29th March 2016
A Meeting of the Parish Council was held on 26th April at 7.00pm in The Gilbert Hall, Nancledra.
Mr K Hughes (Chairman)
Mr D Carr
Mr J Brookes
Mrs J Evans
Mr M Harandon (Vice- Chairman)
Mr L Hollow
Mrs A Philip
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs M Taylor (Clerk)Andrew Mitchell (Cornwall Council)
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:Amanda Prosser was present.
1. DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY AND OTHER INTERESTS, RELATING TO ANY AGENDA ITEM:The Chairman declared interest as elected Management Board Member and a Charitable Trustee of the Cornwall Community Flood Forum.
3. APOLOGIES: Mrs V Lockwell(CNP), Mary Shead (NHW), PCSO Terry Webb
4.POLICE REPORT: None received but a verbal report was given by the Chairman: there had been a theft of fuel from an unoccupied house, the investigation is ongoing. Two RTA’s had been reported, one on the B3311 near Chypons Farm, one close to the Towednack Church where a car had been caused to swerve into a ditch.
The Chairman was pleased to note that the plans to register the dark skies of Towednack and Zennor with the International Dark Sky Association had moved forward. Cornwall Council have agreed to support an application to register and Derek Thomas MP has offered to fund the consultation process that is a requirement of registration by including it in his own survey of constituents. Councillor Harandon suggested that, rather than starting the process with Zennor and Towednack and rolling it out further at a later date, it might be more efficient to try and cover as large an area of West Cornwall and the Scillies as meets the criteria. The Chairman agreed that it might be possible but it would depend on first examining the light meter readings obtained in the parish. Bodmin Moor is in the process of registering as a Dark Sky Reserve and is considering plans for an observatory on the Moor. Their experience and support will be useful. RESOLVED: The Clerk will get advice from Caradon Observatory regarding light meters and will orderone, the cost to be shared between Zennor and Towednack Parish Councils.
The Chairman had attended a meeting of Zennor Parish Council on 12th April when it had been agreed th at the NBHW should be extended to include Zennor. Mary Shead (NBHW and DaCWA)is still campaigning for CCTV in St Ives, the Chairman had been invited, in his capacity as NBHW co-ordinator to Tolvaddon Fire Station to see the CCTV camera control room, but unfortunately had been unable to attend.
6. PLANNING:a)PA16/02582Location: Embla Farm access track to Embla Gew Nancledra TR20 8LLApplicant: Mr & Mrs M Screaton. Proposal: Covered cattle feeding area.
Plans were circulated, examined and discussed. It was proposed by Councillor Hollow that no objection be registered, the proposal was seconded by Councillor Hughes and carried by majority (6-1) RESOLVED: The Parish Council will submit a response of ‘no
b)PA16/11662. The Clerk reported that here was still no news from the planning officer regarding the status of this application as he is waiting for Councillor Mitchell to contact him. Councillor Mitchell said that he had not been contacted , but would get in touch with the planning officer, Adam Carlyon.
C) Enforcement: Amalwhidden Cottage .The EHO, Peter Butterworth has asked the owner of the property to clear the land of white goods, to avoid action from EHO resulting in a charge being made for clearance.
7. MINUTES OF THE MEETING 29th March 2016:The minutes were taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a true record.
8. MATTERS ARISINGa) Dark Sky update: The Chairman reported on this in his statement in item 5.
b) Website update. The Clerk reported that she was still getting to grips with updating the website but hoped all ‘teething troubles ‘would be resolved in time to publish the accounts.
9. CLEDRY MEADOW:a) The Big Lunch.
b) Wall/Gate:
10. Cemetery a) Memorial permissions. b) Upkeep
11. Footpath/Byway update & areas of concern.
11. FOOTPATH/BYWAY:update & areas of concern.
12. Parish Landscape Planupdate
13. Accountsa) Summary of month’s accounts b) Annual Accounts and Audit. c) Banking arrangements.
14. Chairman’s diary and reports
15. Correspondence 16. Date of next meeting: May 31st 2016 : Annual Meeting and Parish meeting.
17. Agenda items for next meeting
12. PARISH LANDSCAPE:The Working Party will meet on Weds 13th April 9am at The Moors.
13. CNP: Councillor Evans reported on the meeting in St Ives on 21stMarch that she had attended with the Chairman. Notes are attached as appendix to the minutes.
14. ACCOUNTS: a) Summary of month’s accounts.
a. General Account £
Balance as at last meeting 4726.96
Received: LMP 2nd payment(19/2) 420.00
CALC: Transparency Funding (23/2) 874.90
Interest 31st March 1.33
Payments for approval:
Mrs M Taylor re : 303.65
PC World lap top package
Trustees of Gilbert Hall re hall fees: 210.00
Mrs M Taylor re: 2819.80
Clerk’s Salary inc overtime
Mrs M Taylor re: 380.20
Mrs M Taylor re: Clerk’s expenses 154.51
Adam Curtis, website package 335.00
Mrs M Taylor re dog ban sign. 20.00
Balance after these transactions: 1800.03
2. Cemetery Account
Balance as at last meeting 10,899.60
Payment received: Alfred Smith & Son 200.00
Re: Burial plot 10
Interest 31st March 2.72
Balance after these transactions: 11,102.32
3. Deposit Account
Balance as at last meeting 1070.55
Interest 31st March 0.27
Balance after these transactions: 1070.82
b) Budget report: there are two more bills to pay which should come in to this accounting year: CALC membership: £155.00, C Curnow (cutting of Cledry Meadow grass) £570
The Clerk reported that she had received the Annual Return from Grant Thornton and would be preparing the end of year accounts during April.
15. CHAIRMAN’S DIARY AND REPORTS:The Chairman reported on his activities carried out on behalf of the Parish Council: He had attended a meeting of St Ives Town Council with Mary Shead to offer support for her proposal to reinstate CCTV in St Ives.
He has obtained a light shield for a Nancledra street lamp and has informed CC that it should make sure it has enough shields to supply all the parishes in West Cornwall with shields to mitigate light pollution.
On 7th March he attended Zennor PC meeting. On 8th and 15th of March he attended Flood training. On 10th March he met with the Chief Constable and discussed crime and flood and emergency planning. On 11th March he attended the meeting with Derek Thomas MP to discuss Jack’s Meadow. On 21st March he attended the CNP meeting with Councillor Evans.
On 8th April he will attend, at Penlee House Gallery, the showing of the Henry Quick painting that has been purchased by Zennor Parish Council.
16. CORRESPONDENCE:As forwarded to Councillors.
It was proposed by Kevin Hughes that the sample medal to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday be offered to the Trustees to display in the Parish memorabilia cabinet, the proposal was seconded by Councillor Evans and carried unanimously.
Regarding the bill for hall fees received from the trustees of the Gilbert Hall, Mr Hollow requested that the trustees be asked for assurance that the heating would be turned on well enough in advance of Council meetings for the hall to be at a comfortable temperature at the start of meetings. RESOLVED: The bill will be paid with a cover letter stating that future bookings/payments will be made on condition that the hall is adequately heated before meetings.
The notes from the CALC AGM which Councillor Philip attended had been received and were noted and filed. Councillor Philip was thanked, in her absence, for attending the meeting.
The Clerk reported that she had received an unsigned and unaddressed letter regarding parking at the Gilbert Hall. The letter was read, but could not be discussed or resolved upon due to it being anonymous.
17. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: April 26th 2016
19.AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING:Members will contact the Clerk before the next meeting with items they wish to be included.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20pm
Signed……………………………..Chairman Date……………………..