A Message from the Booster President

As this year’s President of the Lakota East Choral Booster organization, I would like to take this opportunity to ask for your support. All of the Lakota East Choirs need the help of adults to continue the fine tradition that has been set. All parents are members of the Booster organization and therefore, we need for you to attend the first meeting on Tuesday, September 7, 2010 at 7 p.m. in the choir room at the main campus. Our choirs have been invited to go to Disney World in Florida to compete in the Disney Spectacular over spring break. If your student would like to participate in this student financed event, a parent must attend the meeting on September 7. We will have a general business meeting first and then we will give details about the Disney trip and answer any questions.

Other critical issues that must be decided that evening are:

·  Additional fundraising activities –Zappa Snack kicks off Sept. 7

·  Committee help with concerts (video for Christmas and Spring concerts)

·  Spring Dance committee

·  Numerous adult assistance is needed for the Florida trip in all areas

As the school district continues to find ways to save money, they have asked that teachers communicate with parents and students strictly through Edline. If you do not have an Edline account, please call your student’s assistant principal immediately to set up an account. Mrs. Huddilston and Mrs. Underwood will be using Edline exclusively this year for all communication.

With the school board needing to continue to cut the budget, it is imperative that the booster organization continue its assistance to the directors and students to help our program continue to grow and flourish. Without the assistance of adult help and resources, our choir programs will flounder. Please give thoughtful consideration to giving this organization your time and talent for this year and the years to come if your student is an underclassmen. Whether your student is only taking choir to get their fine art credit or they want a music career, MUSIC is a gift that will continue to give for a lifetime.

I would also like to provide you with an update of the status of the choral program at both the freshman campus and the main campus so you can better understand the role of the boosters.

The mission of the Lakota East Choral Booster organization is to provide physical and financial assistance for all choral programs of Lakota East High School and to promote community awareness of our excellent choir program. In 2007, Lakota East transitioned to a four year, multi-building campus education approach. For our choir program, this provided a wonderful opportunity to include the freshman class into the program so a four year comprehensive choral experience could be achieved. Because of this new focus, our choir program has grown from five choirs from one building to eight choirs over the two building campus. With this growth comes an increased need for financial assistance as well as volunteer support. This transition for our choir program has been a success and our increased retention of students from the freshman year through senior years is a model for other organizations within the East Campus.

In review of the 2009-2010 school year, the booster organization was able to help provide many substantial activities and supplies to all the students at the East campus. Our fundraising efforts enabled us to help purchase additional uniform accessories, repair and clean the uniforms and robes, replace some worn out equipment, busing of the men’s ensemble to and from the freshman campus for rehearsals, fees for various competitions and numerous end of the year awards for our students. We sponsored a choir bash (dance) for the students.

Our choirs continue to shine in the community and at the State level. During the past year, four of our choirs received superior ratings at the State level. Our men’s ensemble, totaling 80 members, received a superior rating for the first time in school history. Our mixed ensemble performed for the second time for Channel 64’s Christmas Carols. Our men’s ensemble performed with the Miami University Glee Club at the extension campus. Women’s Black performed during Christmas in downtown Cincinnati caroling. Eastside Music Company performed for many school and community events and performed for Wyandot Early Childhood Center, Hopewell Elementary and Hopewell Junior. The choir also performed for Baccalaureate and Graduation ceremonies. Our choirs continue to showcase to the community the fine vocal music department at East High School.

Hope to see you on Tuesday, September 7, 2010 at 7 p.m.


Steve & Tracy Johnston

Lakota East Choral Booster President