A Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council was held in the Millennium Hall on Monday 18 January 2010 at 7.30 p.m.

Present:Cllrs Jones, Andrews, Beattie, Callingham, Cropley, Cutler, Deeley,

Hutchison, Parrott, Pearson, Robinson, Rowan, Trevor and Welburn

Also Present:Alex Bridgwood

Apologies:Cllr Wright and the Police

Before the meeting started the Clerk read a report from PC Thompson which included

details of two crimes and 10 incidents which had occurred since the last meeting.


There were none given

2010/2 MINUTES

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 14 December be confirmed and signed as a true record.


Minute 2009/131 – it had been agreed that the contractor did not now need a licence and he was now arranging his schedule of works.

Minute 2009/135 – WLDC had not removed the leaves and they were to be asked again.

Minute 2009/138 item 3 – Mr Storey was to plant a cherry tree on the Council owned land near Croft Lane and the wording for a plaque had been agreed.


The following items were on the table for members to look at:

a.Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Annual Action Plan and draft Baseline Document

and information on their new control centre opening summer 2011

b.CW Community School Christmas newsletter

c.Zurich Municipal – Local Council Advisory Service

d.EMDA News

e.LALC – lalc news, training events and youth worker contact details

f.Nottsprt leaflets on synthetic surfacing

g.LCC Pension Fund Employers Seminar – 9 February 9.30 a.m.

h.LCR monthly publication

i.Mr Pitt’s playing field inspections

j.RoSPA Safety inspection information

k.Chief Constable’s 6 monthly update

l.Clerk’s and Councils Direct

m.WLDC Minutes and information on a workshop on 27 January on spaces for

Gypsies and Travellers.

1.It was noted that the criteria for WLDC to grant dispensations if more than 50% of members had a prejudicial interest had changed.

2.An LALC consultation over who deals direct with their office was discussed

and it was agreed that everything should be directed through the clerk except

key personnel matters relating to the clerk which would be directed through

the Chairman.

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3.The Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Concert Band had thanked the Council for

their donation of £50 for playing at the Christmas Fair.

4.No topics were put forward for discussion at the Parish, Town and District

Assembly to be held on 12 April.

5.It was agreed to ask Veolia to spray the broad-leaved weeds on the outfield.

6.A thank-you note from Mr & Mrs Dainty for their Diamond Wedding flowers

and card was read out.

7.Highways had written stating the willow tree overhanging the High Street

footpath would be included in a schedule beginning 1 April and there would

be no resources to carry out the work before then.

8.Pam Street, Road Safety Officer had reported that the school safety zone was

being monitored by the police and the Highways Manager would progress

with getting the timings on the signs altered.

2010/5 FINANCE

Balance at 18 January £35,753 (£13,425 to only be spent on capital projects) and £19,030 for the Lady Meers Pond area. Total £54,783

Accounts paid during the month

Uniworld Communications – monthly phone line rental and calls 14.95

Multidata broadband – 2 monthly broadband charges 45.42

Eon – Hall electricity 23.00

Accounts to be paid

Staff salaries and expenses for the month1131.25

Inland Revenue – tax and NI 207.11

Lincolnshire County Council pension fund payments for January 371.63

Veolia ES (UK) Ltd – December bill 67.36

APS Printers – December CW News 871.00

Lincolnshire County Council – contribution to Develop Lincs project5000.00

D Maddison donation towards litter picking costs on Parade 45.50

D Hughes – 2 days litter picking holiday relief 15.80

F Beattie – claim for collecting trees from Horncastle – 45 miles 18.00

Petty Cash top up 30.00


It was resolved that the accounts be paid and the £5,000 be taken from the capital projects fund. The Receipts and Payments book was available for members to look at.

Payments in

Burial fees from 4 sources for headstones and cremation fees 162.00

Hall rental from 1 user 10.00

HSBC – interest on deposit account 6.32

Reepham & District Tennis Club – grass cutting 32.36

Reepham Methodist Church – donation to CW News 10.00

CW News advertisers 95.00

Total 315.68

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It was noted that the green and blue Christmas tree lights were dominant and it was agreed to purchase some extra red and white strings which would also enhance the star as they were currently in the sale. The cost would be less than £60.


During the month the committee considered no applications

Planning permission

124995 for single storey extension to the rear of 45 Church Lane.


Cllr Cutler gave a report of a meeting held with Noel Robinson on 14 January. It was noted that much work had been suspended until the next financial year and footpath work required had been prioritised by the committee. The desirability of double yellow lines on the bend near the post office had been discussed and Noel had requested images showing the dangerous parking. The large amount of potholes that had occurred due to the icy weather was discussed and any noted were to be reported to the Clerk who would pass them on to Highways.

It was noted that grit bins would be provided if requested by the Council. Cllr Cutler was to compile a list of sites and these could then be sent in.


It was noted that non residents were charged treble the village rates. It was also noted that there were no burial charges for children under 12 from the village. It was agreed that any child under 12 from outside the village would be charged the same as a village resident over 12 but this would not be trebled.


A quote for the grass and burial ground had been received from Veolia. This was 2.9% higher than 2009. Two other firms had shown an interest but had not followed through when they knew how much work was required, the insurance necessary and references requested. It was proposed Cllr Callingham, seconded Cllr Robinson and agreed to accept the quote from Veolia.


The Clerk was to pass on to the police information regarding dangerous parking on Cedar Avenue following the introduction of the safety zone.

The problems of dog fouling on Rudgard Avenue and Laburnum Drive were to be reported in CW News. It was understood that fouling on the private road off Laburnum Drive was in hand and the owner had been spoken to.

The light on The Parade had still not been repaired and was to be reported again. Neither had the Rudgard Avenue sign been repaired. The Clerk had reported it again during the month and Cllr Welburn said she would follow it up.

Cllr Beattie asked if the Council could submit a grant application for a bus shelter but was told that residents needed to be consulted first and it was to be discussed at the APM.

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Mr Pitt was to plant the 410 hedge plants and trees on Cathedral View Play Area.

It was agreed that the boards used in the Christmas Fair PC tent showing adult outdoor exercise equipment could be taken to the Youth Club for comments and also the U3A. The Clerk would organise this.

Cllr Callingham reported that the Parish computer was very slow and he proposed that Cllr Trevor look at it to see what was required. This was agreed.

It was noted that representatives of the Standards Committee would attend the February Council meeting and would give some training on interests and conduct before the meeting started. It was also noted that a new electricity meter had been fitted in the Hall.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.46 p.m.

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