Chairman Warren Stolp called the regular meeting of the Town of Nashwauk to order on Tuesday, May14, 2013 at 7:00 PM in the Cloverdale Hall. Members present: Warren Stolp, Jeffrey Ekholm, Larry Laakso, Karine Woodman andAmber Goss. Members absent: none.

A motion was made by Ekholm and seconded by Laakso to approve the treasurer’s report as read. Total receipts: $13,540.22. Total disbursements: $27,065.53. Total ending balance for the month: $383,787.15. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Stolp and seconded by Ekholm to approve the clerk’s minutes of the last regular meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Ekholm and seconded by Stolp to approve the minutes of the 5/1/13 Board of Appeal & Equalization meeting and the 5/1/13 road meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Stolp and seconded by Laakso to approve and pay all claims presented to the board for payment. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Carissa McIlwain was absent to discuss the Greenway Recreation Board, therefore no report was given.
  1. Brian Ekholm and Joyce Peraaho gave an update on the Town Hall Committee. They are still meeting every month. At the last meeting, a representative from Rick Nolan’s office was there and is working on ways to help with funding. The committee asked if they could start applying for grants and work towards getting a set of plans. They staked out the building and it will not require the basketball court to be moved.
    *Motion by Stolp, seconded by Laakso to approve the Town Hall Committee to hire a grant worker, not to exceed a $1000.00.
  1. No other old business was brought forward for discussion.


  1. A discussion was held regarding tow market analysis for Crooked Lake lakeshore property. They were received from Coldwell Banker showing a market value of $130-150K and Re/Max Woods to Water with a market value of $60-80K. Board wants to review information.
  1. Annette Faulkner from Aspire Insurance Agency discussed her agency and her interest in becoming our agent. She also represents the League of MN Cities. We will contact her at renewal for more information.
  1. A discussion was held regarding the public water access upkeep with the DNR.
    *Motion by Ekholm, seconded by Laakso to approve the contract for $700.00. Motion carried unanimously.
  1. *Motion by Laakso, seconded by Stolp to approve the application from Century Link for utility permit. Motion carried unanimously.
  1. A discussion was held regarding hiring of summer help. It was decided to hire six applicants, rotating shifts among them.
    *Motion by Stolp, seconded by Ekholm to hire six workers for summer help. Motion carried unanimously.
  1. Correspondence
  1. Greenway Rec Board meeting minutes
  2. Mtg on Iron Ore Assessments for yr 2013 (MN Revenue) is on 5/21 at 10am / Eveleth
  3. St. Louis Cty NE MN HOME Consortium Joint Powers Agreement
  4. LMC Annual conference letter
  5. Aspire Agency letter
  6. ICTA meeting minutes
  7. Arrowhead ProCare Minutes
  8. Letter from Dave Kuschel – Blue Cross Blue Shield
  1. The board discussed how they would like the Greenway Recreation board representative to attend our meetings.
  1. A discussion was held regarding the cemetery stones. One veteran’s stone is being replaced at no charge and still waiting for more information on the other damaged monument.
  2. A request for donation was submitted from NK Fastpitch for any amount.
    *Motion by Laakso, seconded by Stolp to donate $100.00 to the NK Fastpitch. Motion carried unanimously.
  1. Hipsag gave an update on the pit from Essar Steel. They gave authorization to use from that pit.
  1. A discussion was held regarding the turnaround on Stone Drive for snowplowing.
  1. Annette Gilbert from Aspire Agency also asked for a copy of the current insurance policy for review.

With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Stolp and seconded by Laakso to adjourn at 7:53 PM. Motion carried unanimously.

The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 7:00PM in the Cloverdale Hall.


Clerk Chairman
