Chatsworth Charter High School
10027 Lurline Ave., Chatsworth, California 91311
Telephone: (818) 678-3400 FAX: (818) 709-6952
Timothy Guy, ED. D.
Principal / Michelle King
Superintendent of Schools
Vivian Ekchian
Local District Northwest Superintendent
Darneika Watson, PH. D.
Administrator of Operations (LD-NW)



On behalf of the entire Chatsworth Charter High School community, I would like to thank you for choosing our school. This community is comprised of tirelessly dedicated administrators, teachers, support staff, and most of all students. Our innovative programs and creative curriculum provides our students with a wide variety of options to engage their interests and reach their full potential.

It is our mission to ensure that all of our students are college prepared and career ready. This means that the faculty, support staff, and administrators will do all we can to have our students prepared to be successful for the rigors of high school and life after high school. As parents/guardians you must do all you can to emphasize to your son/daughter the importance of good grades, appropriate behavior/dress, good citizenship, academic integrity, attendance, and personal accountability.

Continuing for 2017-18 school year at Chatsworth is the TAP attendance program; students are limited to three (3) absences per semester. Additionally, students are required to meet all A-G requirements (Please meet with your child’s academic counselor for all graduation requirements). Remember, students enrolled in athletics, band, drill team, choir, dance, drama, leadership, Link Crew and any other extracurricular and co-curricular activities must have a “C” or better in order to participate.

Our continuing commitment is for our students to strive to be the best academically, socially, and emotionally which entails students getting involved in all facets of Chatsworth Charter High School and becoming well-rounded individuals. Moreover, each student should make a commitment to earn the highest grade in every class and score Proficient or better on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Interim and Summative tests.

Our rich traditions and pursuit of excellence make Chatsworth Charter High School the choice for an outstanding educational experience.

We wish all of you a restful summer and look forward to the 2017-2018 school year.

Timothy Guy, ED. D.


“A Tradition of Excellence”