Minutes of the Parish Assembly
Wednesday 31 August 2011 at 7.30 p.m.Assembly Room, Town Hall
59/11 / Welcome & Apologies
Procureur Patrick Freeley, The Very Reverend Bob Key
60/11 / Approve Minutes of Parish Assembly held on 27 July 2011
Proposed: Daren O’Toole
Seconded: Deputy Jacqueline Hilton
The Minutes of the Parish Assembly held on 27 July 2001 were unanimously approved.
61/11 / To recommend to the Licensing Bench the following applications for licences for the year 2011 in virtue of the Licensing (Jersey) Law, 1974.
Name / Category / Business Address
The Bengal Bistro Limited
Sec: Ali Ahmed / Third / The Bengal Bistro
Shop 1
36 Colomberie Arcade
Solicitor Kevin Manning presented the application.
Proposer: Suzanne Le Marquand
Seconder: Claire Green
Deputy Jackie Hilton asked if she could have further information in relation to the application.
Mr Manning explained that Mr and Mrs Ahmed had run the premises for the last four years, the licence being held under Mrs Ahmed’s name, but due to domestic reasons Mr Ahmed was now taking over the licence under the Company name, Bengal Bistro Limited. Therefore, this application was in fact a transfer of the licence.
Deputy Debbie de Sousa queried the opening hours and time of deliveries.
Mr Ahmed confirmed that there would be no change to opening hours of the premises, this would remain at 5.30 until 11.00 pm and that deliveries would take place between 6.00 and 10.00 pm.
On being put to the vote, the application was unanimously approved.
Name / Category / Business Address
De Sousa,
Susana Fernandes / First / The Oxford Pub
Union Street
The application was presented by Mrs Susana de Sousa.
Proposer: Flavio Olim
Seconder: Andrew Toland
Deputy de Sousa congratulated the applicant on reopening The Oxford and wished her luck with her venture.
Geraint Jennings reiterated previous statements made in relation to the narrowness of the pavement outside the premises and urged the applicant to ensure that it did not become blocked by patrons or mess made by cigarette ends.
On being put to the vote, the application was unanimously approved.
Name / Category / Business Address
Jason William / First / Victoria Hotel
9 Minden Place
The application was presented by Advocate Georgina Cooke.
Proposer: Penny Dawkins
Seconder: Martin Kelly
On being put to the vote, the application was unanimously approved.
Name / Category / Business Address
Don Inn (Jersey) Limited
Sec: Geraldine Davies / First / The Don Inn
56 Don Road
Advocate Georgina Cooke presented the application.
Proposer: Penny Dawkins
Seconder: Martin Kelly
Advocate Cooke explained that as the previous tenant had left, the Liberation Group was taking back the premises into their portfolio pending a new tenant being found. It was highly likely that the current Manageress would become the new tenant.
Deputy de Sousa remarked that she knew the current Manageress and felt that she would make an excellent tenant and wished her luck.
On being put to the vote, the application was unanimously approved.
Name / Category / Business Address / Category / Business Address
Eden Park (Jersey) Limited
Sec: Brett Brimble / Sixth / Jeep
21 Bath Street
Brett Brimble spoke on behalf of the Company.
Proposer: Brett Brimble
Seconder: Lynda Wood
Mr Brimble explained that his shop sold a brand of men’s high quality clothes wear that is sold worldwide and at times, he had received requests from clients to purchase gift boxes of branded champagne that the Company sells.
Mr Bernard Manning asked if there could be a stipulation if the licence was granted that the premises could only sell the Eden Park products. Mr Brimble confirmed that he would he happy for this stipulation.
Mr Geraint Jennings felt that this would be opening the door for every retailer to sell alcohol. He did not think that it was necessary and therefore would be voting against the application.
The Constable asked if this would be ancillary to the business conducted. Mr Brimble confirmed that it would be only a very small part and restricted to gift sets when requested when purchased alongside other brand items.
Deputy Jackie Hilton felt this was an interesting application but she did have concerns. Given that, she had regularly objected to new Sixth Category Licences she felt that she had to object to this application.
Deputy Debbie de Sousa reiterated the comments of Mr Jennings and Deputy Hilton and stated that she would also be voting against.
Mr Bernard Manning stated that he was happy to vote in favour of the application providing that the previous conditions as agreed to in respect of branded products only was attached.
On being put to the vote, the application was approved by 13 votes in favour and 4 against. / First / The Don Inn
56 Don Road
Name / Category / Business Address
Josanne Limited
Sec Christopher Joseph Power / Sixth / Befani’s
35 – 41 Colomberie
Mr Christopher Power a Director of Josanne Limited presented the application.
Proposer: Leonel de Nobrega
Seconder: Katarzyna de Nobrega
Mr Power explained that they were making the application for a Sixth Category Licence as they had on occasions received requests from patrons requesting to purchase wines the restaurant sold so they were looking to offer a facility whereby patrons could sample different wines and then purchase them.
Mr Geraint Jennings queried where the wines would be kept and up to what time they would be sold.
Mr Power confirmed that they would be contained in a locked facility and that they would not be sold after 10.00 pm
Deputy de Sousa spoke against the application stating that she did not believe a restaurant should be allowed to sell wine to people to take away and would vote against.
On being put to the vote, the application was approved by 10 votes in favour and 4 against.
Name / Category / Business Address
355 Limited
Sec First Island Secretaries Limited / Third / Alla Piazza
8 Caledonia Place
Proposer: Gianluigi Ortelli
Seconder: Idaleio Camacho
A Director of the Company outlined the application, which in essence was a transfer of the licence.
Deputy Debbie de Sousa asked if there would be a change in opening hours. It was confirmed that there might be during the day but not at night.
Mr Geraint Jennings asked if there would be a change in capacity and it was confirmed there would not be any change.
Mr Flynn queried if the applicant was part of the same Company currently operating from the premises and queried if they were trading without a licence and an al fresco permit and urged the Constable to make the necessary checks.
The applicant stated that when he took over the lease of the premises he believed that he had received permissions of the various agencies involved to operate under the previous licence until his Company’s application was heard by the Licensing Bench.
On being put to the vote, the application was unanimously approved.
62/11 / Date of next Parish Assembly
The date of the next Parish Assembly was confirmed as Wednesday 13 September 2011 at 7.30 pm.