A Service Providers guide to the Community Childcare Subvention Scheme (CCS)
Example of childcare fees under the CCS scheme in a childcare service with the following fees –
- Fullday care [More than 5 hours]:€145 per week
- Part time care [3 hours 31 minutes to 5 hours]€80 per week
- Sessional care [2 hours 15 minutes up to 3 hours 30 minutes]€60 per week
Fullday care [More than 5 hours] / Part time care [3 hours 31 minutes to 5 hours] / Sessional care [2 hours 15 minutes up to 3 hours 30 minutes]
Band A / Overall fee €145
Subvention €100*
Parents fee €45 / Overall fee €80
Subvention €50
Parents fee €30 / Overall fee €60
Subvention €33
Parents fee €27
Band B / Overall fee €145
Subvention €50
Parents fee €95 / Overall fee €80
Subvention €25
Parents fee €55 / Overall fee €60
Subvention €17
Parents fee €43
* Note – Band A parents in receipt of Job Seekers Benefit / Assistance will qualify for subvented childcare on a part-time basis (i.e. not more than 5 hours of childcare per day i.e. a maximum of €50 subvention discount per week)
Important points to note –
Each community service sets their fees based on the cost of providing a quality childcare place in their service.
The cost of childcare places will vary from service to service.
You cannot claim both CCS and ECCE in respect of one child in the same year.
Community Childcare Subvention (CCS) Programme
The Community Childcare Subvention Scheme (CCSS) was replaced by the CCS in September 2010. The CCS continues to be restricted to community/not-for-profit childcare services. The CCS Scheme continues to support disadvantaged parents and provides support for parents in low paid employment and training or
education. The changes from the CCSS are as follows:
- Band A has been expanded to include parents on Family Income Support (FIS).
- Band A parents who are in receipt of Job Seekers Benefit/Assistance receive subvention for a maximum of five hours of childcare per day, or 2.5 days per week. (known as Band AJ)
- Band B includes low income working parents above the FIS threshold, for example parents holding
medical or GP visit cards.
The CCS programme allows eligible parents to access reduced childcare costs at participating community
childcare services. The table below outlines the weekly subvention rates for Band A or B, based on the type
of service the child is availing of. (The list of payments under Band A in the table is not exhaustive. Where
clarification is required please contact the City / County Childcare Committee).
Level of Service / Band A / Band B- One Parent Family Payment
- Widows/Widowers Pension
- Job Seekers Benefit/Assistance* (AJ)
- Pre-retirement Allowance
- Farm Assist
- State Pension
- Blind Pension
- Guardian’s Payment
- Illness/Injury Benefit
- Disability Allowance
- Carer’s Benefit/ Allowance
- Back to Work/Education Allowance
- Supplementary Welfare Allowance**
- Community Employment
- Domiciliary Care Allowance
- Family Income Supplement (FIS)
- HSE Referrals
- Secondary School students
- Medical Card
- GP Visit Card
qualify for Band A/AJ
this year but who were
verified as being on
Band A/AJ the previous
School year
Full-Day Payment / €100 / €50
Half-Day Payment / €50 / €25
Sessional Payment / €33 / €17
Half Session Payment / €16 / €8.50
* parents in receipt of Jobseekers Benefit/Assistance (JB / JA) qualify for subvented childcare to a maximum
of €50 subvention per week (Band AJ).
** A similar cap applies to Basic Payments under the Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme, as manyof those in receipt of such payments are awaiting a decision on a Jobseekers Benefit/Assistance claim. Inthe event that this payment concludes with a successful claim which attracts a full rate Band A eligibility(e.g. One parent Family Payment) then the eligibility for that payment can be back dated to the start of theperiod for which the basic payment applied.