
The 2nd Meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-19 (APG19-2) / APG19-2/INP-48
17 – 21July2017, Bali, Republic of Indonesia / 10July 2017

Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

preliminary views on WRC-19 agenda items 1.1, 1.8, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, 1.10, 9.1 issue 9.1.4

Agenda Item 1.1:

to consider an allocation of the frequency band 50-54 MHz to the amateur service in Region 1, in accordance with Resolution 658 (WRC-15)

1. Background

The frequency band 50-54 MHz is allocated to the Amateur service on a primary basis in ITU Regions 2 and 3, with additional or alternative allocations to the Broadcasting, Fixed, Mobile, and/or Radiolocation (limited to wind profiler radars) services in some countries in Region 3. The frequency band is allocated to the Broadcasting service on a primary basis in ITU Region 1, with additional or alternative allocations to the Amateur, Fixed, Mobile, and/or Radiolocation (limited to wind profiler radars) services in some countries.

Full or partial worldwide harmonization of the allocation to the Amateur service in the frequency band 50-54 MHz would promote global efficiency and economies of scale in radio amateurs’ efforts to fulfil the purposes of the Amateur service, which include self-training, technical investigations, and intercommunication for a variety of purposes, including communication needs in support of disaster relief, provide non-commercial public service communications, and conduct other activities to advance technical education, develop radio operating technique, and enhance international goodwill.

ITU-R WP5Ais producing a Report on spectrum needs for the amateur service in the frequency band 50-54 MHz in Region 1 and sharing with mobile, fixed, radiolocation, and broadcasting services (the current draft version is in document 5A/305 Annex 14).

2. Preliminary Views

WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.1 is a Region 1 issue,Viet Nam Administration supports the following:

-Studies are undertaking by ITU-R in this regard,

-Spectrum need for the Amateur service in Region 1 should be clearly identified,

-Any changes made to the Radio Regulations under WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.1 must not impact the existing primary allocations in the band 50 – 54 MHz in Region 3.

Agenda Item 1.8:

to consider possible regulatory actions to support Global Maritime Distress Safety Systems (GMDSS) modernization and to support the introduction of additional satellite systems into the GMDSS, in accordance with Resolution 359 (Rev.WRC‑15)

1. Background

Resolution 359 (Rev.WRC-15) resolves 2 issues, the first Resolveaddresses the modernization of the GMDSS, while the second Resolve addresses the introduction of additional satellite providers into the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).

The global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) was adopted as part of the 1988 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS). It was fully implemented in 1999. It has served the mariner and the maritime industry well since its inception, but some of the GMDSS technologies used have not reached their full potential, and some GMDSS functions could be performed by more modern technologies.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has adopted a Modernization Plan for the GMDSS (GMDSS-MP) containing a highlevel review and a detailed review. The detailed review of GMDSS shows that the use of some existing service is declining. Meanwhile, some new technologies are considered to be possibly introduced in the modernized GMDSS, such as Cospas-Sarsat MEOSAR system and MF/HF NAVDAT.

Issue AGlobal maritime distress and safety system modernization

NAVTEX was incorporated into the regulations for the GMDSS, which was introduced in a transitional phase from 1992 to 1999, after which it became mandatory under Chapter V of the SOLASregulations. From 1993, all SOLASvessels were required to carry a NAVTEXreceiver that always listened on 518kHz.

In March 2012, ITU-R released Recommendation ITU-R M.2010 on Characteristics of a digital system, named Navigational Data for broadcasting maritime safety and security related information from shore-to-ship in the 500 kHz band. Later on, in April 2014, the other Recommendation ITU-R M.2058 onCharacteristics of a digital system, named navigational data for broadcasting maritime safety and security related information from shore-to-ship in the maritime HF frequency band also be approved. NAVDAT is count as an enhancement of existing NAVTEX and should be consider as an entity in next generation of GMDSS.

The NAVDAT on 500 kHz has been cover by WRC-12. However, the NAVDAT using HF which is described in the Rec. ITU-R M.2058-0 has not yet been addressed by WRC.

The GMDSS-MP consists of various components which could be part of the GMDSS, among them we find the VHF data exchange system (VDES) and the navigation data (NAVDAT) system. The VDES has been already cover by WRC-15 for the terrestrial component and AI 1.9.2 cover the satellite component, therefore no action is requested for the VDES under 1.8. Meanwhile, it is demonstrated that NAVDAT is one of the important elements of GMDSS modernization. In IMO, actions related to NAVDAT have been on the way to substantially promote the implementation the strategic plan. One action is to propose for a new output on revision of SOLAS chapter IV to allow ships to use NAVDAT service in addition to or in place of NAVTEX in places where NAVDAT is available. It is also stated in the draft GMDSS modernization plan that “The use of NAVDAT needs to be considered in future possible mechanisms for the distribution of maritime safety information (MSI).” The consideration on need for NAVDAT coordination scheme is also mentioned in the GMDSS modernization plan.

Issue BAdditional satellite providers for the Global maritime distress and safety system

In addition to GMDSS modernization (resolves 1), the IMO is considering incorporation of additional satellite systems into the GMDSS (resolves 2). To date, only one satellite system has been recognized by IMO for use in the GMDSS “system of systems”. Advances in communications technology, the maturity of commercial satellite operations, the introduction of competition into the satellite sector, and the deployment of non-geostationary satellite constellations have lead the IMO to identify recognition of additional satellite systems to the GMDSS as an urgent work item.

2. Preliminary Views

Viet Nam Administration supports the activities of ITU-R and IMO which are related to the modernization of GMDSS and the introduction of additional satellite systems into the GMDSS.

In regarding the modification of the Radio Regulations under WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.8, this Administration is of the view that:

-IMO positionson this issue should be taken into consideration,

-Gaps/weakness in functioning of current GMDSS shall be clearly identified and filling up these gapsmust be prioritized while considering GMDSS modernization,

-Existing allocations and systems should beprotected.

Issue A

-Support to consider the incorporation of NAVDAT systems and NAVDAT frequencies, both MF and HF as described in M.2010 and M.2058, into GMDSS. In this scene, modification of Appendix 15 and Appendix 17 to the Radio Regulationand transition period for NAVDAT implementation are needed.

Issue B

-Satellite systems recognized by IMO for use in the GMDSS would be considered,

-The introduction of additional satellite systems must not impact existing services and systems,

-An appropriate transition period for implementation of new on-board satellite terminals should be consider carefully.

Agenda Item 1.9.1:

to consider based on the results of ITU-R studies regulatory actions within the frequency band 156-162.05 MHz for autonomous maritime radio devices to protect the GMDSS and automatic identifications system (AIS), in accordance with Resolution 362 (WRC-15)

1. Background

Applications with autonomous maritime radio devices (AMRDs) are reflecting a new development in recent time. Due to the rapid technical progress and cost-effective production, more and more of such applications in the maritime environment are created and used in the field.

In the maritime mobile service as defined in RR. No 1.28 the autonomous radio devices are not listed and are therefore not supposed to be operated in this service at this time.

The term AMRD is not part of the ITU terminology database and needs clarification for a wider audience. In particular, this term may not be understood in IMO and a common definition or agreement may be helpful. There is also a need torecognize and classify AMRDsapplications in order to clarify its impact on maritime safety in general and AIS in particular.

ITU-R WP5B hasbeen conducting studieson AMRD in regard to definitions, market survey, technology, categorizing, evaluation of the effecton AIS,additional maritime numbering, spectrum need and regulatory measures. Two separate Reports on AMRD and Maritime new numbering are developing in WP5B,the working documentsare 5B/305 Annex 22 and Annex 23.

2. Preliminary Views

Viet Nam Administration supports studies being undertaken by ITU-R on this issue and is of the view that:

-The integrity of AIS and the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) must be protected,

-Search and rescue aircraft system operating in maritime frequencies must be protected,

-AMRDsapplications should be clearly recognized and classified in order to clarify its impact on maritime safety in general and AIS in particular, as well as to support the considerationon regulatory actions in accordance with Resolution 362 (WRC-15),

-AMRDs operation should be harmonized, regulated and should not constrain the frequencies designated for the GMDSS and AIS,

-AMRDs which are related to the safety of navigation should be regulated for the use of frequencies and identities of the maritime mobile service; while AMRDs which are not related to the safety of navigation, regulation of the use of frequencies, and technical and operational characteristics, should benefit both the user of devices as well maritime safety. An additional spectrum allocation within the frequency band 156-162.05 MHz and a new numbering scheme which is different from those in the existing maritime mobile service should be considered.

Agenda Item 1.9.2:

to consider based on the results of ITU-R studies modifications of the Radio Regulations, including new spectrum allocations to the maritime mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-space and space-to-Earth), preferably within the frequency bands 156.0125-157.4375 MHz and 160.6125-162.0375 MHz of Appendix 18, to enable new VHF data exchange (VDES) satellite component, while ensuring that this component will not degrade the current terrestrial components, applications specific messages (ASM) and AIS operations and not impose any additional constraints on existing services in these and adjacent frequency bands as stated in recognizing d) and e) of Resolution 360 (Rev. WRC-15)

1. Background

WRC-15 AI 1.16 introduced concept of the VHF data exchange system (VDES) with technical characteristic described in Recommendation ITU-R M.2092-0. The VDES combines the current Automatic Identification System (AIS), applications specific messages (ASM) and data exchange system with both terrestrial and satellite components.

In regulatory aspect, WRC-15 concluded on VDES implementation in Appendix 18 frequencies except for the satellite component of data exchange system because the incompletionof studies in sharing with incumbent services in the frequency bands proposed for operation of the VDES satellite component.Therefore the Conference decided to conduct further studies on these matters in WRC-19 AI 1.9.2 and in accordance with Resolution 360 (Rev. WRC-15).

Resolution 360 (Rev. WRC-15) invites ITU-R to conduct, as a matter of urgency, and in time for WRC-19, sharing and compatibility studies between VDES satellite components and incumbent services in the same and adjacent frequency bands specified in recognizing d) and e) to determine potential regulatory actions, including spectrum allocations to the MMSS (Earth-to-space and space-to-Earth) for VDES applications.

At recent ITU-R WP5B meetings, IALA proposed an alternative frequency plan for VDES satellite component (Doc. 5B/195/Annex 26) and believed this frequency plan could make the satellite component of the VDES coexist with incumbent services. With this, the satellite would be allowed to listen to channels 1024, 1084, 1025, 1085, 2024, 2084, 2025, 2085 (157.1875-157.2875 MHz and 161.7875-161.8875 MHz) used by VDES terrestrial component similar to operation of AIS1 and AIS 2 channels.

ITU-R hasbeen conducting the sharing studies between the proposed VDES satellite frequencies and the incumbent services in the same and adjacent bands as indicated in recognizing d) and e) of Resolution 360 (Rev. WRC-15).

ITU-R WP5Bis producing a Report on VDES Satellite matter (the current draft version is in document 5B/305 Annex 24) which provides a summary of why a VDES satellite component is required, identifies the spectrum requirements, provides a technical description of the satellite component of VDES and the results of the appropriate sharing and compatibility studies.

2. Preliminary Views

Viet Nam Administration supports the activities of ITU-R and IALA which are related to the satellite component of VDES.

In regarding the modification of the Radio Regulations under WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.9.2, this Administration is of the view that:

-Existing allocations and systems in same and adjacent bands, especially the AIS, must beprotected, which include but not limit to, avoid any modification requested to existing AIS equipment on board existing vessels,

-Search and rescue aircraft system operating in maritime frequencies must be protected,

Agenda Item 1.10:

to consider the spectrum needs and regulatory provisions for the introduction and use of the Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety System (GADSS) in accordance with Resolution 426 (WRC-15)

1. Background

There is a need to introduce new complex aviation radiocommunication system with some main function, from high level consideration in ICAO, including:

-Aircraft tracking under normal and abnormal conditions.

-Autonomous distress tracking.

-Post flight localization and recovery.

-Procedures and information management.

To date ICAO has identified changes to its Standards and Recommended Practices to enable the GADSS concept among which are those establishing:

-The operator’s responsibility to track its aircraft with a 15 minute time interval.

-The need for aircraft in distress to transmit an autonomous distress tracking signal at least every minute.

Whilst these changes do not necessarily require a change to the Table of Allocations they may involve a change to other Articles within the Radio Regulations (e.g. requiring the autonomous transmission of distress tracking information may require changes to Article 37).

In May 2017 meeting of ITU-R WP5B, ICAO stated that GADSS will include terrestrial and satellite systems.

A Report on GADSS (the working documentsis 5B/305 Annex 26) is initiated by ITU-R WP5B.

2. Preliminary Views

Viet Nam Administration supports the activities of ITU-R and ICAO which are related to the introduction of GADSS.

In regarding the modification of the Radio Regulations under WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.10, this Administration is of the view that:

-GADSS concept must be clearly defined by ICAO and officially submitted to the ITUin timely manner to bring into study under WRC-19 Agenda item 1.10,

-ITU-R studies on spectrum need, frequency bands,technical requirement, regulatory provisions for the introduction and use of GADSSshouldbe identifiedbased on, and limited tothis GADSS concept,

-In the case that ICAO could not maturely make GADSS concept in accordance with WRC-19 timeframe, the consideration of spectrum needs and regulatory provisions for introduction of GADSS could be an agenda item for the competent conference.

Agenda Item 9.1 Issue 9.1.4:

to consider and approve the Report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau, in accordance with Article 7 of the Convention;

Issue 9.1.4 Resolution 763(WRC-15) – Stations on board sub-orbital vehicles

1. Background

WRC-15 adopted Resolution 763 (WRC 15), stations on board suborbital vehicles, and associated work for WRC-19 under agenda item 9.1 issue 4. In accordance with Item 1 of section "resolves to invite the ITU Radiocommunication Sector" it is necessary "to conduct studies to identify any required technical and operational measures, in relation to stations on-board suborbital vehicles, that could assist in avoiding harmful interference between radiocommunication services." In accordance with Item 2 of this section, it is necessary "to conduct studies to determine spectrum requirements and, based on the outcome of those studies, to consider a possible future agenda item for WRC-23." It should also be noted that ITU-R in 2015 formulated Question ITU-R No. 259/5, "Operational and radio regulatory aspects for planes operating in the upper level of the atmosphere", and that studies in the framework of that Question are expected to be completed in 2019. In particular, decides 3 of that Question asks, "what radio links will be required to support space planes operations and under what radiocommunication service definition will they fall?"

In order to address the Question and also this related Director’s Report Issue, WP5B is producing a Report (the current draft version is in document 5B/305 Annex 25) addressing spectrum, regulatory and operational aspects of sub-orbital vehicles.

2. Preliminary Views

Viet Nam Administration supports studies being undertaken by ITU-R on this issue and is of the view that:

-Concept, definition, operation and functions of stations on boardsub-orbital vehicles should be clearly defined, including which radiocommunication service it operating on,

-Further action would be specified in accordance with above results.


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