Planning LESSON 1
5 hours / Prof.sse Longaretti e De Vito - ISIS Daverio-Casula
Title of the lessons / SWOT ANALYSIS
Focus / The aim of these lessons for the students is to learn about S.A., its functions and its importance in the real life.
Introduction / In this lesson students will have the opportunity to get to know and use the tool also in a real case study
Materials needed / LIM, tablets and IT lab
Time needed to complete the lessons / 275 min
Procedures / See below
Assessment /
  • A matching exercise concerning some definitions pointed out during the filmsand related to the basic concepts of S.A..
  • The compilation of an S.A. matrix

Attachments / See below


Time / What the teacher does / What the students do
1st hour / 10 min / The starting point are two short videos about S.A.
The teacher introduces and shows the videos.
Teacher interacts with students

/ The students watch the video
10 min / The teacher answers the questions. / After the documentary the students have the time to express their doubts and to ask some questions, not only about the content
5 min / Attachment 1 S.A. Ex 1Match these words to the definitions / Solve Ex 1
5 min / Correction key 1 / Correction
10min / The teacher introduces and shows slides about S.A. and a real case: “you tube”
Teacher interacts with students
/ The students watch the slides
10 min / The teacher divides the class into groups and supervises the activity.
Attachment 2 S.A.:Read the following sentences and write them in the right quadrant of the matrix / Solve ex 2
5 min / Correction key 2 / Correction
2nd hour / 5 min / The teacher introduces a short video about McDonalds
/ The students watch the video
15 min / The teacher answers the questions. / After the video the students have the time to express their doubts and to ask some questions, not only about the content
15 min / Attachment 3 S.A.Complete the sentences with a word from the list / Solve attachment 3
10 min / The teacher corrects exercise key 3 / correction
Homework: glossary Attachment 4 S.A. / Self correction
3rd hour / 25 min / The teacher divides the students into several groups, with three students in each one, and provides them with some web sites about SwotAnalysis theory
The teacher supervises the activity of each group
Attachment 5 S.A.: theory Swot Analysis / Students read one of the three sites about theory, ask questionsand interact
20 / The teacher provides web sites about real cases;
supervises the activity of each group and assigns the task to answer some questions
Attachment 6 S.A.: real cases / Each group chooses one case, collects information and answersthe questions attachment 6
10 / The teacher corrects the results and interacts with the students Correction
4th hour / 30 min / The teacher assigns a text to read, asks the students some simple questions to verify their comprehension.
Attachment 7 S.A.: IKEA SWOT analysis / Students read the text, ask questions and write the answers to the questions
15 min / The teacher corrects and compares the solutions / Studentspresent their results
5th hour / 30 min / The teacher divides the students into several groups with three students in each one and asks to prepare a SWOT analysis about their school
Attachment 8 S.A.: some suggestions / the groupsprepare their work
25 min / The teacher compares the results and discusses / the groups present the results of their work and share them