The Prints of Peace

February 2018

A periodical newspaper for and by the people

of Peace Lutheran Congregation,

Vernon, BC.

A Message from

Pastor David

One, Though Many

A Baptist, a Lutheran and a Presbyterian went to a bar. Or wait, maybe that was an Anglican Church they went to. Ecumenical cooperation turns heads because it juxtaposes people and belief sets that we sometimes have difficulty imagining together. Where a theological divide made us feuding enemies in the past, today our common ground in Christ has allowed a diverse range of church bodies to reach out in love and respect to each other.

Differences of interpretation and practice still exist among us. Ecumenical dialogue doesn’t erase all disagreements. Nor does it suggest that we should all be or think the same way. Unity is not uniformity. The differences between various expressions of Christian faith are real. That is what makes it so powerful for us to support each other and work together. Practicing love toward Christians who are different is enacting the gospel in a visible way.

So when Lutherans and Roman Catholics met last month at Peace to talk about what it would take to move forward with a Commitment to Communion it was powerful. Lutherans will not become Roman Catholics and Roman Catholics will not become Lutherans. But we may learn to eat together anyway.

In spite of a snowy day and slippery roads there were seventy people gathered at Peace to observe the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with various Christian leaders from different denominational backgrounds and an amazing band to lead our communal song. Our focus on freedom from slavery among Caribbean nations brought hope. It was very freeing for the participants to feel themselves moving to a different beat than we are used to when sitting on a wooden pew. That music made us move in unison.

Soon, we will enter another encounter with our broader church family. That connection will grow in our shared journey through Lent with Anglicans, Presbyterians, Baptists, Lutherans, and anyone who wishes to join us. Each congregation will host and each pastor will present God’s word during the five weeks in which we meet. You can find the details of this worship series later in this newsletter. The fact that we have the opportunity for such cooperation available to us is a cause for hope that we are growing with the whole church toward a greater level of mutual love and respect among the saints.

The hymn, “One Bread, One Body,” from our Evangelical Lutheran Worship book (#496) expresses with words adapted from the Apostle Paul, the hope for which Jesus prayed – that we would be one. The song is written by John Foley SJ (a Jesuit Priest).

One bread, one body, one Lord of all;

one cup of blessing which we bless,

and we, though many throughout the earth,

we are one body in this one Lord.

Peace, Pastor David



Monday rehearsals (7 pm) will continue in February, with NO REHEARSAL on February 19th.

We are working on Lenten and Easter anthems, psalms and hymns. Please come and join us!

My hope is that we all have a meaningful Lenten journey through February and March.


Margaret Hundeby Hunter


JANUARY 17, 2018

Chair Russ Crawford called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.

Present: Pr. David, Russ Crawford, Bob Wettlaufer, Ron Birch, Ralph Litzenberger, Mike Latham, Irma Lipski, Heather Skerritt, Janice Mezynski.

Absent: Susan Lloyd, Peter Nisse.

Devotions: Pr. David led in devotions, using ELW Evening Prayer, ELW hymn 561, and a short story entitled “Monet Refuses the Operation”.

Motion 2018-01: MSC that agenda be adopted as presented.

Motion 2018-02: MSC that minutes of December 13/17 meeting be adopted as presented.

Continuing Business

a) BC Societies Act- A model constitution endorsed by the BC Synod has been reviewed, and discussion was held regarding this model. Our constitution was sent in to the BC Synod and is under review by the Bishop. It was felt that the committee consisting of Bob Wettlaufer, Karen Lee, Ron Birch and Pr. David will meet to affect changes to the Peace Lutheran constitution drafted and approved at the Election meeting. The model constitution will be used to affect these changes.

Motion 2018-03: MSC that the vote for final approval of our constitution which was to be held at the Annual General Meeting on January 28th, 2018, be removed from the AGM agenda.

b) Revision of Mandates- Tabled

Treasurer’s Report:

Motion 2018-04: MSC that Treasurer’s Report be adopted as presented. Treasurer Ron Birch voiced approval and thanks for last year’s financial status of our congregation.

Chairperson’s Report- no report

Committee Reports:

a)Worship Committee- no report. Meeting to be held January 25/18 at 1 pm.

b)Education Committee – no report.

c)Finance and Stewardship- no report.

d)Congregational Life- no report. Potluck supper on January 24 at 6 pm, also coffee and squares after Jazz Vesper Service on January 28/18.

e)Church in Society- no report

f)Property Management- as presented. The hallway and Fireside trim and walls will be painted soon. Estimated cost is $2352.00 Thanks were expressed to all the folks who helped shovel the sidewalk on the southern edge of parking lot, bordering on 29th ave.

g)Mutual Ministry- no report.

Pastor’s Report: as presented.

a)Together In Christ Session 5 will be held on January 24/18, beginning with a potluck supper at 6 pm, followed by study, discussion and prayer service.

b)Jazz Vesper service at 7 pm on January 28/18. Coffee and squares to follow.

c)Midweek Lenten services- host congregation will plan and lead the service, which will be held at 2 pm on Wednesdays, beginning February 21 to March 21/18. Churches taking part include All Saints Anglican, Knox Presbyterian, First Baptist, and Peace Lutheran, with another church TBA.

d)Making Sense of Scripture, an adult education series, will begin on Tuesday January 30, at 7 pm and will continue on Tuesdays until March 27/18.

Motion 2018-05: MSC that vacation time requested by Pr. David, Feb 15-18/18 and March 7-9/18 be granted as requested.

Motion 2018-06: MSC that Study Week time requested by Pr. David, July 17-22/18, be granted as requested.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 21/18 at 7 pm sharp.

Devotions: Russ Crawford (also responsible for Council coffee on February 18/18).

Motion 2018-07: MSC that meeting be adjourned at 8:10 pm.

The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

A Lenten Journey

This Ecumenical Shared Journey through the Lenten Season focuses on key readings from the Easter Vigil, preparing participants for the coming celebrations of the resurrection of our Lord.

Services will take place at 2:00 p.m. each Wednesday in Lent and will be followed by a time of informal fellowship.

Date and Theme / Host and Location / Message
February 21
Theme: Creation
Genesis 1:1-2:4a / All Saints Anglican
3205 27 St / Rev Dr Teresa Charlton
Knox Presbyterian
February 28
Theme: Flood
Genesis 7:1-5, 11-18; 8:6-18; 9:8-13 / Knox Presbyterian
3701 32 Ave / Rev David Hunter
Peace Lutheran
March 7
Theme: Deliverance at the Red Sea
Exodus 14:10-31; 15:20-21 / First Baptist
1406 32 Ave / TBA
March 14
Theme: Salvation Freely Offered to All
Isaiah 55:1-11 / Peace Lutheran
1204 30 Ave / Rev Wendy Adams
All Saints Anglican
March 21
Theme: Deliverance from the Fiery Furnace
Daniel 3:1-29 / Peace Lutheran
1204 30 Ave / Rev Randy Hamm
First Baptist

In the Christian tradition, Lent is a holy season that acknowledges our spiritual need for repentance and for God’s mercy. Longing for joy in God’s presence, love of one’s neighbour and harmony with creation, we use Lent as a time to focus on spiritual renewal within our own lives and community. Followers of Jesus are called to a discipline that contends against evil and resists whatever leads us away from loving God and our neighbour. Practicing Lenten disciplines like self-examination and repentance, prayer and fasting, sacrificial giving and works of love, sharing God’s word and gifts are all ways to grow in faith as we anticipate the Joy of Easter.

These weekly services are intended to be part of that Lenten discipline while providing an opportunity to build bridges and connect with Christians of other traditions. Please Join us on Wednesdays at 2:00 from February 21 to March 21, for this Lenten Journey.

Upcoming at Peace

  • HERON GROVE SERVICE – Sunday, February 4th@ 2:30 PM
  • CHOIR – Monday’s @ 7:00 PM (no choir on February 19th)
  • ALTAR GUILD – Tuesday, February 6th @ 9:30 AM
  • CONFIRMATION CLASSES – Tuesdays @ 4:15 (no class February 20th)
  • ADULT STUDY – Tuesday, January 30th- March 27th @ 7:00 PM
  • PRAYER SHAWL – Wednesday, February 7th @ 10:00 AM
  • QUILTERS – Thursday’s @ 10:00 AM
  • SUNSHINE SENIORS – FridaysFebruary 9th& 23rd@1:30 PM
  • ASH WEDNESDAY – Wednesday, February 14th6:00 PM with Worship @ 7:00 PM
  • ANCORA WOMEN’S ENSEMBLE CONCERT – Friday, February 16th, 7:00 PM @ Peace Lutheran tickets will be available at the door
  • LENTEN JOURNEY – 2:00 PM February 21st @ 2:00 PM - @ All Saints & February 28th @ Knox Presbyterian
  • COUNCIL – Wednesday, February 21st@ 7:00 PM
  • POTLUCK – Sunday, February 25th after worship
  • ELW MEETING – Tuesday, February 27th @ 1:00 PM


Peace Lutheran Prayer Chain


Is sponsored by our ELW, it is made up of individuals who have made a commitment to pray for others in need. Those with a particular concern for themselves or others are invited to contact Rita Makasoff and explain the circumstances for which prayers are requested.

Contact Me:

Pam McCreight

Telephone 250-545-5787


Tuesday / 8:30-12:30
Friday / 8:30-12:30

OnTuesday February 6th & 13th

and Friday, February 23rd.