Force and Wages Statistics" on the website).

The employment rate (calculated as the percentage of employed persons out of the entire population) amongpersons aged 15 and over was 61.3% in the 4th quarter of 2017(same as in the previous quarter). The employment rate among males aged 15 and over declined to 66.0% (compared with 66.2% in the previous quarter), whereas the employment rate among females aged 15 and overrose to 56.9% (compared with 56.7% in the previous quarter). Among persons aged 25-64 the employment rate rose to 77.4% (compared with 77.0% in the previous quarter). Among males aged 25-64 the employment rate rose to 82.1% (compared with 81.7% in the previous quarter), andamong females aged 25-64 the employment rate rose to 72.9% (compared with 72.4% in the previous quarter). (Detailed figures can be found in Table 1.23 in the "Labour Force Survey Quarterly – Labour Force and Wages Statistics" on the website).

The average weekly number of work hours per employed person rose to 36.4 in the 4th quarter of 2017 (compared with 36.3 hours in the previous quarter). The average weekly number of work hours per employee rose to 36.4 in the 4th quarter of 2017 (compared with 36.3 hours in the previous quarter).

The number of employees working part time involuntarily (i.e., those who searched for full-time or additional work but did not find it) reached approximately 90,000 in the 4th quarter of 2017 (anincrease of 2.0% compared with the previous quarter), and their share out of all employed persons was 2.3% (same as in the previous quarter). The share of males working part time involuntarily, out of all employed males, was1.2% (same as in the previous quarter), whereasthe share of females working part time involuntarily, out of all employed females, rose to3.6% (compared with 3.5% in the previous quarter). (Detailed figures can be found in Table 2.9 in the "Labour Force Survey Quarterly – Labour Force and Wages Statistics" on the website).

Labour Force Characteristics by District of Residence

(Detailed figures can be found in Tables 1.11-1.16 in the "Labour Force Survey Quarterly – Labour Force and Wages Statistics" on the website).

The unemployment rate among persons aged 15 and overrose in the 4th quarter of 2017 in most of the districts compared with the 3rdquarter of 2017 and reached 4.6% in the Jerusalem District (compared with 5.2%),3.9% in the Northern District (compared with 4.8%), 4.9% in the Haifa District (compared with 4.8%), 3.6% in the Central District (compared with 3.3%), 4.1% in the Tel Aviv District (compared with 3.8%),4.9% in the Southern District (compared with 4.4%).

The participation rate among persons aged 15 and over in the labour force declined in half of the districts in the 4th quarter of 2017 compared with the 3rd quarter of 2017. The participation rate reached 56.2% in the Jerusalem District (compared with 54.0%), 57.8% in the Northern District (compared with 58.2%), 62.7% in the Haifa District (compared with 62.8%),69.7% in the CentralDistrict (same as previous quarter),69.0% in the Tel Aviv District (compared with 68.8%), and59.4% in the Southern District (compared with 61.7%).

The employment rate among persons aged 15 and overdeclined in most of the districts in the 4th quarter of 2017 compared with the 3rd quarter of 2017. The employment rate reached 53.6% in the Jerusalem District (compared with 51.2%), 55.5% in the Northern District (compared with 55.4%),59.6% in the Haifa District (compared with 59.8%), 67.2% in the CentralDistrict (compared with 67.4%), 66.2% in the Tel AvivDistrict (same as previous quarter), and 56.5% in the Southern District (compared with 59.0%).

Employed Persons by Industry (By the new classification of All Economic Activities (Updated edition), Technical Publication no. 80)

(Detailed figures can be found in Tables 2.1 and 2.5 in the "Labour Force Survey Quarterly – Labour Force and Wages Statistics" on the website).

In the 4th quarter of 2017 the number of employed persons increased by approximately 19,000 compared with the 3rdquarter of 2017. The number of employees in the 4th quarter of 2017 reached 3.362 million (compared with 3.357 million in the 3rdquarter of 2017). Table 1 below presents the number of employed persons and employees by industry in the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2017.

Among employed persons, the greatest increases were in Information and communication(approximately 16,000 employed persons), Professional, scientific and technical activities (approximately 12,000 employed persons), Arts, entertainment and recreation and Human health and social work activities(approximately 7,000 employed personsin each industry), Construction(approximately 6,000 employed persons),Agriculture, forestry and fishing and Manufacturing; Mining and quarrying (approximately 5,000 employed persons in each industry), Education(approximately 4,000 employed persons).

The greatest decreases were in Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles (approximately 19,000 employed persons), Financial and insurance activities (9,000 employed persons), Administrative and support service activities (approximately 8,000 employed persons), Households as employers (approximately 6,000 employed persons), Accommodation and food service activities (approximately 5,000 employed persons).

Among employees, the greatest increases were in Information and communication(approximately 11,000 employees), Manufacturing; Mining and quarrying and Construction (approximately 6,000 employees in each industry), Transportation and storage, postal and courier activities and Professional, scientific and technical activitiesand Education and Human health and social work activities(approximately 4,000 employees in each industry).

The greatest decreases were in Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles(approximately 12,000 employees), Financial and insurance activities (approximately 10,000 employees),Administrative and support service activities(approximately 8,000 employees),Households as employersapproximately 6,000 employees).


Quarter 4/2017 / Employees
Quarter 3/2017 / Employed persons
Quarter 4/2017 / Employed persons
Quarter 3/2017 / Description / Section
3,361.5 / 3,357.2 / 3,854.5 / 3,835.5 / Total (1)
26.2 / 24.7 / 41.9 / 37.2 / Agriculture, forestry and fishing / A
398.1 / 391.7 / 427.7 / 422.9 / Manufacturing; Mining and quarrying / B+C
17.8 / 17.7 / 17.8 / 17.7 / Electricity supply / D
17.0 / 18.6 / 17.7 / 19.5 / Water supply, sewerage and waste management / E
157.5 / 151.3 / 203.7 / 198.0 / Construction / F
366.4 / 378.4 / 424.2 / 443.4 / Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles / G
136.2 / 132.1 / 163.0 / 160.0 / Transportation and storage, postal and courier activities / H
141.0 / 146.1 / 159.3 / 163.9 / Accommodation and food service activities / I
179.3 / 168.3 / 198.0 / 182.2 / Information and communication / J
114.1 / 123.7 / 122.3 / 131.3 / Financial and insurance activities / K
17.8 / 21.0 / 32.8 / 31.7 / Real estate activities / L
195.9 / 191.5 / 285.4 / 273.1 / Professional, scientific and technical activities / M
143.2 / 150.8 / 157.2 / 165.5 / Administrative and support service activities / N
374.8 / 377.1 / 378.5 / 380.8 / Local, public and defence administration and social security / O
455.4 / 451.5 / 484.2 / 480.1 / Education / P
369.8 / 366.2 / 417.1 / 410.6 / Human health and social work activities / Q
43.9 / 40.9 / 73.1 / 65.9 / Arts, entertainment and recreation / R
67.5 / 65.5 / 98.2 / 95.7 / Other service activities / S
58.0 / 64.0 / 65.5 / 71.2 / Households as employers / T

(1) Incl. employed persons or employees in the industry "Extra-Territorial Organizations and Bodies" (Category U), and persons whose industry is not known.

Employed Persons by Occupation (By the new classification of Occupations, Technical Publication no. 81)(Detailed figures can be found in Tables 2.10 and 2.14 in the "Labour Force Survey Quarterly – Labour Force and Wages Statistics" on the website).

Table 2 below presents the number of employed persons and employees by occupation in the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2017.

Among employed persons, the greatest increases were among Skilled workers in manufacturing and construction, and other skilled workers (approximately 18,000 employed persons),Professionalsand Practical engineers, technicians, agents and associate professionals (approximately 14,000 employed persons in each occupation).

The greatest decreases were in Service and sales workers (approximately 14,000 employed persons),Clerical support workers(approximately 13,000 employed persons) and Managers(approximately 8,000 employed persons).

Among employees, the greatest increases were in Skilled workers in manufacturing and construction, and other skilled workers (approximately 21,000 employees), Practical engineers, technicians, agents and associate professionals (approximately 15,000 employees) and Professionals(approximately 8,000 employees).

The greatest decreases were in Clerical support workers(approximately 15,000 employees), Service and sales workers (9,000 employees), Managers (approximately 8,000 employees) and Elementary occupations (approximately 5,000 employees).


Quarter 4/2017 / Employees
Quarter 3/2017 / Employed persons
Quarter 4/2017 / Employed persons
Quarter 3/2017 / Description / Major group
3,361.5 / 3,357.2 / 3,854.5 / 3,835.5 / Total (1)
320.1 / 327.5 / 366.0 / 373.9 / Managers / 1
857.2 / 849.1 / 1,009.4 / 995.3 / Professionals / 2
425.5 / 410.3 / 500.1 / 485.8 / Practical engineers, technicians, agents and associate professionals / 3
246.2 / 261.2 / 254.1 / 267.4 / Clerical support workers / 4
600.0 / 609.0 / 675.0 / 688.8 / Service and sales workers / 5
17.6 / 15.7 / 33.3 / 30.1 / Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers / 6
434.3 / 413.2 / 530.2 / 512.3 / Skilled workers in manufacturing and construction, and other skilled workers / 7-8
222.0 / 227.1 / 230.6 / 233.0 / Elementary occupations / 9

(1) Incl. employed persons or employees whose occupation is not known.

2017 Average – original data

In 2017the number of persons in the labour force among persons aged 15 and over was 3.993 million. Of these, 3.825 million were employed and approximately 168,000 were unemployed. Among the employed persons, 2.019 million were males (1.972 million in 2016) and 1.806 million were females (1.765 million in 2016). Among the unemployed persons, approximately 87,000 were males (compared with approximately 97,000 in 2016) and approximately 81,000 were females (compared with approximately 92,000 in 2016).

The participation rate among persons aged 15 and over in the labour force in 2017declined to 64.0% (compared with 64.1% in 2016). Among males (see Diagram 5), the rate declined to 69.0% (compared with 69.1% in 2016) and among females the rate declined to 59.3% (compared with 59.4% in 2016).

The unemployment rate among persons aged 15 and over from the labour force, declined to 4.2% in 2017 (compared with 4.8% in 2016). The unemployment rate of males declined to 4.1% (compared with 4.7% in 2016), and the unemployment rate of females declined to 4.3% (compared with 4.9% in 2016).

Among persons aged 25-64 the participation rate in the labour force rose to 80.0% in 2017 (compared with 79.9% in 2016). Among males aged 25-64 the rate rose to 85.0% (compared with 84.9% in 2016), and among females aged 25-64 the rate rose to 75.2% (compared with 75.1% in 2016).

Among persons aged 25-64 the unemployment rate from the labour force declined to 3.7% in 2017 (compared with 4.1% in 2016). Among males aged 25-64 the rate declined to 3.7% (compared with 4.1% in 2016) and among females aged 25-64 the rate declined to 3.7% (compared with 4.2% in 2016).

The employment rate (calculated as the percentage of employed persons out of the entire population) amongpersons aged 15 and over rose to 61.3% in 2017 (compared with 61.1% in 2016). The employment rate among males aged 15 and over rose to 66.1% (compared with 65.9% in 2016), and among females aged 15 and over it rose to 56.7% (compared with 56.4% in 2016). Among persons aged 25-64 the employment rate rose to 77.1% (compared with 76.6% in 2016). Among males aged 25-64 the employment rate rose to 81.9% (compared with 81.4% in 2016) and among females aged 25-64 the employment rate rose to 72.4% (compared with 72.0% in 2016). (Detailed figures can be found in Table 1.23 in the "Labour Force Survey Quarterly – Labour Force and Wages Statistics" on the website).