The purpose of this bibliography is to assist you in locating books and journals in our library on feminist jurisprudence. We have also included the names of other people who write from a feminist perspective.

Black’s Law Dictionary defines jurisprudence as “the philosophy of law, or the science, which treats of (sic) the principles of positive law and legal relations.” The most current edition (8th) has a reference to feminist jurisprudence defined as:

“A branch of jurisprudence that examines the relationship between women and law, including the history of legal and social biases against women, the elimination of those biases in modern law, and the enhancement of women’s legal rights and recognition in society.”

There are probably as many definitions of these terms as there are women; we have quoted some of them below and suggest you construct one that fits your particular philosophy:

“I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat.”

---Rebecca West, 1913

“Feminism is the struggle to end sexist expression.” Feminist Theory from Margin to Center, 1984, p. 26.

---bell hooks

“I am not afraid to trust my sisters—not I.”

---Angelina Grimke

“Men their rights nothing more; women their rights nothing less.”

---Susan B. Anthony

“The labor of women in the house, certainly enables men to produce more wealth than they otherwise could; and in this way women are economic factors in society. But so are horses.”

--- Charlotte Perkins Gilman

“Feminist jurisprudence is the analysis of law from the perspective of all women.” Feminist Jurisprudence, edited by Patricia Smith, 1993, p. 3
--- Catharine MacKinnon

“I became a feminist as an alternative to becoming a masochist.”

--- Sally Kempton

“Womanhood is the great fact in her life; wifehood and motherhood are but incidental relations.”

--- Elizabeth Cady Stanton

“The widening of woman’s sphere is to improve her lot. Let us do it, and if the world scoff, let it scoff—if it sneer, let it sneer…”

--- Lucy Stone

(Unless otherwise noted all quotations are from The Quotable Women, 1977.)


The following list of legal titles is from our online catalog. The titles are listed alphabetically and the call numbers are in three or four different locations in the library. Since this bibliography was first prepared we have added more journal titles. When using Legaltrac to find articles, use the standard keyword search and be sure to browse the “view other articles linked to these subjects” screen.

In searching for articles you can use the index files on Westlaw or Lexis. Remember these are ONLY index or bibliographic files and not the full text of law reviews or journals. When using Lexis (LGLIND) or Westlaw (LRI) you can be rather creative when searching for articles. Also, PROQUEST which includes Gender Watch and EBSCOHOST may be used to access full text (in most instances) articles. They can be found on the law library home page following the link to “online databases”

REMEMBER, current issues (unbound) of these law review are housed in the Ives Room under the call number.

American University Journal of Gender & the Law

(now American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law) K1 .M4 U54

Berkeley Women’s Law Journal (now Berkeley journal of gender, law & justice) K3 .E78

Buffalo Women’s Law Journal (formerly Circles) K4 .I77

Canadian Journal of Women and the Law
K4 .A5258

Cardozo Women’s Law Journal
K4 .A758

Circles: The Buffalo Women’s Journal of Law And Social Policy (now Buffalo Women’s Law Journal)

K4 .I77

Columbia Journal of Gender and Law
K4 .O48

Duke Journal of Gender & Law

Feminist Economics
HQ1381 .F46

Feminist Legal Studies
K8 .E45

Georgetown Journal of Gender and Law
K9 .E647

International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies
HQ75 .J68

Harvard Women’s Law Journal
K477 .A15 H37

Hastings Women’s Law Journal
K10 ,A884

Journal of gay, lesbian, and bisexual identity.
HQ75 .J68

Journal of Gender, Race & Justice
K12 .O8 G46

Law and Sexuality: A Review of Lesbian and Gay Legal Issues KF4754 .L15 A38

Michigan Journal of Gender & Law
K16 .I3

Perspectives: a newsletter for & about women
KF299 .W6 P37

Southern California Review of Law and Women’s Studies K22 .O881

Texas Journal of Women and the Law
K23 .E85

UCLA Women’s Law Journal
KF477 .A15 U24

William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law
K27 .I4685

Wisconsin Women’s Law Journal
K27 .I85

Women Lawyers’ Journal
KF299 .W6 W64

Women’s Law Journal
KF4757.5 .W6 W64

Women’s Law Reporter
K27 .O72
Women’s Rights Law Reporter
KF4757.5 .W6 W64

Yale Journal of Law & Feminism
K29. A25

ASSOCIATIONSNational Women’s Studies Association (American Association of Law Schools—Women in Legal Education) (Society of American Law Teachers)

ABA (American Bar Association)

ABA (Commission on Women in the Profession)

FAWLS (Florida Association of Women Lawyers)


Sexual Harassment Resources


Gender and the Law


Feminist Jurisprudence: an overview from Cornell’s Legal Information Institute


Feminist Law and Jurisprudence—from Center for Digital Discourse and Culture


A Research Guide for the Seminar in Feminist Jurisprudence. by Aris Woodham, Electronic Services Coordinator


Commision International pour l'Abolition des Mutilations Sexuelles

(International Commission for the Abolition of Sexual Mutilation)

Feminist Legal Theory


Women's Legal History Biography Project

Hundreds of biographies of pioneering women lawyers practicing in the late 1800s through the end of the twentieth century. Many of these are written by students of women's legal history at Stanford University, with supplemental articles, obituaries, photographs, a timeline, historiography, and Web links. Maintained by librarians at Stanford's Robert Crown Library.

The Rise of Women in the Legal Profession


This site presents images and documents related to American women in law and legal history. The "exhibit shows not only the high-profile successful women lawyers, but also those whose achievements are less well known but no less significant in providing career-building advice." Topics include legal education, gender bias, legal cases, and women in the judiciary and in practice. A joint project of the Committee of the Historical Records of the New York County Clerk and the Arthur W. Diamond Law Library, Columbia Law School.


The following list is in alphabetical order by author and not complete by any means. Some of the older titles are “classics”, recommended in various bibliographies. We found the titles in our library by using the library catalog with various subject headings. Library of Congress subject headings are somewhat rigid, if not archaic! The headings Feminism; Women—Legal status, law, etc; Sociological jurisprudence; Equality before the law; Feminist jurisprudence; Feminism, Women -- Legal status, laws, etc; Sex and law; Feminist theory; Feminist criticism; and Critical Legal Studies are some of the ones we used. When using Legaltrac, EBSCO or ProQuest—to find journal articles, you will find that you may use the heading Feminist Jurisprudence. When looking for books or articles, remember to be creative!

Allen, Anita L. Uneasy access: privacy for women in a free society. Rowan & Littlefield, 1987.

HQ1236.5 .U6 A44 1987

Applications of feminist legal theory to women’s lives: sex, violence, work and reproduction. Edited by D. Kelly Weisberg, Temple University Press, 1996

K349.A67 1996

At the boundaries of law: feminism and legal theory. Edited by Martha A. Fineman. Routledge, 1985

K644 .A55 1985

Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography, Final Report. U.S. Department of Justice, 1985.

KF9444 .A822 1986 Vol 1-2

Baer, Judith A. Equality under the constitution: reclaiming the
Fourteenth Amendment. Cornell University Press, 1983.

KF4764 .B33 1983

Baer, Judith A. Our lives before the law: constructing a feminist jurisprudence.

Princeton, 1999.

K349 .B34 1999

Baer, Judith A. Women in American law: the struggle toward equality from the New Deal to the present. Holmes & Meier, 1991.

KF478 .W67 Vol 2 1991 (companion to Vol 1: From Colonial times to the New Deal)

Bartlett, Katherine T. Gender and law: theory, doctrine, commentary. Aspen Law & Business. 1998

KF478 .A4 B37 1998

Becker, Mary. Cases and materials on feminist jurisprudence: taking women seriously. West, 2001

KF478.A4 B43 2001

Becker, Susan D. The origins of the equal rights amendment: American feminism between the wars. Greenwood Press, 1981.

HQ1426 .B423

Berger, Margaret A. Litigation on behalf of women: a review for the Ford Foundation. Ford Foundation, 1980.

KF478 .A7 B47

Blau, Francine D. The economics of women, men and work. Prentice Hall, 1998

HQ1421.B56 1998

Bremmer, Johanna. Women and the politics of class. Monthly Review Press, 2000

HQ1154 .B83 2000

Boumil, Marcia. Women and the law. Foundation Press, 1992.

KF478 .B68 1992

Buker, Eloise A. Talking feminist politics : conversations on law, science and the postmodern. Rowman & Littlefield, 1999

HQ1150. .B84 1999

Cahill, Ann J. Rethinking rape. Cornell University Press, 2001

HV6558 .C34 2001 .

Callender, Dale. Sexual harassment claims: step-by-step. Barron’s, 1998

KF4758 .Z9 C35 1998

Canavan, Marcia. Women’s Law. Rothman, 2000

KF478.C36 2000

Chamallas, Martha. Introduction to feminist legal theory. Aspen Law & Business, 1999

K349 .C49 1999

Charlesworth, Hilary.

The boundaries of international law : a feminist analysis / Hilary Charlesworth and Christine Chinkin.

Executive Park, NY : Juris Pub. ; Manchester, UK : Manchester University Press, 2000.

KZ3405.C43 A33 2000

Clark, Judith Freeman. Almanac of American women in the 20th Century. Prentice Hall Press, 1987.

HQ1420 .C55 1987

Clift, Eleanor. Founding sisters and the Nineteenth Amendment John Wiley & Sons, c2003

JK1896 .C55 2000

Cobble, Dorothy Sue. The other women’s movement: workplace justice and social rights in America. Princeton University Press. 2004

HD6095 .C58 2004

Colker, Ruth. Abortion & dialogue: pro-choice, pro-life, and American law. Indiana University Press, 1992.

KF3771 .C65 1992

Collins, Patricia Hill. Black feminist thought: knowledge consciousness, and the politics of empowerment. Routledge, 1991

HQ1426 .C633 1991

Conte, Alba. Sexual orientation and legal rights. J. Wiley. 1998

KF4754.5 .C66 1998 Vol 1-2

Cornell, Drucilla. Beyond accommodation. Routledge, 1991.

HQ1190 .C67 1987

Cott, Nancy F. The grounding of modern feminism. Yale University Press, 1987

HQ1420 .C67 1987

Critical race theory: the cutting edge. Edited by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic. Temple University Press, 2000.

KF4755 .C75 2000

Dahl, Tove Stang. Women’s law: an introduction to feminist jurisprudence. Norwegian University Press, 1988.

K644 .D3 1988

Davis, Angela Y. Women, culture & politics. Random House, 1989.

E185.86 .D382 1989

A documentary history of the legal aspects of abortion in the United States, Colautti v. Franklin. F. B. Rothman, 2000

KF3771 .D63 2000

Drachman, Virginia G. Sisters in law: women lawyers in modern American history. Harvard University Press, 199888

KF299.W6 D7 1998

Drachman, Virginia G. Women Lawyers and the origins of professional identity in America: the letters of the Equity Club. University of Michigan Press, 1993

KF299.W6 W65 1993

DuBois, Ellen Carol. Women’s suffrage, women’s rights. New York University Press, 1998

HQ1236.5 U6 W63 1998

Dusky, Lorraine. Still unequal: the shameful truth about women and justice in America. Crown Publishers, 1996.

KF4758 .D87 1996

Eisaguirre, Lynn. Sexual harassment: a reference handbook. ABC-CLIO, 1997

KF4758 .E36 1997

English, Holly, 1956-

Title Gender on trial : sexual stereotypes and work/life balance in the legal workplace / Holly English.

Imprint New York, N.Y. : ALM Pub., c2003.

KF299.W6 E54 2003

Eskridge, William N. Gaylaw: challenging the apartheid of the closet. Harvard University Press, 1999

KF4754.5 .E84 1999

Estrich, Susan. Sex and power. Riverhead Books, 2000

HQ1426 .E77 2000

Evans, Sara M. Born for liberty: a history of women in America.

The Free Press, 1989.

HQ1410 .E83 1989

The Fate of law. Edited by Austin Sarat. University of Michigan Press, 1991

K235 .F375 1991

Feminism confronts homo economicus : gender, law, and society / edited by Martha Albertson Fineman and Terence Dougherty.

Ithaca. N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 2005.

K349 .F453 2005

Feminist jurisprudence: the difference debate. Edited by Leslie Friedman Goldstein. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 1992

KF478 .A5 F46 1992

Feminist jurisprudence. Edited by Patricia Smith. Oxford University Press, 1993

K644 .Z9 F459 1993

Feminist legal literature: a selective annotated bibliography. Compiled by F. C. De Coste. Garland, 1991

K644 .A12 D43 1991

Feminist perspectives on contract law / edited by Linda Mulcahy and Sally Wheeler.

London ; Portland, Or. : GlassHouse Press, 2005.

KD1554.A75 F46 2005

Feminist views of the social sciences. Special Editor of this volume, Christine L. Williams, Sage Publications, 2000

JA37 .A64 No. 571

Fineman, Martha A. Feminism, media, and the law. Oxford University Press,1997.

KF478.A5 F456 1997

Fisher, Berenice M. No angel in the classroom: teaching through feminist discourse. Rowman & Littlefield, 2001

LC197 .F58 2001

Folbre, Nancy. The invisible heart : economics and family values. New Press, 2001

HB72 .F637 2001

Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth. Feminism without illusions: a critique of individualism. University of North Carolina Press, 1991

HQ1190 .F69 1990

Frazee, David. Violence against women. Clark, Boardman Callaghan, 1997

KF4758 .F733 1997

Frug, Mary Joe. Women and the law. Foundation Press, 1992

KF4758 .A78 1992

Gender and human rights / edited by Karen Knop. Imprint Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2004.

KJE937 .C65 v.12-2

Goldstein, Leslie Friedman. The Constitutional rights of women: in law and social change. Longman, 1979.

KF4758 .A7 G66

Gregory, Raymond F., 1927-

Women and workplace discrimination : overcoming barriers to gender equality / Raymond F. Gregory. Rutgers University Press, c2003.

HD6095 .G733 2003

Halberstam, Malvina. Women’s legal rights: international covenants—an alternative to ERA? Transitional Publishers, 1987.

KF4758 .H35 1987

Hoff, Joan. Law, gender, and injustice: a legal history of U. S. women. New York University Press, 1990.

KF4658 .K35 1990

Iglitzin, Lynne B. Women in the world: 1975-1985 the women’s decade. Second revised edition. ABC-CLIO, 1986

HQ1154 .W88383 1986

The international human rights of women: instruments of change. Edited by Carol Elizabeth Lockwood. ABA, Section of International Law and Practice, 1998.

K644.A35 I568 1998

International law : modern feminist approaches / edited by Doris Buss and Ambreena Manji.

Oxford : Hart, 2005

K349 .I58 2005

Jones, Kathleen B. The political interests of gender: developing theory and research with a feminist face. Sage Publications, 1988.

HQ1236 .P62 1988

Kaminer, Wendy. A fearful freedom: women’s flight from equality. Addison-Wesley, 1990.

KF4758 .K35 1990

Kanowitz, Leo. Women and the law: the unfinished revolution. University of New Mexico Press, 1969

KF478. K35

Kimmel, Michael S. Men’s lives. Macmillan, 1992

HQ1090.3 .M465 1992

Kingdom, Elizabeth. What’s wrong with rights:? Problems for feminist politics of law. Edinburgh University Press, 1991.

K644 .A57 K56 1991

Kirp, David L. Gender justice. University of Chicago Press, 1985

KF4758 .K57 1985

Legal feminisms: theory and practice. Edited by Clare McGlynn. Aldershot, 1998

K349 .L44 1998

Lindgren, J. Ralph. The law of sex discrimination. Second edition. West, 1993

KF4758 . A7 L56 1993

MacKinnon, Catharine A. Feminism unmodified. Discourses on life and law. Harvard University Press, 1987

KF487 .M24 1987

MacKinnon, Catharine A. Sex equality. Foundation Press, 2001 KF4758

KF4758 .A7 M33 2001

MacKinnon, Catharine A. Toward a feminist theory of the state. Harvard University Pres. 1989

K644 .M33 1989

Making women count: integrating gender into law and policy-making. Edited by Fiona Beveridge, Sue Nott, & Kylie Stephen. Ashgate, 2000.

K644 .M36 2000

Mansbridge, Jane J. Why we lost the ERA. University of Chicago Press, 1986

HQ1236.5 .U6 m38 1990

Mathews, Donald G. Sex, gender, and the politics of ERA: a state and the nation. Oxford University Press, 1990.

KF272 ;G46 1990

McGlamery, Susan, Paul M. George. Women and legal scholarship: a bibliography, working draft. {the authors}, 1990

KF272 .G46 1990

Miller, Jean Baker. Toward a new psychology of women. Beacon Press, 1986.

HQ1206 .M52 1986

Minow, Martha. Making all the difference: inclusion, exclusion and American law. Cornell University Press, 1990

K627 .M56 1990

Morewitz, Stephen John. Sexual harassment & social change in American society. Austin & Winfield, 1996.

HQ1237.5.U6 M64 1996

Neft, Naomi. Where women stand: an international report on the status of women in 140 countries, 1997-1998. Random House, 1997

HQ1154 .N39 1997

Nicholas, Susan Cary. Rights and wrongs: women’s struggle for legal equality. Feminist Press, 1986.

KF478 .N53 1986

Noddings, Nel. Women and evil. University of California Press, 1989.

BJ14101 .N63 1989

Orenstein, Peggy. Flux: women on sex, work, kids, love and life in a half-changed world. Doubleday. 2000

HQ1421.O74 2000

Otten, Laura A. Women’s rights and the law. Praeger, 1993

KF478 .A4 O88

Pateman, Carole. The sexual contract. Stanford University Press, 1988

HQ1206 .P35 1988

Pierce, Christine. Immovable laws, irresistible rights: natural law, moral rights and feminist ethics. University of Kansas Press, 2000

K428 .P54 2000

The Politics of law: a progressive critique. Rev. edition. Edited by David Kairys. Pantheon Books. 1990

KF4758 .A17 N37 1990

Rhode, Deborah L. Justice and gender: sex discrimination and the law. Harvard University Press, 1989.

KF4758 .R48 1989

Rhode, Deborah L. Speaking of sex: the denial of the gender of inequality. Harvard University Press, 1997.

HQ1237.5 .U6R48 1997

Richards, David A. J. Women, gays, and the constitution: the grounds for feminism and gay rights in culture and law. University of Chicago Press, 1998

KF4754.5 .R53 1998

Richardson, Janice, 1961-

Selves, persons, individuals : philosophical perspectives on women and legal obligations / Janice Richardson. Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2004.

K644 .R538 2004

Robson, Ruthann. Gay men, lesbians, and the law. Chelsea House Publishers. 1997

KF4754.5 .Z9 R63 1997

Robson, Ruthann. Lesbian (Out)law: survival under the rule of law. Firebrand Books. 1998.

KF4754.5 R63 1992

Robson, Ruthann, 1956-

Sappho goes to law school : fragments in lesbian legal theory / Ruthann Robson.

New York : Columbia University Press, c1998.

K349 .R63 1998

Romancing the tomes : popular culture, law and feminism / edited by Margaret Thornton. London : Cavendish, 2002

K349 .R66 2002

Schneider, Elizabeth M. Battered women & feminist lawmaking. Yale University Press, 2000.

KF9322.S36 2000

Sex, preference and family: essays on law and nature. Edited by David M. Estlund and Martha C. Nussbaum. Oxford University Press, 1997.

K625 .S49 1997

Skaine, Rosemarie. Power and gender: issues in sexual dominance and harassment. McFarland & Co. 1996.

HQ1237.5 .U6 S53 1996

Smart, Carol. Feminism and the power of law. Routledge, 1989.

KF370 .S63 1989

The State-by-state guide to women’s legal rights. McGraw-Hill, 1986

KF478. Z95 S73 1986

Taylor, Betty W. Feminist Jurisprudence, women and the law: critical essays, research agenda, and bibliography. Rothman, 1999

KF477 .A1 T39 1999