Call to order
A meeting of Fredericksburg Elementary APT was held at Fredericksburg Community Center on Thursday August 10, 2017 @ 6:30 PM.
Attendees included Christine Sechman, President; Rachel Kohr, Vice President; Deb Tice, Treasurer; Tracey Mohn, Secretary.
Members not in attendance
Members not in attendance included Traci Kreiser, Teacher Advocate
Christine provided copies of the following documents to all attendees: Bylaws for the Fredericksburg APT, Example Donation letter, Facilities Application, 2016-2017 School year Treasury report. Deb Tice provided one page 2017 – 2018 district calendars.
Unfinished business
*All officers need to review the current Bylaws and provide red line changes at next meeting, August 24th @ Esther’s Diner @ 6 PM.
*Treasury report was reviewed / discussed for the 2016-2017 school year.
New business
*Possible fundraisers for 2017-2018 school year. All officers were assigned fundraisers to investigate and bring information back to the next meeting where a final roster will be decided.
Christine: Gertrude Hawk / Script Pro Gift Cards
Rachel: Race for Education / Reppert’s Candies
Deb: Sycamore Spring Apple Dumplings / Mr. Sticky Sticky Buns
Tracey M: Wreaths Across America / Russell Stover & Wertz Candies
Tracey M chose collection dates for the Receipts and Box Tops collections for the 2017 – 2018 school year.
*Back to School night – August 23rd from 6-7:30PM- Christine will bring a table for APT display to include the following items: Christine – Display board, Parent Communication Signup sheets . Deb – Back to School Photo Mat. Tracey – Blank Box Tops Sheets.
*An APT packet will be prepared and submitted to Mrs. Long by Christine to be included in the student back to school packets. Packet to include: Contact signup sheet (parent sign off to distribute class contact list / use of Remind / continue to utilize Facebook and ), Brief introduction of APT and officers, and Receipts and box tops sheet prepared by Tracey M.
*Tentative Events and Dates for 2017 – 2018 school year
Wendy’s Night: Christine will contact Wendy’s representative for available dates in September.
Penny Wars: Girls Vs Boys October 16th – 20th. Will need to determine prizes and obtain volunteers to count the pennies each day (either by word of mouth or sign up genius).
Road Rally / Scavenger Hunt: November 5th 2- 6 pm. It was proposed to be a 50/50 profit event with entry fee TBD. Rachel will organize. Rachel will check with Dale Richard for start location. Rachel will also check into either Lions Park or Fireman Park for end location with food truck. Deb will contact Huey’s food truck for information. Alternate end location would be local restaurant such as Esther’s.
Fall Scholastic Book Fair: November 20th & 21st. Mrs. Blecker expressed interest in chairing this event. Christine will follow up with her.
Annual Vendor Fair: December 2nd. Christine will fill out facility request form and submit for use of the Fredericksburg Elementary multipurpose room. Advertising will be implemented once room is secured.
Family Movie Night: Proposed: Movie = Elf. Venue = Pine Grove Theatre December 3rd or 10th in the afternoon. Tracey M messaged Pine Grove Theatre for availability. Proposed price $3 / person to include entry to theatre, drink, small popcorn. Details to be finalized once venue and date are secured.
Santa Shop: December 13 – 14th. Deb will chair this event and procure product. Christine offered a product venue as well.
Paint Night: January. Rachel will research and provide details at a future meeting. It was proposed to use the organizers venue if size allows.
Father / Daughter Dance: February 10th. Rachel will chair. Venue = Fredericksburg Community Center. Theme to be determined.
Mother / Son event: March. Tracey will Chair. Skating party proposed for a Sunday afternoon. She will contact Klick Lewis and Mt. Gretna venues for information and availability.
*Deb introduced a topic concerning grant monies available from businesses such as Lowe’s, Walmart, Amazon Smile program, and Shopperoo. She will investigate further and report findings at next meeting.
*Teacher Reimbursement. It was decided that this year’s program would require Teachers to attend One (1) APT meeting AND One (1) APT sponsored event to qualify for reimbursement.
*Christine will compose a letter to Teachers with information on our plans for the school year including, teach reimbursement program, contact info, receipts and box tops collections dates and “treasure chest” rewards.
*Proposed use of paypal for certain events going forward – to be discussed further at a later meeting
Next meeting will be Thursday August 24th @ 6:00 PM at Esther’s Diner
Tracey Mohn
/ /8/10/17
/ /Date of approval
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