28th February 2017


A Meeting of the Parish Council was held on 28th February 2017 at 7.00pm in The Gilbert Hall, Nancledra.


Mr K Hughes (Chairman), Mr M Harandon (Vice- Chairman), Mr J Brookes, Mr D Carr, Mr L Hollow, Mrs J Evans, Mrs A Philip.

IN ATTENDANCE: Fiona Drew (Clerk), Councillor Andrew Mitchell (Cornwall Council), PCSO Terry Webb, Mary Shead (NBHW)

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Mr J Matthews, Mrs E Thomas, Mr J Thomas, Mr P Trevorrow

The Chairman welcomed the public to the meeting. Mr Matthews, the Agent for Penderleath Caravan & Camping Park, spoke about the application (Agenda Item 10a). He said there would be no increase in the numbers of people just a variation of conditions. Councillor Carr said that surely it would increase the number of people when they brought in the units? Mr Matthews said there would be very little change and it would fall in line with other campsites in the area that were already all year round. Councillor Philip said it was a jump to go from seven months to all year round, and Councillor Evans asked could there be 100 touring caravans at one time? Mr Matthews said that theoretically yes but it was unlikely. The total number would increase from 75 to 100 and the number of touring caravans would increase from 20 but unlikely to be all touring caravans at any one time. Councillor Hollow asked if the facilities could cope with the extra numbers. Mr Matthews said that yes they were perfectly adequate and fully licensed. Councillor Harandon asked if the touring caravans would be hard standing to which Mr Matthews replied that none were proposed. The Chairman asked if there would be an increase in noise. Councillor Carr asked about sewage as he understood that there had been problems in the past contaminating the water supply. Surely more people would cause more problems? Mr Matthews said that under the current conditions there was no restriction to the actual number of people on the site it was the number of pitches that were the issue. He said that the Environment Agency had no issues with the application.

Mr Trevorrow, who lives directly alongside Penderleath Caravan & Campsite, was objecting to the application (10a). He outlined his reasons for objecting as follows: He said they had spent a lot of money bringing their house to a good standard since purchasing it in 2011. In July 2013 they noticed a strong smell of effluent and found a pipe had been cut in half during the summer months and had been spilling onto the fields. The pipe was reconnected and nothing thought of it. They upgraded their system during the build and have had a lot of problems with next door. They still have an issue with sewage. In 2016 he found a pipe discharging raw sewage into a field where his grandchildren play. He called the Environment Agency and Ian James had come out in August to look at it and told them to throw the pipe into another field. Mr Trevorrow was concerned if it gets busier at the Campsite and said that until the sewage system is updated he would object strongly.

FP 30/3 & 31/1 - Mr Thomas asked did Mr Roberts stop the work going ahead as asked at the last meeting. The Clerk responded no that Hamish Gordon has said work would still be done when the weather was drier, and that no deadline had been agreed by Cormac.

Byway 28. Mr Thomas asked who owned Woonsmith. The Chairman said that this was irrelevant as it was what was happening on the land not who owned it that was important. Mrs Thomas felt that the Council needed to find out who owned Byway 28. The Chairman said that no one owned Byway 28 but regardless of who owned it, it had to be kept clear. A Byway was open for foot, horse drawn and vehicle access.


The Chairman declared an interest as a Charitable Trustee of the Cornwall Community Flood Forum and as a Councillor of Zennor Parish Council. The Chairman also sits on a quarterly advisory group for the MP, Derek Thomas. He Chairs the Dark Skies Policy Group and Councillor Brookes is Vice Chair and also Chair of Zennor Parish Council.






The Chairman attended:

1st February: Meeting at Derek Thomas’s office about Dark Skies – the survey, including a section on Dark Skies, should now have been delivered. It also includes a section on roads, and broadband and mobile phone coverage. It can be completed online or can be handed in to the local Post Office. As Nancledra has no Post Office residents have been told they can come back to the Parish Council who would return them.

9th February: Press Releases re Dark Skies

13th February: Live interview with Laurence Read on Radio Cornwall re Dark Skies

15th February: Attended Zennor Pantomime which included performances from Councillors Brookes & Harandon

16th February: A live link up with the Isles of Scilly and a 20 minute interview on Radio Scilly about Dark Skies

16th February: Times and Echo interview – half the front page on Dark Skies

19th February: Halsetown Summer Fete Committee meeting

21st February: Due to attend Zennor PC but had to cancel due to family commitments

23rd February: Interview with The Packet on Dark Skies

24th February: Page 2 of the Cornishman on Dark Skies

25th February: Visited Mr Trevorrow and looked at his land then attempted to go to Penderleath Campsite but no one was there

The Chairman reported that during half term week alone he had undertaken 36.5 hrs voluntary work on Dark Skies. Since the last PC meeting he had done 52.75 hrs voluntary work on both Dark Skies and the Parish Council. He was reporting this to demonstrate how much commitment is needed to be a Parish Councillor & Chairman and he thanked all Councillors for all the voluntary time they give in serving the community.

The Chairman will attend:

10th March: Meeting at County Hall for Flood Forum representing Zennor and Towednack

14th March: Zennor PC

19th March: Halsetown Village Fete meeting (Fete due to take place the last weekend in July)

5. POLICE MATTERS a) Crime Report:

PCSO Terry Webb read out the Police Report. He said that there had been no reported crimes but that there had been a number of reports regarding cold callers knocking on doors on behalf of Alzheimer’s Research UK. Mary Shead had contacted the Alzheimer’s Society, who is a different organization and never cold call, and a letter had been sent to Alzheimer’s Research UK asking them to find alternative methods of fundraising. The letter was merely advisory, and could not be enforced but had stated that cold calling was upsetting people. Mary reported that phone scams were still going on and a discussion took place regarding the issues around these particularly for vulnerable people. Mary said that anyone receiving them should please let her know.

PCSO Terry Webb and Mary Shead left the meeting at 7.35pm.


This had been covered in the Chairman’s statement. The Chairman said that it was currently very topical with the Bodmin bid going through and that Cornwall Council were supporting the bid and making statements about it. Once everything had been collated, Councillor Brookes would be moving it forward for formal registration with the Dark Skies Community.

7. BIG LUNCH 2017 – 17th & 18th June:

The Parish Council has supported the Big Lunch for the last couple of years. This year it is being sponsored by the Eden Project and the Duchess of Cornwall. The Chairman said that this year it was about getting communities together in memory of Jo Cox (the MP killed last year) and he hoped the PC would continue to support it. It could be held on either Saturday or Sunday. Councillor Evans said that is was normally held in conjunction with the Gilbert Hall Trustees, and felt that the PC should speak to them about doing a joint effort again. The Chairman asked Councillor Mitchell if Cornwall Council were participating this year. He said he thought not but it hadn’t been discussed yet. It was proposed by Councillor Evans that the Clerk speak to the Gilbert Hall Trustees to look at joint responsibility for the event. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Harandon and carried unanimously. RESOLVED: The Clerk to write to the Gilbert Hall Trustees.


a) Update:

BT are still saying there is a mobile phone signal that works for emergency calls in the phone box, despite the Chairman testing it before the last meeting. Someone from the Community Heartbeat Trust had been due to attend tonight’s meeting to discuss this issue but unfortunately had not turned up. The Chairman wondered if the signal maybe showing on satellite mapping but that it isn’t actually there. RESOLVED: The Clerk would follow up with Martin Fagan from the Community Heartbeat Trust and Timothy Davis, in Derek Thomas’ Office.

b: Painting:

Margaret Taylor now has the gold and red paint and will be doing this, but is waiting for drier weather. Once done she will pass the paint on to Councillor Brookes as previously agreed.



a) Applications:

PA17/00905 Proposal: Variation of condition 1 to allow 100 pitches and remove the limit of 20 touring caravans at any time and the removal of condition 2 to allow all year around use for tourism in regards to W1/79/P/0932. Location: Penderleath Caravan & Camping Park, St Ives. Applicant Mr Christopher Maskell: The Clerk read out Paul Trevorrow’s letter of objection. Councillor Hollow asked why hadn’t the sewage issue been sorted out before the application was submitted. Councillor Evans asked what the Environment Agency had said following their visit? Mr Trevorrow, through the Chair, said that Ian James from the Environment Agency had spoken to him on that day and advised he would come back and see the state of the land, but hadn’t yet been back to see him and that the Environment Agency have at present said no comment to the application. Councillor Evans agreed that there was a need for some Environment Agency input. Mr Matthews, through the Chair, said remedial work took place after Mr James’ visit which is why the Environment Agency had no objections to planning because the work had been done. The Chairman felt that the Environment Agency needed to be asked to relook at it. He asked Councillor Mitchell his opinion. He felt that Cornwall Council should contact the Environment Agency not the PC. He also said it would be dependent on Highways that increased traffic from the site could be accommodated. He felt that the conditions from 1979 would now be viewed as out of date in today’s situation. To allow all year round use and an increase in numbers fitted in with other applications. The Chairman proposed that if Cornwall Council were mindful to pass the application, the PC should request that it go to Committee to give allow for a more in depth report due to concerns on environmental issues and traffic. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Carr and carried unanimously. RESOLVED: The Clerk to submit this response to Planning.

Mr Matthews and Mr Trevorrow left the meeting at 7.55pm.

PA15/08967 Proposal: Outline Planning Application re Land SW of Joannies Ave, Halsetown Rd, St Ives. Applicant Mr M Scoot: The Parish Council can’t comment officially on this as not in the area. Andrew Mitchell said that the fields were not identified as neighborhood land and that the application didn’t fit with the Cornwall Local Plan. The Chairman said that as a Council it had been agreed that there was a need for affordable housing for local people but that the number of affordable houses in this application was not enough. The PC had previously recommended turning down the application. The Chairman asked if the PC wanted to comment again. All felt that nothing had actually changed with the application. The Chairman asked Councillor Mitchell if it doesn’t go to the Secretary of State and the decision lies with CC, could he make sure that it goes to Committee and isn’t just rubbed stamped by the Planning Department. He agreed he would be mindful to do this. Councillor Harandon proposed that the Council reaffirm their previous decision to St Ives Council. The proposal was seconded by the Chairman and carried unanimously. RESOLVED: The Clerk to contact St Ives Council to inform them of this.

The Chairman asked Councillor Mitchell if he felt that the three week window for planning applications was causing any problems due to meeting dates e.g. Penderleath Campsite, but Councillor Mitchell felt that it was not an issue.

PA17/01289 Proposal: Change of use of land adjacent to Chylasson Barns to domestic curtilage and erection of timber outbuilding for domestic use. Location: Chylasson Barn Access to Chylasson Farm Nancledra TR20 8NG. Applicant: Adam Rowse. This is currently agricultural land. There isn’t much information about exact details on the website. The Chairman asked hadn’t the PC previously said too much agricultural land is being swallowed up. Councillor Carr felt it was the thin end of the wedge. Councillor Harandon asked if Cornwall Council would take away permissive development rights and put restrictions on it. Councillor Mitchell said no not automatically. It could be requested but would be hard to enforce. Councillor Evans said that the PC had previously voted not to allow change of agricultural land to curtilage. It was discussed and agreed that the PC wasn’t in a position to make a comment at this stage. It was proposed by the Chairman that the PC ask for an extension to this application in order to consider others views so that the PC can properly represent them. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Harandon and carried unanimously. RESOLVED: The Clerk to contact Planning to ask for an extension to after 28th March.