Apprentice Teaching

UTeach Final Portfolio

Your portfolio is a culminating project for the UTeach Dallas Certification Program. It demonstrates what you have learned through your teaching and learning experiences and how you have developed into a teacher ready for certification in the state of Texas.

The portfolio is divided into ten sections. For sections 1-4, you will provide information about your teaching philosophy and academic work, along with samples of professional documents such as a cover letter and resume. Sections 5-10 are comprised of large categories, such as Professional Responsibilities, Subject Matter Knowledge, Equity and Individualized Learning, etc., that are divided into subsections.

For sections 5-10, you will provide tangible evidence that you meet these proficiencies. You will also write a reflection for each large section that discusses how you have addressed the proficiencies in the past, how you have addressed them in your current Apprentice Teaching placement and your plans for the future. This section must be written in clear, articulate, expository prose. All content (such as mathematics, chemistry, etc.) must be correct.

The final portfolio must include a Video of your teaching, observational feedback from an educator, a unit plan and the calendar for that unit plan. The items may be placed at any point in the portfolio but be sure to place the unit plan and calendar together.

Some sections require specific evidence, so read all directions carefully. In general, evidence consists of lesson plans, samples of student work, letters and forms sent to parents and family, results of field observations, essays, exams, quizzes, and other coursework, both UTeach classes and classes in the content area (mathematics, chemistry, etc.). The expectation is that your portfolio will exhibit evidence from all of your UTeach classes and will come from diverse and multiple sources.

Name______AT Semester ______

UTeach Dallas Final Portfolio Rubric

Unit (minimum of three lessons) with a Unit Calendar

Video of your teaching from Apprentice Teaching with Reflection

Observational feedback from an observer with Reflection

Personal Profile Information
# Section Title / Instructions / Feedback
I = Incomplete,
M = Met Requirements
1a. Teaching Philosophy / Answer the following questions in a personal and professional manner:
What led you to become a teacher?
What do you hope to accomplish as a teacher?
What major concepts guide or shape your views on being a good teacher?
Evidence resources:
  • readings from Knowing and Learning
  • readings from Classroom Interactions
  • reading from Perspectives
/ I / M
0 / 1
1b.Cover Letter for Employment / State your future goals for employment in the form of a letter that accompanies a résumé to a potential employer. This letter should be tailored to the job you are seeking, making clear to a future employer that you have specific information about his or her organization that makes you a good fit.
Your cover letter may be addressed to a school at which you have had a field experience or a school where you would like to seek future employment. Even if you’re unsure about whether or not you want to teach, the cover letter should be as professional as possible.
Evidence resources:
  • UTD Career Center
  • Faculty
  • Mentor teachers
/ I / M
0 / 1
1c. Résumé / This is a presentation of your work and educational background. The audience is a principal or other professional who hires teachers.
Evidence resources:
  • Career Center
  • Faculty
  • mentor teachers
Include teaching experiences in the UTeach Program with a statement of how you have taught lessons at varying grade levels and schools to get a full view of the educational system.
State also that you have taught on teams as well as individually in these experiences. / I / M
0 / 1
1d. Unofficial
University Transcript / Include an “unofficial academic record” to show the scope of course work you have completed. These are available as an “academic summary” free of charge from the Registrar’s Office. You must go in person during regular business hours to obtain it.
Must Include:
  • all UT course work
  • all transfer course work
  • all grades
  • do not use an advising audit
/ I / M
0 / 1
Proficiency in Teaching
# Section Title / The UTeach Teacher will… / Feedback
U = Unsatisfactory,
BC = Beginning Competent,
C = Competent,
AC = Advanced Competent
  1. Subject Matter Knowledge
(Divided into Science or Math and then both) / Overall Section Score / U / BC / C / AC
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Part A For Science Only
Science 1
State a question about the natural world and outline how to develop it into a specific inquiry that answers the question in whole or in part.
Evidence suggestions:
  • inquiry from research methods courses taught through UTeach, evidence from a laboratory course (biology, chemistry, physics, etc.)
  • paper from independent research course
Science 2
Evaluate the strength of a scientific explanation or hypothesis using scientific evidence and methodology.
Evidence suggestions:
  • an analysis of experimental data that makes use of statistical hypothesis testing; a discussion of a mathematical model you designed yourself and its comparison with the phenomenon it represents.

Part B For Math Only
Mathematics 1
Apply both informal and formal mathematical reasoning in problem solving and state the importance of being able to apply both reasoning to the same problem.
Evidence suggestions:
  • an example of a challenging proof from a specific mathematics course
  • from Functions and Modeling: showing versus proving statements relating to the triangle inequality, specifically for complex numbers
  • from Functions and Modeling: proving different field properties of the complex number system
Mathematics 2
Describe the connections between multiple representations of a mathematical concept.
Evidence suggestions:
  • from Functions and Modeling: connecting the distance formula, equation of a circle, and the Pythagorean Theorem – pictorially, verbally, and algebraically
  • evaluation of student artifacts from CI

Part C For All Certifications
All Contents 1
Generate a model of a natural phenomenon and evaluate how well the model represents the situation.
Evidence suggestions:
  • an analysis of an inquiry from Research Methods
  • an analysis of a model you designed yourself
  • Functions and Modeling: using data to find a model of a physical characteristic of our universe

All Contents 2
Describe a topic in the subject area and describe the connections with prerequisite topics, future topics, and other subjects.
Evidence suggestions:
  • an essay in which you explain how material in a lesson plan you have prepared depends upon material in previous years, or lays the foundation for material in the following years.
  • K&L generative lessons
  • CI Knowledge Package
  • paper from Perspectives
  • lesson plan from Perspectives
  • an essay in which you explain how material in a lesson plan you have prepared depends upon material in previous years, or lays the foundation for material in the following years, and connects to other subjects other than mathematics.
  • from Functions and Modeling: exponential growth and decay from a differential perspective – connections between Algebraic manipulation, exponential/logarithms, rules/calculus, concepts/integration techniques

All Contents 3
Connect a state and a national standard to a lesson taught in the secondary schools. Explain how you assessed those standards to demonstrate student mastery.
Evidence suggestions:
  • Step 1 and Step 2 lesson plans
  • Teach 1 & Teach 2 lesson plans in CI
  • Commentary on a lesson plan you have written.
  • PBI Unit
  • Lesson Plans - AT

All Contents 4
Illustrate how to bring out the historical importance of your subject material, its contribution to large ideas, and its significance in today’s society.
Evidence suggestions:
  • paper from Perspectives
  • lesson plan from Perspectives
  • other relevant lesson plans
  • Teach 1 &Teach 2 lesson plans in CI
  • from Functions and Modeling: the relationship of complex numbers and cosmology and physics (background discussion of the applications of complex numbers)
  • from Functions and Modeling: function rate of change relating to the works of Newton and Kepler
  • paper from Perspectives
  • lesson plan from Perspectives
  • other relevant lesson plans
  • CI video

Part D
Write a reflection that describes broad and current knowledge of the subject matter which is used to develop appropriate learning goals with students. Include how you create opportunities for students to examine a variety of contexts of the subject matter, including its history, relationship with technology, ties to other disciplines and impacts on society.
  1. Equity and Inclusive Design
/ Overall Section Score / U / BC / C / AC
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Part 1
Demonstrate an awareness of student diversity while preparing lessons, presenting lessons, and assessing students. Include evidence of how you create an inclusive and assessable learning environment for students from different backgrounds, students who have different interests, students of different genders, students for whom English is not their first language and students who legally require accommodations and/or modifications.
Evidence suggestions:
  • lesson plan with comments from Step 1, Step 2, CI, PBI
  • discussion based on reading from a specific UTeach course
  • K&L clinical interviews
  • CI lesson plans, written analyses, poster presentations, responses to forum prompts, video clips
  • PBI — modifications for special populations in the lesson plans and formative assessments
  • permissions in Spanish and English for field trip in PBI
  • CI, annotated video permission
  • CI word chart
  • focused observation forms - AT
  • video footage - CI, AT, PBI

Part 2
Include an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) from your teaching experience along with an explanation of the development of the plan and a description of how the students responded to the experience.
Evidence suggestions:
 ILP from Apprentice Teaching
 focused observation forms - AT
 video footage of ILP in action – AT
Part 3
Write a reflection that describes the steps taken to ensure that all students have engaging learning opportunities. Include how you have actively come to know your students as individuals, and have drawn on this knowledge to build relationships with students to determine their understanding of the subject matter.
  1. Teaching Preparation
/ Overall Section Score / U / BC / C / AC
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Part 1
Describe and document your process for developing a learning experience. Illustrate the connection between the state/national standards, the selection and evaluation of resources and technologies, the creation of student activities, the adjustments and modifications for students with individual needs, and the development of student assessments.
Evidence suggestions:
  • CI lesson plans in draft, intermediate, and final stages, with discussion
  • Unit Project Lessons - PBI
  • Inquiry unit project of 5 5E reading Lesson Plans-Reading
  • Classroom activities and discussion-Functions and Modeling
  • Videos and reflections of field teaching experience - PBI
  • Unit Project - PBI
  • Lesson Plans - AT
  • Students demonstrate by gathering data that they know how to operate probes and computers, and understand the importance of calibrating scientific instruments- Research Methods
  • Written papers, oral presentations-Perspectives
  • Lesson Plans, including essays justifying them and responses to review comments - CI
  • Focused Observation Form - AT

Part 2
Explain and provide evidence about how you design lessons that encourage all students to participate, that connect the content to the interests and experiences of your students, and that make learning assessable and meaningful for students of all ability levels. Include in your reflection a discussion of your ability to assess the value and reliability of information on this topic from print and online sources.
Evidence suggestions:
  • CI lesson plans
  • PBI – project development
  • PBI – lesson plan for field experience and project
  • AT Lesson Plans
  • focused observation forms - AT
  • video footage of lesson - AT

Part 3
Write a reflection that describes your selection and adaptation of a variety of instructional resources, including technology, laboratory, and community resources to support active student explorations.
  1. Classroom Environment
/ Overall Section Score / U / BC / C / AC
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Part 1
Present your overall classroom management plan. Include your rules, policies, procedures, time management strategies, rewards, and consequences. Explain your experiences that have contributed to this plan.
Evidence suggestions:
  • classroom rules, policies and procedures - AT
  • rewards and consequences - AT
  • focused observation forms - AT
  • video footage - AT

Part 2
Describe and provide evidence of how you manage student behavior and create rapport with and among students to maintain an effective and respectful learning environment. Include evidence of how you create a culture of learning in your classroom.
Evidence suggestions:
  • CI classroom management plans
  • CI observation-form comments, video clips
  • PBI group contract
  • field experience in PBI
  • student index cards - AT
  • seating charts - AT
  • focused observation forms - AT
  • video footage from CI, PBI or AT

Part 3
State explicitly how you consistently maintain a safe learning environment for students, both emotionally and physically.
Evidence suggestions:
  • CI lesson plans
  • focused observation forms-AT
  • emergency evacuation plans-AT
  • fire/tornado drill procedures-AT
  • computer use contracts-AT
  • lab safety contracts-AT
  • video footage of greeting students at the door - AT

Part 4
Write a reflection that discusses how you create safe and supportive learning environments that foster high expectations for the success of all students. Include how you effectively manage student behavior to foster a rich learning atmosphere in your classroom.
  1. Instruction and Delivery
/ Overall Section Score / U / BC / C / AC
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Part 1
Describe and provide evidence of how you teach and engage all students in meaningful learning experiences.
Evidence suggestions:
  • Step 1 or Step 2 field experience
  • CI lesson plans
  • CI video
  • lesson plans for PBI
  • standards-based project and videos of teaching
  • focused observation forms - AT

Part 2
Describe and provide evidence of your questioning and assessment techniques. Include evidence of how you use assessment to respond flexibly to students during instruction.
Evidence suggestions:
  • CI analysis of questioning effectiveness in the major analysis assignments and article-prompted forum posts
  • CI - Teach 1 and Teach 2 analyses
  • lesson plans for PBI with multiple formative assessments
  • weekly calendar for PBI project
  • focused observation forms - AT
  • video footage from CI, PBI or AT

Part 3
Describe and provide evidence of how you have used technology to enhance the learning experiences of your students.
Evidence suggestions:
  • CI lesson plans
  • PBI – video production
  • use of Probeware in PBI
  • syllabus from PBI highlighting time spent during the semester on technologies
  • focused observation forms-AT
  • ILP with technology integrations-AT

Part 4
Write a reflection that describes how you stimulate interest in science, math or computer science and elicit students’ sustained participation in learning activities. Include how you involve students in inquiries that challenge and help them construct an understanding of the subject matter.
  1. Professional Responsibilities
/ Overall Section Score / U / BC / C / AC
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Part 1
Describe your professional development plan for remaining current in your subject and best teaching practices. Explain and give evidence about how you will continually grow professionally.
Evidence suggestions:
  • journals used in CI
  • reading in PBI
  • faculty
  • mentor teachers
  • departmental, staff meetings-AT
  • professional development opportunities-AT

Part 2
Include evaluation feedback you received from an observer (mid semester evaluation/final evaluation) and from your students. Reflect on your response as a professional to this evaluative feedback and describe what constitutes a professional response. Explain what you learned about your teaching from this feedback and how you adjusted and enhanced your teaching based on it.
Evidence suggestions:
  • focused observation forms – AT
  • Step 1 and/or Step 2 reflection on lesson progress
  • CI interview and response
  • CI “Teaching Round Robin”
  • written analysis of feedback in CI
  • focused observation forms - AT

Part 3
Present your overall plan for communicating with parents and caregivers of your students and describe your plan for including them in the education of their child.
Evidence suggestions:
  • Step 1/Step 2 – letter home to parents
  • CI readings
  • CI customized video permission letter
  • PBI letter to parents introducing project
  • communication log - AT

Part 4
Describe and reflect on interactions you have had with parents and caregivers of your students. Include a discussion of why it is important to involve families in their children’s education.
Evidence suggestions:
  • Faculty/team meeting discussion dialogues
  • mentor teachers/parent discussion dialogues
  • a lesson that requires parental involvement
  • communication log - AT

Part 5
Present your overall plan for contributing to your school, district, and community. Explain your experiences; either as a student in a classroom, as a teacher in the field, or both that has contributed to this plan.
Evidence suggestions:
  • CI feedback on teaching round robin and poster session
  • CI group contracts
  • reflections on CI equity readings and assignment
  • PBI peer evaluation of projects and lesson plans
  • PBI grant proposal
  • professional development strategies-AT
  • department/staff meetings discussions - AT

Part 6
Read the “Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators” and reflect on a specific standard as it pertains to your classroom.
Evidence suggestions:
  • PBI project requirements for Driving Questions and the ethical properties of the Driving Questions
  • focused observation form-AT

Part 7
Write a reflection that summarizes your proactive work with families and communities to serve the best interests of your students. Include how you have contributed to the work of the larger professional community.

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