1.  Attendance and apologies

a)  Meeting opened by Heather Abdy at 7.35pm.

2.  Review of Minutes 15/05/2017

a)  Minutes Approved:

Moved: M. Keath, Sec: D. Cheeseman

3. Business arising:

There was no Business arising.

4. Financial Summary:

Copies of the May Financials were presented and tabled.

Income for the month $61,500

Expenditure $64,500

With a loss of $3000

Currently running at a cumulative profit of $45,000, but we have the rest of the year’s expenses to cover yet.

Moved: T. Jenkyn, Sec: D. Browning

5. Correspondence:

Email received splitting Section 3A (15 teams) into two sections. Some teams are being beaten very convincingly. The request was to split the section now. Discussion was had as the split is usually done after round 10 as this was only round 8 there had only been 3 rounds played 2 for some teams since re grading it was decided that split would occur after round 10 (after the holidays and allows time for developing new draws). The split was to be either a 9 – 6 split or a 7 – 8 split depending on ladders percentage and overall projection at round 10.

Moved: T. Jenkyn, Sec: D. Browning

·  Rick McCaig – BSE Sports

New family from Mildura student looking for a team to play in.

Suggested Falcons Netball Club details to be passed on to Donna Bridgeman.

·  BSE Canteen – Re Complaint Office Duty

Office duty volunteers had accessed fridges (helped themselves to drinks), cupboards and been rude to Canteen staff when asked to not touch canteens belongings. Excess amount of people in the canteen.

It was agreed that there is to be only 2 adults carrying out office duty with a 5min overlay where there would be 4 people be 4 due to change over.

EMPHASISE NO Children under the age of 16 are allowed in the office.

All Training bags etc with the exception of handbags are to be left in the umpire’s room while completing office duty.

Guidelines will be written up and sent with Office Rosters in the future.

Moved: T. Jenkyn, Sec: D. Browning

·  Court 1 – Spectators

Could all clubs please ensure they are letting their teams know that if you are playing on Court 1 that spectators view from up in the Stadium, Mobility access (ramp) is on the outside of the building far side of canteen.

This has been in place for some time now and even though there are signs out and there is an announcement put over before each game the Court Supervisor is still having to speak with spectators each week.

Meeting Closed at 8.15pm