Bid Document
Hiring Horticulture Services
(i)Last Date for collecting Tenders : 18. 06. 2004
(ii)Last date for submission of Bid: 21.06.2004
(iii)Date of Opening of Technical Bid: 21.06.2004 at 4.00 pm
(iv)Date of opening of financial Bid:Technically qualified bidders
will be informed.
Cost of Bid document : Rs. 500
(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
NEW DELHI-110012.
Bid Document No. ………………
Date of Issue……………………….
Name & Address of the Bidder
Important Notice
This bid document is non transferable.
An incomplete offer and / or late bid is liable to be ignored
The National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR), is a constituent unit of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR). NISCAIR is situated in two campuses: (1) Pusa Campus (near Pusa Gate), Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi-110012, and (2) S V Marg, New Delhi-110067. The Pusa Campus of NISCAIR is spread over 2.4 hectre. It has a main building of 1790.60 m² located almost in the center of the campus surrounded by front, back and side lawns. The main building has ground plus two floors. Here is an annexe building and five temporary structures (sheds) spread around the main building, and two gates with security cabins at boundary of the campus.
The NISCAIR Pusa campus have seven developed lawns which are spread over in an area of about 10,000 m². with about 350 trees and shrubs. This campus is also having a nursery in which about 2000 potted plants are maintained.
Scope of the Work:
The contractor shall provide the following horticultural services for maintenance of lawns, hedges, trees, shrubs, nursery, potted plants, etc at NISCAIR, Pusa Campus.
Details of work to be carried out by the contractor
(i)Maintenance of about 10,000 Sqm Lawn area.
The maintenance of lawn includes, weeding, trimming and pruning of grass by moving of grass cutting machines, top dressing, checking of grass, using of manure, fertilizers, spraying of insecticides, pesticides, fungicides, weedicides, sweeping and watering etc. throughout the year and patch work by planting the doob grass in rows in symmetry in either direction if need so.
(ii)Maintenance of Nursery
The maintenance of nursery by doing all horticultural operations like weeding, hoeing, watering, mixing of manure and fertilizer including application of plant tool, spraying of insecticides, pesticides, fungicides, etc and preparation of seedlings by sowing of seeds, bulbs, rhizomes, cuttings, grafting, layering, gootying,etc and plantation of seedlings in pots and shifting of potted plants as and when required during meetings, seminars, visits of VIPs etc. or as per directions of the Director, NISCAIR, or his nominee. Also maintaining about 2000 potted plants already available in the nursery.
(iii)Maintenance of trees, shrubs and creepers
The maintenance of trees, shrubs and creepers include the maintenance of about 350 trees, shrubs and creepers by their manuring, watering, hoeing, pruning and trimming, replacement of old dead by new ones and to ensure enough supply of air and water circular kiaries around the tree trunk are to be prepared.
(iv)Designing, preparation and maintenances of flower beds
The designing, preparation and maintenances of about 100 flower beds including digging, manuring, watering and sowing /sapling of seasonal annual flowering plants at different locations in the lawns of the campus. In between these flower beds (Kiaries) perennials or shrubs are to be sown or planted. A list of plants to be planted is enclosed at annexure IV.
(v)Maintenance of hedges
The maintenance of hedges, (about 150 meter length), includes their watering, hoeing of channels, pruning and trimming and replacing old and dead plants by planting the new saplings.
(vi)Creation of edges
Creation or development of edges along the roads of lawns all over the campus by putting Duranta or any other suitable hedge plants (list enclosed at annexure IV)..
(vii)Arranging of flower vase :
The arranging of flower vase with fresh cut flowers of Tata Rose, Gladiolus, Carnation, or other seasonal flowers, etc daily at reception, Director’s room , Director’s Office, committee room (s) and ladies toilets.About ten flower vase will be arranged daily.
(viii) Arranging of Bouquets:
Bouquets of fresh cut flowers of Tata rose each shall be provided during occasions like workshops, seminars, special meetings and visits of VIPs at NISCAIR. Approximate 50 such Bouquets shall have to be arranged during the year.
(ix)White washing of curb stones:
The curb stones along the roads in the campus shall be white washed at least two times in a year .
Scope of the work: (For detail, please refer to Section I)
Estimated cost: Estimated cost of the maintenance work only is Rsw.242500/-(two lakh forty two thousand five hundred only)
Eligible Bidders
The contractor should have an experience of at least five years in dealing with Horticulture / lawns maintenance work in Central/ State Govt./ CPWD/ Autonomous bodies/ CSIR or its Laboratories/ Institutes, and having successfully carried out preferably three similar works in the last three years.
Preparation of Bids
Technical and Financial Bids
The bids are to be submitted in two parts in separate sealed envelopes
(a)Technical Bid + EMD
(b)Financial Bid
Technical Bid:
The Technical Bids for horticultural services should be provided in the Annexure I.
Financial Bid:
The Financial Bids for horticultural services prepared by the bidder should be provided in the Annexure II.
1. Sealed tenders in two parts (Technical Bid and Financial Bid) are invited from the contractors who should have an experience of at least five years in dealing with Horticulture / lawns maintenance work in Central/ State Govt./ CPWD/ Autonomous bodies/ CSIR or its Laboratories/ Institutes, and having successfully carried out preferably three similar works in the last three years.
- The bidder shall deposit along with the tender, an Ernest money of Rs.10000/- by way of Bankers Cheque/Demand Draft/ Pay Order in favour of "The Director, NISCAIR, payable at New Delhi", which will be refunded to the unsuccessful Bidders within one months from the date of opening of the tenders. Tenders without earnest money will not be considered.. Technical and Financial Bids shall be as per Annexure -I and Annexure II respectively.
- In the financial bid the bidders must quote the rates in figures as well as in words. If there is any discrepancy between the price quoted in figures and words whichever is the higher of the two shall be taken as the bid price.
- The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Bank-Guarantee of Rs.25,000/- from a nationalized Bank in favour of "The Director. National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources. New Delhi” valid for 15 months. Bank Guarantee will be required to be furnished within two weeks from the date of award of contract.
- Normal tools and implements such as spades, rakes, kasia, khurpis, hedgeshears, hatchets, garden saw etc. required during the operation of horticulture work shall have to be arranged by the contractor himself. However, lawn mover machine (diesel operated), hosepipes and water sprinkler system may be provided by the institute The inputs like fertilizers, manure, insecticides, fungicides, pesticides, weedicides, white wash, etc are to be arranged by the contractor, however, the cost of these materials will be paid separately, as per quoted rates, by the institute on submitting of the bills within thirty days. However, the cost of the Diesel will be paid on the prevailing market rates against the original bill.
- Plant materials such as seeds, bulbs, saplings of annuals / perennials/ shrubs and trees, etc shall be arranged by the contractor, however, the cost of these materials will be paid separately , as per quoted rates, by the institute on submitting of the bills within thirty days.
7.The Director, NISCAIR reserves the right to accept or reject in part or full, any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons whatsoever and does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender
8.Canvassing in connection with the tenders is prohibited and the tenders submitted by the contractor who resort to canvassing are liable for rejection.
- The bidder shall not be permitted to tender for work in the concerned unit of CSIR in which a relative is posted in the grade between Controller of Administration and Junior Engineer (Both inclusive). He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or subsequently employed by him and who are relatives as mentioned above
- Except writing rates and amount, the bidder should not make any changes, additions, alterations and modifications in the printed form of tenders. Bidders who are desirous to offer rebate the same should be brought out separately in the covering letter and submitted along with the tender.
- The contractor will be responsible for any loss or damage to properties, belonging to the NISCAIR, New Delhi, caused by or in connection with any of his workers by theft or otherwise and he shall reimburse to NISCAIR, New Delhi, at the current value of such property on demand.
- In the event of any dispute arising in this regard or in respect of any matter concerning the services during the covering of this contract or thereafter the decision of the Director, NISCAIR, New Delhi shall be final and binding on both the parties. The jurisdiction of the court of Delhi shall be applicable.
- The contractor would be bound to replace such worker(s) whose conduct and services are not found satisfactory by the Director, NISCAIR, New Delhi.
- The contractor shall deposit Ernest Money with the Institute by a demand draft/ pay order issued by a scheduled Bank in favour of Director, NISCAIR, payable at New Delhi .
- The Security Money deposited will be liable to be forfeited or appropriated in the event of unsatisfactory performance of the contract and loss or damage, if any, sustained by the institute on account of failure or negligence on part of any of labour of the contractor.
- The Security Money will be refunded to the contractor three months after satisfactory expiry of the contract period.
- The contractor will have to execute an agreement on Rs. 100/- non judicial stamp papers after the award of the work but before the commencement of the work.
- That it is expressly understood and agreed to between the parties to this tender that the person deployed by the contractor periodically for the above work shall be employee of the contractor for all intents and purposes and in no case, shall a relationship of employers and employee between the said persons and NISCAIR/ CSIR shall accrue implicitly and explicitly.
- The contractor shall keep NISCAIR indemnify against all claims whatsoever in respect of employees deployed by the contractor. In case any employee of the contractor so deployed enter into dispute of any nature whatsoever, it will be the prior responsibility of the contractor to contest the case, the NISCAIR/CSIR will be reimbursed for the actual expenses incurred towards council fee and other expenses etc. which will be paid in advance by the contractor to NISCAIR on demand. Further the contractor shall ensure that no financial or any other liability comes on NISCAIR.
- Director of the institute or any other officer authorized by the office shall be at liberty to carry out surprise checks on the works of the contractor in order to ensure that the work is properly carried out.
- It will be the sole responsibility of the contractor to ensure that there is no loss of any kind movable or immovable property of the institute due to work carried out by the contractor and that the contractor shall make good loss to the institute
23. Before tendering, the bidder shall inspect the site to fully acquaint himself about the condition in regard to accessibility of the site, nature and extent of ground, working conditions of site and locality including stacking of materials, installations of tools and movement of labour etc. is required for the satisfactory execution of the work contract. No claim whatsoever on such account shall be entertained by the Employer in any circumstances.
- .The antecedents of staff deployed by the contractor under this contract should be verified by the police authorities and record submitted to this office.
- . The services of workers will be required for six days a week basis.
- The manpower deployed by the contractor should turn up in neat and clean uniform.
- No employee of the contractor shall be allowed to stay in NISCAIR premises during night or create any temporary shelter.
- The workers of the contractor should not below the age of 18 years and above the age of 50 years as on the date of contract is effective.
- Contractor should ensure the payment of his workers as per Minimum Wages Act as applicable to National Capital Region of New Delhi.
- Director, NISCAIR, reserves the rights to terminate the contract without assigning any reason.
31. The payment for maintenance will be made on monthly basis and for supply of material within thirty days from the submission of the bills.
Commencement of the Contract
That this contract will come into force for a period of one year, (12 months), after signing an agreement between the two parties. However, it may be extended further up to three years on yearly basis on such terms and conditions as mutually agreed upon subject to the satisfactory services.
Termination of the contract
That this contract may be terminated on any one of the following contingencies
(a)On the expiry of the contract.
(b)By giving one month notice by NISCAIR due to :
- The contractor not performing his duties properly.
ii For committing breech of contract of any of the terms & conditions of the agreement on assigning the contract or any part thereof or benefit or interest therein or hereunder by the contractor to any third party for subletting whole or part of the contract to any third party.
©On the contractor being declared as insolvent by the court of law.
During the period for termination of contract in the situation contemplated above, the contractor shall keep discharging his duties as before till the expiry of notice period. It shall be the duty of the contractor to remove all the persons deployed by him on termination of the contract on any ground whatsoever and to ensure that no person creates any disruption/ hindrance/ problem of any nature to NISCAIR/ CSIR.
Signature of the Bidder
1.Are you having an experience of five years in dealing
with Horticulture / lawns maintenance workYes/No
2.Have you successfully carried out preferably
three similar works in the last three years.Yes/ No
3. Have you attached a list of contracts held Yes/No
during last 3 years (Name of the organizations)
4. Have you attached work satisfactory completion certificates Yes/No
from previous contracts (at least 3 contracts):
5. Whether the Ernest Money Deposit in the form of Bankers Cheque/ Yes/No
Demand Draft/ Pay Order is enclosed.
Bankers Cheque/Demand Draft of Rs. ______bearing
No. ______dated ______
Signature and Seal of Bidder
Date: ______
Name of the Work: Horticulture services required at NISCAIR, Pusa Campus, New Delhi.
Sr. No. / Description of work / Qnty / Unit / Rate in Rs. / AmountRs.
01 / Maintenance of Lawn, nursery, hedges, developing of flower beds and edges and arranging flower vase with fresh cut flowers :
(i) It includes weeding, trimming and pruning of grass, by moving of grass cutting machines, top dressing, checking of grass, using of manure, spraying of insecticides, weedicides, sweeping and watering etc. throughout the year and patch work by planting the doob grass in rows in symmetry in either direction if need so.
(ii) Preparation of seedlings by sowing of seeds, grafting, layering, etc and plantation of seedlings in earthen pots.
(iii) Designing, preparation and maintenances of about 100 flower beds.
(iv) Maintenance of hedges includes pruning and trimming,
(v) Developing edging along with roads all over the campus with Duranta or with some other suitable hedge plant.
(vi) Arranging of flower vase with fresh cut flowers of Tata Rose, Gladiolus, Carnation and other seasonal plants available in the garden etc. / 10,000 / Sqm
02 / MaterialManure (Gober Khad )
Okhla khad
Fertiliser (Urea)
Planting materials
Seeds (Annuals) for
- Winter season
- Summer season
- Rainy season
Saplings (Perennial shrubs)
(At least 5- 10 different varieties)
Bulbs, Rhizomes, Corms etc / 44.00 (two trucks)
44.00 (Two trucks)
1000 (1Lt.)
1000 (1Lt.)
1000 (1Lt.)
1000 (1Lt.)
50 / Cum
03 / Arranging Bouquets of fresh cut flowers of Tata Rose during occasions like workshops, seminars, special meetings and visits of VIPs at NISCAIR.
A Bouquets of 60 coloured Tata Roses. / 50 / Number
04 / White washing of curb stones and trees growing in the lawns.a.The curb stones all along the roads to be white washed at least two times in a year
b. Trunks of the trees growing in the lawn / 1500
150 / Meter
Total :
- The estimate for maintenance is inclusive of contractor’s service charge and Work Contract tax @ 4% .
- Rates of the material to be supplied should be inclusive of taxes and on F.O.R. NISCAIR, Pusa Campus basis.
The payment for maintenance will be made on monthly basis and for supply of material within thirty days from the submission of the bill.
Declaration:I accept all the terms and conditions of the tender
Signature of Bidder
1.Technical Bid & Financial Bid in separate marked envelopes Yes/No
2.Earnest Money Deposit with Technical Bid ( in separate envelop)Yes/No
3 Experience certificate for previous work Yes/No
Date: Signature & Seal of the Bidder