A note to our customers:
Please accept our sincere apologies, but we have reluctantly had to increase our mail order prices. We do our best to provide all our customers with a quick and efficient service by using first class post and special delivery and have in the past absorbed the postage increases. However we find that after a very busy Christmas season we can no longer keep our costs within the existing pricing structure and have been forced to increase our prices. I hope that you will still find it a worthwhile service to have your favourite whisky delivered directly to your door and that the increase is still affordable and attractive enough for you not to take your business elsewhere.
All prices shown are inclusive of postage and packing. Payment please in GB Ł sterling with order. Unfortunately we are only able to send our whiskies at the above prices within the U.K. Due to the importation laws in the United States we are unable to send our whiskies directly into America. Please contact the distillery for a price to include postage and packing for sales within the E.C.
Please note that the following whiskies are temporarily out of stock:
Dew of Ben Nevis “21 Years Old Luxury” blend.
Dew of Ben Nevis “ 20 Years Old Limited Edition” blend in ceramic flagon.
Ben Nevis “26 Years Old Single Cask” single highland malt.
/ 70 cl. Dew of Ben Nevis "Special Reserve" Blend 40% alc.
This product was added to our range after some of our potential customers felt that our “Supreme Selection” blend was “too smooth”. This blend was created with those people in mind. This blend does not carry an age statement on the label but I can tell you that some of the malts used in this product are over 5 years old. Jim Murray’s “Whisky Bible 2004” describes it thus:- ‘very firm malt, sweet, full-bodied and punchy grain, even a hint of honey on the spicy finale’.
A gold medal was awarded by Monde Selection to this whisky in 2002.
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/ 70 cl. Dew of Ben Nevis "Special Reserve" Blend 40% alc. in Ceramic Flagon
This presentation of the same whisky as described above is currently selling very well in France. We have only recently introduced the new cartons illustrating Ben Nevis in winter and summer guises.
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/ 70 cl Dew of Ben Nevis "Blue Label" Blend 40%
Our “Blue Label” blend started out in life as our contribution to the stock of millennium whiskies which proliferated the market at that time. Most companies presented aged and most very expensive products, whereas we produced a new blend which did not carry an age statement on the label thus being a new whisky for the new millennium. This whisky won our first gold medal from the International Wines & Spirits Competition in 2000. Now that the millennium is behind us we decided to continue selling this product but re-named as “Blue Label”. Jim Murray,s “Whisky Bible 2004” describes this blend as ‘weighty malt; has that “married” feel, where the malts have combined to make a busy, impossible-to-describe whole, back to the grains again: quite bitty and complex; chunky and complex.
This product was awarded a gold medal in the International Wine & Spirit Competition 2000 and Monde Selection gave it a silver medal that same year.
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/ 70 cl. Dew of Ben Nevis "Supreme Selection" Blend 40%
This, along with our 12 Years Old Deluxe blend were the only two whiskies that we had for sale when we first opened our Visitors’ Centre in July 1991. This whisky is offered for tasting in our Visitors’ Centre after completing a tour of the distillery. This is an exceptionally smooth, well-rounded whisky which is appreciated by most palates. Up until we introduced our 10 Years Old single highland malt this was our biggest selling whisky.
This whisky was awarded a silver medal from Monde Selection in 2001.
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/ 70 cl. Dew of Ben Nevis "12 Year Old Deluxe" Blend 40%
This whisky is so rich in malt content that many people think of it as a malt whisky. As part of his whisky Tasting evenings our Danish importer has in the past conducted ‘blind’ tastings using our “12 Years Old Deluxe” blend and having the audience compare it with some of our larger competitors more famous blends, of the same vintage. The tide of opinion favoured the Ben Nevis whisky each time this challenge was tried. This product sells particularly well in our Visitors’ Centre and also on the internet with many orders being repeats. This product gained a gold medal from Monde in 2000.
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/ 75 cl. Dew of Ben Nevis "20 Years Old Limited Edition" Blend in ceramic flagon 43%
In 2000 this product was produced to commemorate the 175 years that Ben Nevis distillery had been in existence. Only 2000 were produced in flagons supplied by Wade Ceramics. This is a very similar blend to our 21 Years Old, just the whisky is that little bit younger.
Monde awarded this product a gold medal in 2001.
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/ 70 cl. Dew of Ben Nevis "21 Year Old Luxury" Blend 43%
Our “21 Years Old Luxury” blend was first launched in 1991 when it was sold in a Dartington Glass hand-blown crystal, pot still shaped decanter presentation. The base of this blend is our ‘blended at birth’ Ben Nevis malt and grain spirits which were blended as new make and allowed to mature as a blended whisky. To this base we have added some classic malts. Of this one Jim Murray says:- ‘citrus ‘n salt; fabulous complexity with illuminating malt showing sweetness to a salty depth and toasty oak; thins out towards vanilla and milky coffee, but with a little orange to lighten the load; a really lovely aged blend where the complexity is mind blowing. Go get….!!’, again, from his 2004 edition of “The Whisky Bible”.
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/ 70 cl. McDonald's Glencoe "8 Year Old Vatted" Malt 58%
This whisky was launched back in the late 1960’s by Rory McDonald, a direct descendant of Long John McDonald, the founder of the Ben Nevis distillery in 1825. Despite the high strength of this product it is highly regarded by the passionate whisky drinker. Jim Murray has this to say of it in his “Whisky Bible 2004” :- ‘Mouthwatering in parts, lots of cereal, spice and kick’. Monde Selection awarded a silver medal to this vatted malt in 2002.
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/ 70 cl. Ben Nevis "10 Years Old single west highland" Malt 46%
Our single malt was introduced to the market back in 1996 using whisky produced in 1986, the last year that Long John International produced whisky at Ben Nevis distillery. Initially sales were very slow until we packaged the bottle in a presentation tube since when this has gone on to become our largest selling whisky. In Jim Murray’s “Whisky Bible 2004” he says this:- ‘such a massive introduction to the palate: soft oils, citrus notes and very big oak on the malt, but sweet enough to chew forever; the integration of the oak really makes for some finish: long, hints of bitter roast coffee against the sweet oils; the nose makes you say oh-oh, but you need a knife, fork spoon and napkin for the taste’.
We were awarded a grand gold medal by Monde Selection in 1999 and again in 2000. It also won a gold medal in 2001 and a trophy for three consecutive years of being awarded gold and grand gold medals. We were also awarded a silver medal by Monde Selection for this product in 2003.
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/ 70 cl. Ben Nevis "26 Year Old single cask" Malt Cask strength
We started selling our cask strength malts back in the early 1990’s at 19 and 25 Years Old. We then introduced a 26 Years Old version and have remained faithful to this aging since then. Alas, no more – the distillery was out of production from 1979 until re-started by Long John International Limited in 1984, but the only for 3 Years until 1986 and thereafter being closed until re-commencing production in September 1990. As you can appreciate with each bottle being individually numbered there is only a finite amount of whisky that we can bottle in this way. We may be able to introduce some older whiskies from single cask and at cask strength later if they become available. Watch this space! The 26 years old single cask was awarded a silver medal in the 2003 by Monde Selection.
Temporarily Out of Stock!
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70 cl. Dew of Ben Nevis "40 Years Old Unique" 'Blended at Birth' 40%
Late in 2002 we were very lucky to be offered a parcel of whisky that had been produced in 1962, when the distillery was owned by Mr. Joseph Hobbs, who had introduced a patent Coffey still in 1955 to produce grain whisky. Mr. Hobbs took this a step further when he started to produce a blend from his new make malt and grain spirits and then fill the blend into the casks and allow it to mature as a blend. This was unique to the whisky industry and we believe it was only the distilleries owned by Mr. Hobbs who engaged in this practice.
This whisky was awarded a gold medal by Monde Selection of Belgium in 2004.
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