A meeting of the Library Committee was held in the Parish Office on 16th June 2015
Present: Cllrs Mrs K England (Chairman), A Greenway, D Pikett and G Watkin
Also Present: Cllr Mrs T Scott & Mrs D Salt (Library Volunteer)
Clerk: Mrs J Murray
15/06/19 Chairman’s remarks
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the first meeting of this committee for the new Council year.
15/06/20 Election of Vice-Chairman
On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Mrs England, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that Cllr Greenway be elected Vice-Chairman of this Committee.
Cllr Mrs Chapman was absent but no apologies were received.
15/06/22 Non-Councillor Member Co-option
On a proposal from Cllr Greenway, seconded by Cllr Mrs England, it was RESOLVED following a unanimous vote to co-opt Diana Salt to the Committee for this meeting.
15/06/23 Disclosure of pecuniary interests
15/06/24 Minutes
On a proposal from Cllr Greenway, seconded by Cllr Pikett, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that the notes of the meeting held on 4th March 2015 be approved and signed as the minutes.
15/06/25 Clerk’s Report
The Clerk had nothing to report on this occasion.
15/06/26 Correspondence
LCC – Copies of agreements for signing
15/06/27 Library Matters
- Matters discussed and arising from the meeting between the Clerk, the Clerk’s Assistant and Library Development Officers from LCC:
- Opening hours – will depend on what days/hours the volunteers are willing to cover. It was suggested that those Councillors who were willing to, could cover some hours on a Saturday instead of being in the Parish Office or hold Saturday Surgeries in the library. If Councillors were willing to be flexible they could assist on Saturdays with a volunteer.
It would leave only one Councillor in the Parish Office? However it could increase the profile of the PC.
- Name badges – “Library Volunteer” suggested. People will know who to approach, putting people’s names on them could cause problems.
- Dress code – smart casual and sensible footwear, no flip flops or high heels. Common sense approach, it was a good idea to set down rules from the beginning.
- Refreshments – not near the books or computers, only in the kitchen or at the desk in a non-spill bottle. Not to stand around with cups of tea in hand. Refreshments should be taken in the kitchen or café.
- There are separate toilets for staff and public.
- Storage for personal belongings – 2 lockers to be purchased.
- Mobile phones can be kept on their person, but must be on silent setting and only used in an emergency.
- Keyholders – how to access the keys – key safe outside the library, key in the co-op or the Paper Shop? Digital lock possible - find out if it can be put on the automatic doors?
- Pay as you go mobile phone to be purchased and kept in the library.
- Reporting of issues to the PC office only.
- Cash box.
- Expenses – rules as per Councillors.
- Assistance Dogs allowed.
- No smoking in the library.
- Recruitment – approach Duke of Edinburgh Awards students from William Farr – September when back at school.
- Induction – training will cover this.
- Art Group – can continue – advertise to see if more people want to hire the room – who lets them in, do they have a key?
- Committee meetings will be held in the library from September.
- Photocopier – coin operated.
- Paper etc. to be purchased by the PC.
- C-card scheme – to continue, but volunteers will be asked for their views following training.
- Volunteers – First Aid Course to be held
- Budget - September
- Staffing levels, hours of opening, etc., to be decided after volunteer training
- Drinks machine – waiting for quotes. Defer to next meeting.
- Prospective future sites – a brief history was given for the benefit of the new Councillor. Village Hall – multi use building, arrange a meeting with the Village Hall Trust. Portakabin as a temporary measure.
- Agreement – Councillors to read and let the Clerk know their views.
- Informal meeting with the volunteers after training in the library – first week of August.
- Draft rules will be drawn up for Volunteers to comment on.
- The Clerk notified the Committee that Agreements had been received today and a copy was distributed to each member for information and comment within the next seven days. The Agreement will go before the next Full Council meeting on 13th July for resolution.