A personal note from Ms. Gotschall, Mrs. Gonzalez, & Ms. Pietro
It is our desire that you enjoy this course and learn the material. It is possible to do both!
It does not matter to us what you did last year. Your attitude this year and your willingness to work are more important than your previous grade or inherited abilities.
We will do everything we can to help you get the grade you want. Remember… We do not give grades, you earn them! Please ask questions when you do not understand. Please come to us for extra help during our free hours or before or after school.
We will not tolerate disrespectful behavior in our class. This means to us, to your classmates, or to any observer or visitor in my room. Consider yourself warned!!
In addition, we expect you to bring all required materials to class EVERY DAY! This includes your notebook, paper, pencil, and calculator. Your phone may NOT be used as a calculator!!! You need some way to keep track of assignments (assignment notebook, phone calendar, etc.).
Cellular devices (phones, tablets, etc.) may only be used during independent homework time at the end of the class period. They may not be used when you should be working independently on the warm up, notes, projects, activities, quizzes, tests, etc.
Laptops may only be used when needed for class activities.
We expect homework to be done every day that it is assigned. For the most part, when we check homework, we will give you 3 points for a complete assignment, 1 point for an incomplete assignment, and 0 points for no assignment. To be a complete assignment, it must be turned in on time (at the BEGINNING of class when we collect it), EVERY problem must be done and you must SHOW YOUR WORK! Occasionally, some assignments will be collected and graded for accuracy and will be worth more than 3 points. Our late work policy is as follows: for every six homework assignments turned in for full credit (and they do not have to be consecutive homework assignments), you will be able to turn in one late assignment for full credit. This policy is per QUARTER.
We want homework to be done in pencil. If you complete your quizzes or tests in pen we will grade them, but we will deduct 5 points from your final grade!
Every math student is required to have a math notebook. This notebook must be a loose leaf, three ring binder. Your notebook should contain this personal note and any other informational sheets. Everything should appear in sequential order.
It is important that you do not miss class. If you know that you will be absent (for example: a field trip or sports event), you must find out ahead of time what you will miss. It will be due upon your return. If you are absent the day before a quiz or a test, you will take the quiz or the testwith the class the next day. If you are absent the day of the quiz or test, you will take it upon your return to school.
Extra Help:
If you need help, come find us during the school day! Our schedules are on the NCHS website. When weare not in class, try looking in our offices (Room 236 or 248) or the main office.
Extra Information:
Do not bring food, drinks, headsets, etc. into our room! You will receive a detention if we see any of these items out of your book bags. The only exception is water. You may have BOTTLES of WATER, not bottles of soda. If you spill it, you will clean it! In addition, you must stay in your SEAT until the bell rings. You may NOT stand up and crowd around the door! Tardy policy is per the student handbook. The first tardy is a warning. You are tardy if you are not IN YOUR SEAT when the bell rings!
Discipline Policy:
1st check mark – Verbal Warning
2nd check mark – 30 Minute Detention
3rd check mark – Referral (to Assistant Principal)
Check marks are cleared at the end of each day.
Weare looking forward to a rewarding year with all of you!
Math – Who Needs It? You Do!!!
Ms. Gotschall & Ms. PietroMrs. Gonzalez
School Phone Number: 557-4401
It will be easier to email us and we will be able to respond much more quickly.