A&P Chapter 2 Quiz 2


A&P Chapter 2 Quiz 2

  1. X-rays are an example of which type of energy?
  2. mechanical energy
  3. chemical energy
  4. electrical energy
  5. potential energy
  6. radiant energy
  1. What is the atomic number of an atom that contains 1 proton, 2 neutrons, and 3 electrons?
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 4
  6. 5
  1. What is the mass number of the atom described in question #2?
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 4
  6. 5
  1. Which element in the human body is represented by the symbol K?
  2. phosphorus
  3. nitrogen
  4. sodium
  5. sulfur
  6. potassium
  1. Which of the following nitrogenous bases is not present in DNA?
  2. guanine
  3. cytosine
  4. adenine
  5. thymine
  6. uracil
  1. Which level of protein structure consists of a simple strand of amino acid?
  2. secondary structure (beta pleated sheet)
  3. quaternary structure
  4. tertiary structure
  5. primary structure
  6. secondary structure (alpha helix)
  1. When dissolving in water, acids release
  2. a hydrogen ion and a cation.
  3. a hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion.
  4. a hydroxide ion and an anion.
  5. a hydroxide ion and a cation.
  6. a hydrogen ion and an anion.
  1. Carbohydrates are stored in animal tissue in which of the following forms?
  2. disaccharides
  3. monosaccharide
  4. glycogen
  5. eicosanoids
  6. starch
  1. Steroid hormones are composed of
  2. complex sugars.
  3. cholesterol.
  4. phospholipids.
  5. eicosanoids.
  6. simple sugars.
  1. Abrupt changes in pH are prevented by
  2. acids.
  3. salts.
  4. bases.
  5. buffers.
  6. nucleic acids.
  1. The bicarbonate ion is a common ______and the ammonia ion is a ______.
  2. cation, cation
  3. anion, anion
  4. cation, anion
  5. none of the answers above is correct
  6. anion, cation
  7. ______are two substances with the same molecular formula but with different atomic arrangements.
  8. Dipoles
  9. Polymers
  10. Radioisotopes
  11. Isotopes
  12. Isomers
  1. Plasma membranes are made of ______.
  2. fatty acids
  3. eicosanoids
  4. phospholipids
  5. glycerol
  6. steroids
  1. An electron is
  2. negatively charged with 1 atomic mass unit.
  3. neutral with no mass.
  4. positively charged with no mass.
  5. negatively charged with no mass.
  6. positively charged with 1 atomic mass unit.
  1. Which statement about ionic bonds is false?
  2. Opposite charges attract.
  3. Some ions are electron acceptors.
  4. Ions are charged particles.
  5. Some ions are electron donors.
  6. Adjacent atoms share electrons.

A&P Chapter 2 Quiz 2 Answer Key

1. e / 2. c / 3. c / 4. a / 5. e
6. d / 7. c / 8. c / 9. b / 10. d
11. e / 12. e / 13. c / 14. d / 15. e