Facebook Advertising Setting Up Guide
1. Log into Facebook
2. Go to
3. Click on ‘Manage Your Ads’
4. Next, click on the function you’re wanting to achieve (usually More Facebook ‘Like’s, and then select the Page you’re wanting to drive traffic and fans to from the drop-down menu:
5. Next, upload a photo for your Ad – Ads with a visual of people, usually receives about 80% more clicks, so do keep it in mind:
6. Next, write an Attention Grabbing Headline (be sure to keep an eye on the character count!), as well as a Description. Use Google Adwords Keyword Tool to find what keywords are best and that will grab people’s attention based on what’s being searched for the most. To access the Tool, head to and click on ‘Keyword Planner’ in the first line of the article. Wait as it re-directs you to log in as your Gmail account, and after that, click on the first link which is ‘Search for new keyword and ad group ideas’ and go through how we did by trying different keywords and seeing what has the best search results in your country
7. Next, fill out all appropriate information to narrow (or broaden) your target market reach
8. Next, either use an existing Campaign, or create a new Campaign ‘folder’ for easier Admin of the Ads you’re putting up. Be sure to set a ‘Lifetime Budget’ as the ‘per Day’ ones sometimes go over budget (and there is no way to get your money back from Facebook as setting up your Ads in this way is totally at your own risk!). Always change the Lifetime Budget from the one that automatically comes up; you don’t want to spend $420! Lastly, for this step, put a start and end date.
9. Pricing options is your last step. These options are:
a) Bid for Page Likes – Facebook will take care of your Ad to make sure you receive the best exposure for your Ad within your budget you’ve set. This is the least preferred option of internet marketers and social media companies (and those in the know, like you!) as you cannot control or ask questions if your budget is blown and you see very little results!
b) Bid for Clicks – every Ad is different and sometimes Clicks work better, while sometimes it’s Impressions (see option ‘C) that work best. Keep an eye on suggested bids and try bid for less. Some bid for the highest suggested bid, or even go over it. The only value in this is that your Ad will appear at the top of Facebook Ads, however this does not always prove to be a good strategy, nor is it cost-effective in most cases. Facebook Ads with your particular photo and description either works or it doesn’t, so bid less.
c) Bid for Impressions – this is the investment you make every time your Ad gets in front of 1,000 people. Sometimes this option works best, and is more cost-effective; sometimes it may take a user 2 times to see your ad before they click, or sometimes it takes them 4,000 times – this is more risky than the previous ‘Bid for Clicks’ Option, however it is usually the preferred way of internet marketers. Again, keep an eye on suggested bids and aim lower rather than higher for same reasons as above. When you bid less, the worst that can happen is your Ad doesn’t go to too many people; better than paying hundreds of dollars for only a few fans, in either case.
10. Lastly, click ‘Place Order’, and you’re done!