Rummage for Charity

antiques, kid’s clothes, toys, housewares, furniture,

sporting equipment, crafting supplies, collectibles

All proceeds go directly to cover Eddie’s medical bills

Thursday July 30-Saturday August 1, 2009

From 9:00am – 4:00pm

12124 W. Holt Ave. West Allis

National Ave. to 119th ~ go south to Holt Ave.

Eddie is a lovable 5 ½ year old who was diagnosed with Morquio Syndrome in August of 2006. Morquio Syndrome is an extremely rare disease. It is a progressive disorder arresting growth and causing severe bone disease in young children. People with Morquio need extensive medical care throughout their lives. The most critical of these is the instability of their neck or cervical spine. A simple fall can cause a life threatening injury. Other problems that people with Morquio will endure are: heart disease, respiratory problems, enlarged liver and spleen, scoliosis, arthritis, destroyed hip joints that prevent teens from walking, dislocated shoulders, loss of strength in hands, floppy wrists, carpal tunnel, knock knees that will require surgery, corneal clouding, some degree of deafness, fragile teeth and hernias. If care is good, patients can expect to live into their 30’s or 40’s. If left untreated, the life expectancy of those with Morquio Syndrome drops to 20-30 years of age.

Eddie had successful cervical fusion surgery, knee surgery, he wears hearing aides, and has an inhaler he uses daily. Due to constant knee and hip pain and deteriorating joints he will soon require additional surgeries. He has countless doctor appointments, many out of state, x-rays, CT scans, MRIs, surgeries and lab tests. All proceeds from the rummage go directly into the Eddie Kimminau Trust that is used ONLY for Eddie’s medical needs.

For more information go to; email us at ; or call Jeni at 414-467-2049