A.) Mcculloch V. Maryland : the Power to Tax Is the Power to Destroy

Probably the most important Supreme Court decision was ______in which the court ruled ______.

a.)  McCulloch v. Maryland : the power to tax is the power to destroy

b.)  Marbury v. Madison : that it had the power to declare a law unconstitutional

c.)  Scott v Sanford : slaves are still slaves even when taken into free territories

d.)  Fletcher v Peck : that the national government has the right to regulate interstate commerce

What is the purpose of the "dissenting opinion" of the Supreme Court?

a.)  It has no real purpose upon the court

b.)  Creates a binding precedent for future rulings

c.)  It is cited as a persuasive decision when arguing that the courts holding should be limited or overturned.

d.)  It is just a differing opinion that is included in the final document so that all opinions are expressed for the record

When is a concurring opinion written?

a.)  When a supreme court justice agrees with the majority decision

b.)  When a supreme court justice disagrees with the majority decision

c.)  When a supreme court justice cannot decide on a case due to personal reasons

d.)  When a supreme court justice votes with the majority but for different reasons

The Constitution has been amended 27 times. However, other changes have taken place through interpretation of the Constitution.

Who has the final authority on interpreting the Constitution?

a.)  The president

b.)  The supreme court

c.)  The executive cabinet

d.)  The house of representatives

This representation of Lady Justice shows a woman with a scale and a blindfold. How does this symbolize the ideals of the American judicial system?

a.)  The judicial system should include more female members

b.)  Judges are meant to weigh cases and be blind to persons

c.)  The picture suggests that the judicial system is ignorant

d.)  Judges are not capable of performing more than one action

Which of these BEST describes the concept of “strict construction”?

a.)  The constitutions powers are implied and open to interpretation

b.)  The judicial branch should only hear cases on a “strict” schedule

c.)  The constitutions powers should be carried out literally and with restraint

d.)  Adding amendments to the constitution based on the desires of a majority of Americans

In legal proceedings, lower courts tend to have original jurisdiction, meaning

a.)  They are only allowed to hear cases classified as felonies

b.)  They are only allowed to hear cases classified as misdemeanors

c.)  They have the right to hear a case for the first time it has been presented in the legal system

d.)  They can only hear a case after it has already been argued in a different level of the legal system

In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court used the equal protection clause in the Fourteenth Amendment to declare educational segregation unconstitutional. Which of these would be the BEST argument FOR judicial activism in this case?

a.)  Many states did not follow the supreme courts ruling

b.)  Many states did not have prior laws about educational segregation

c.)  The 14th amendment was not ratified by the three-fourths of the state

d.)  The 14th amendment does not explain explicitly ban educational segregation

State and federal courts often share the authority to hear a case. This is called

a.)  Original jurisdiction

b.)  Appellate jurisdiction

c.)  Exclusive jurisdiction

d.)  Concurrent jurisdiction

If a Supreme Court justice observes stare decisis, he or she is

a.)  Checking the actions of the executive branch

b.)  Showing dominance over lower court officials

c.)  Exhibiting judicial activism in its decisions

d.)  Being careful to uphold past judges precedents

This chart would be most helpful in a report about the

a.)  Different ways the courts rule

b.)  Different levels and types of courts

c.)  Different types of laws the courts can pass

d.)  Different legal systems used around the world

In 2005, the parents of Terri Schiavo, a woman in a vegetative coma for 15 years, became embroiled in a legal battle with her husband. Her parents wanted her to continue to be kept alive with feeding tubes and other medical procedures, while her husband desired the tubes removed. Ms. Schiavo's parents tried repeatedly to get the Supreme Court to hear their case, but the Court refused to grant certiorari.

What is meant by the term certiorari?

a.)  A formal deposition made by experts

b.)  A warrant required to stop an action

c.)  A warrant required to begin an action

d.)  A formal request to have a case heard in court

The Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison (1803) established the principle of

a.)  The federal control of interstate commerce

b.)  Supremacy of the national government

c.)  Checks and balances

d.)  Judicial review

Why did the framers of the Constitution provide that the President and Congress be elected while federal judges are appointed?

a.)  It provided the framework for popular sovereignty

b.)  The system supports the checks and balances principle

c.)  Compromises were needed to ensure ratification of the constitution

d.)  Court decisions can be reached without regard to political considerations

In the Supreme Court decision Marbury v. Madison,

a.)  The taxing power of states was limited

b.)  The power of “judicial review” was established

c.)  The rights of corporations were clearly outlined the supreme court expanded the meaning of eminent domain

d.)  The supreme court expanded the meaning of eminent domain

Judges keep the country safe from political majorities because

a.)  Judges were often nominated by previous administrations

b.)  Judges have a duty to rule in favor of any minority parties

c.)  Judges have the power to nominate other political officials

d.)  Judges are able to strike down any laws they feel are immoral

Why are the "majority opinions" of the Supreme Court so important?

a.)  They establish legal precedents

b.)  They are outside of jurisdiction

c.)  They are not met with controversy

d.)  They do not require congressional approval

Which is an example of judicial activism?

a.)  A judge reviews laws and studies the constitution

b.)  A judge hears a case brought up from a lower court

c.)  A judge strikes down a law that she does not agree with

d.)  A judge strikes down a law that violates the constitution

According to this timeline, which Supreme Court Justice served the longest?

a.)  Clarence Thomas

b.)  John paul stevens

c.)  Anthony m. kennedy

d.)  Samuel a. alito, jr.

The authority to review decisions of lower courts is called

a.)  Original jurisdiction

b.)  Appellate jurisdiction

c.)  Exclusive jurisdiction

d.)  Concurrent jurisdiction