A list of principle publications: Alexander Chetverikov 2010.11.10
1. D.I.Trubetskov, A.P.Chetverikov. Theory of transient process high-Q relativistic travelling wave monotron, Izv. VUZov - Radiofizika, 1980, vol.23, no. 2, p.223-231. (in Rus.)
2. S.P.Kuznetsov, D.I.Trubetskov, A.P.Chetverikov. Nonlinear analytic theory of the peniotron. Sov. Phys. Tech. Lett., 1980, v.6, p.498-499.
3. S.P.Kuznetsov, G.G.Monosov, D.I.Trubetskov, A.P.Chetverikov. Some problems in the theory of peniotron. Proceedings of 5th winter school-seminar of engineers-radiophysics, Saratov State University, Russia, 1981, v.1, p.8-41. (in Rus.).
4. A.P.Chetverikov. Onset of steady oscillations in free electron lasers, Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys., 1981, v.26, N 11, p.1452-1453.
5. S.P.Kuznetsov, A.P.Chetverikov. Transient nonlinear theory of an ultrarelativistic backward wave oscillator tube with an anomalous Doppler effect, Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 1981, v.24, N1, p.78-84.
6. S.P.Kuznetsov, L.A.Pishik, D.I.Trubetskov, A.P.Chetverikov . The program of computer simulation of non-steady-state processe and oscillations in BWO's. Electronnyaja technika, Ser.1, 1983, v. 4(352), p.66-67 (in Rus.).
7. A.Yu.Dmitriev, A.E.Konevez, L.A.Pishik, D.I.Trubetskov, A.P.Chetverikov. Lectures of the theory of the interaction of non-relativistic helical electron beams with electromagnetic waves in a waveguide. Proceedings of 7th winter school-seminar of engineers-radiophysics, Saratov State University, Russia, 1986, v.1, p.61-102. (in Rus.).
8. S.M.Kobzev, A.P.Chetverikov. Phase characteristics of gyroresonant traveling-wave amplifier. Electronnyaja technika, Ser.1, 1987, v. 5(399), p.61-62 (in Rus.).
9. A.P.Chetverikov. Wave excitation in a counterpropagating-wave peniotron, Soviet Technical Physics Letters., 1989, vol.15, no. 7, p. 541-543.
10. A.E.Konevez, A.P.Chetverikov. Linear theory of interaction of helical electron beam with electromagnetic waves in waveguide near cut-off, Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 1990, v.33, N7, p.841-846.
11. A.P.Chetverikov. Nonlinear effects in the interaction of a helical electron beam with electromagnetic waves in waveguide near the critical frequency, Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 1990, v.33, N7, p.622-626.
12. A.P.Chetverikov. Intensification of electromagnetic oscillations in a gyropeniotron, Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 1990, v.33, N6, p.553-559.
13. A.P.Chetverikov, A.P.Turlov. The Use of the Wave Method in the Theory of Cyclotron Resonance Masers. Conference digest: Sixteenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves. Lausanne, Switzerland, 1991, p. 422.
14. A.Yu. Dmitriev, D.I.Trubetskov, A.P.Chetverikov. Non-steady-state processes in a gyro-BWO. Conference digest: Sixteenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves. Lausanne, Switzerland, 1991, p. 423.
15. D.I.Trubetskov, A.P.Chetverikov. Amplification and Generation of Electromagnetic Oscillations in Peniotron-like Cyclotron Resonance Masers. Conference digest: Sixteenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves. Lausanne, Switzerland, 1991, p. 345.
16. A.I.Zhbanov, A,G,Rozhnev, A.P.Chetverikov. Calculation of wave impedance in peniotron, Electronnyaja technika, Ser.1, 1991, v. 4(438), p.18-20 (in Rus.).
17. A.Yu. Dmitriev, D.I.Trubetskov, A.P.Chetverikov. Non-steady-state processes of interaction of a helical electron beam and a backward wave in a waveguide, Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 1991, v.34, N5, p.595-600.
18. A.P.Chetverikov, A.E.Konevez. Starting Conditions of Spontaneous Oscillations in Fast Wave Devices. Proceedings of Seventeenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Proc. SPIE, 1992, v.1929, p. 400-401.
19. A.P.Chetverikov. Nonstationary Nonlinear Theory of Fast Wave Devices. Proceedings of Seventeenth Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Proc. SPIE, 1992, v.1929, p. 398-399.
20. A.P.Chetverikov. Comparative analysis of oscillations in backward wave oscillators. Conference digest: Eighteenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Proceedings of SPIE, v. 2104, Billingham, Washington, USA:SPIE, 1993, p.410-411.
21. A.P.Chetverikov. Theory of reflection-type gyro-TWT and gyro-BWO. Conference digest: Eighteenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Proceedings of SPIE, v. 2104, Billingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, 1993, p.408-409.
22. A.Yu. Dmitriev, A.P.Chetverikov. Amplification of multifriquency signals in a traveling-wave gyroresonant amplifier, J.of Communications Technology and Electronics, 1993, v.38, N9, p.134-140.
23. A.P.Chetverikov. Nonstationary theory and simulation of the backward wave peniotron oscillator, Int. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 1993, v.14, N2, p.213-238.
24. A.P.Chetverikov. Nonlinear dynamics of a system of interacting backward electromagnetic wave and electron wave with cubic phase nonlinearity, Izvestiia VUZov, Applied nonlinear dynamics, 1994, v.2, N5, p.46-55 (in Rus.).
25. D.I.Trubetskov. A.P.Chetverikov. Oscillations in distributed systems: electron beam - backward electromagnetic wave, Izvestiia VUZov, Applied nonlinear dynamics, 1994, v.2, N5, p.9-34 (in Rus.).
26. A.P.Chetverikov. Spatio-temporal behaviours of extended system of interacting electromagnetic wave and electron wave with phase nonlinearity. Proceedings of Workshop "Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems", 1994, Poland, Krakow, Univ. of Mining and Metallurgy, p.3-7.
27. A.P.Chetverikov. Periodic and chaotic self-sustained oscillations in simple distributed electron-waveguide system, Bul. of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Physics, 1994, v. 58, N8, p.1387-1393.
28. A.P.Chetverikov. Amplification of electromagnetic oscillations in a peniotron near the waveguide cutoff frequency, Technical Physics Letters, 1996, v.22, issue 11, p.918-919.
29. A.P.Chetverikov. Auto-oscillations and bifurcation transitions in a system consisting of a linear dispersive wave interecting with a dispersion free wave with cubic phase nonlinearity, Technical Physics Letters, 1996, v.22, issue 11, p.944-946
30. A.P.Chetverikov. Nonlinear dynamics of a model of interacting waves in a space with partially reflecting boundaries, Int. J. Bifurcations and Chaos , 1998, v.8, No.5, p.1033-1041
31. A.P.Chetverikov, N.B.Frolova, A.N.Manturov. Dynamics the model of neural control of the heart rate, Izvestiya VUZov. Applied nonlinear dynamics. 1998, v.6, N6, p.50-60 (in Rus)
32. W.Ebeling, A.Chetverikov. Complex dynamics of nonlinear excitations in rings of interacting Brownian particles. Preprint Sfb555-9A-2000, HumboldtUniv. zu Berlin, 2000, 19 p.
33. W.Ebeling, A.Chetverikov, M.Jenssen. Statistical thermodynamics and nonlinear excitations of Toda systems, Ukranian. J. of Physics, 2000, v.45, N4-5, p.479-487
34. A.P.Chetverikov, A.S.Shapovalov, V.V.Yavchunovskii. Influence of the reflected signal on the oscillations power in a magnetron, Problems of applied physics, 2001, v.7, Publ. of Saratov State Univ., p.40-44.
35. A.P.Chetverikov, N.B.Frolova. Oscillations in Backward-Wave Oscillator in the Presence of Noise. Proc. of 4th IEEE Int.Vacuu-Electron Sources Conf. (IVESC-02), Saratov, Russia, 2002, p.382-384
36. A.Chetverikov, W.Ebeling. Nonlinear Problems of Molecular Physics, Izvestiya VUZov. Applied nonlinear dynamics. 2002, v.10, N3, p.3-21
37. W.Ebeling, A.Chetverikov. Complex Dynamics and Nonlinear Excitations in Rings of Interacting Brownian Particles. In: Attractors, Signals, and Synergetics (Euroattractor 2000) / Ed: W.Klonowsky. Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich, 2002, p.25-44.
38. A.P.Chetverikov, N.B.Frolova. Oscillations in the distributed systems of interacting opposing waves in the presence of fluctuations,Izvestiya VUZov. Applied nonlinear dynamics. 2002, v.10, N5, p.50-59 (in Rus)
39. A. Chetverikov, W. Ebeling, M. Jenssen, and Yu. Romanovsky. Excitations on rings of molecules. In:Stohastic dynamics of reacting biomolecules Ed: by W. Ebeling, L. Schimansky-Geier & Y.M.Romanovsky. Scientific World. 2003
40. A.Chetverikov, J.Dunkel. Phase behavior and collective excitations of Morse ring chain. . European Physical JournalB, 2003, v.35, p.239-253
41. N.B.Frolova,A.P.Chetverikov . Influence of external factors in the model of neural control of the heart rate, Izvestiya VUZov. Applied nonlinear dynamics. 2003, v.11, N4-5, p.51-63 (in Rus)
42. A.Chetverikov, W.Ebeling. Structure properties of molecular chains with Lennard-Jones and Morse potentials, J. of Structure Chemistry, 2004, v.45, N3, p.445-451 (in Rus)
43. N.B.Frolova, A.P.Chetverikov. Oscillations in a backward-wave oscillator under influence of external noise,I Radiotechnics and Electronics (Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics. 2004, v.49, N6, p.1-6 (in Rus)
44. A.P.Chetverikov, W.Ebeling, M.G.Velarde. Thermodynamics and phase transitions in dissipative and active Morse chains. Eur. Phys.J. B, 2005, v.44, p.509-519
45. M.G.Velarde, W.Ebeling, A.P.Chetverikov. On the possibility of electric conduction mediated by dissipative solitons. Int.J.Bifurc.&Chaos, 2005, v.15, N1, p.245-251
46. A.Chetverikov, W.Ebeling, M.G.Velarde. Nonlinear Ionic Excitations, DynamicBoundStates, and Nonlinear Currents in a One-dimensional Plasma. Contrib. Plasma. Phys., 2005, v.45, No.3-4, p.275-283
47. A.Chetverikov, W.Ebeling, M.G.Velarde. Dynamical Clustering in Chains of Atoms with Exponential Repulsion. In: Nucleation Theory and Applications / Eds.: J.W.Schmelzer, G.Ropke, V.B.Priezzhev. – Dubna:JINR, 2005. P.62-81.
48. A.P.Chetverikov, W.Ebeling, M.G.Velarde. Nonlinear excitations and electric transport in dissipative Morse-Toda lattices. Eur. Phys.J. B, 2006, v.51, p.87-99
49. A.P.Chetverikov, W.Ebeling, M.G.Velarde. Dissipative solitons and complex currents in active lattices, Int.J.Bifurc.&Chaos, 2006, v.16, N6, p.1613-1632.
50. A.P.Chetverikov, W.Ebeling, M.G.Velarde. Solitons and clusters in one-dimensional ensembles of interacting Brownian particles (in Russian).Izvestiya of SaratovStateUniversity, Physics. 2006, v.6, N.1-2,с.28-41
51. V.A.Makarov, M.G.Velarde, A.Chetverikov, W.Ebeling. Anharmonicity and its significance to non-Ohmic electric conduction. Physical Review E 73: 066626-(12), 2006
52. A.P.Chetverikov, N.B.Frolova. Dynamics of interaction of a linear wave and a wave of inertia nonlinearity under noise influence, , Izvestiya VUZov. Applied nonlinear dynamics. 2006, v.14, N1, p.82-97 (in Rus)
53. A.Chetverikov, W.Ebeling, G.Ropke, M.G.Velarde. Anharmonic excitations, time correlations and transport in electrically conducting lattices. Contrib.Plasma Phys., 2007, v.47, p.465-478
54. D.Hennig, A.Chetverikov, M.G.Velarde, W.Ebeling. Electron capture and transport mediated by lattice solitons. Physical Review E 76: 046602-(9) (2007)
55. M.G.Velarde, W.Ebeling,A.P.Chetverikov, D.Hennig. Electron trapping by solitons. Classical versus quantum mechanical approach. Int.J.Bifurc.&Chaos, 2008, v.18, N2, p.521-526.
56. M.G.Velarde, W.Ebeling,A.P.Chetverikov. Thermal solitons and solectrons in 1D anharmonic lattices up to physiological temperatures. Int.J.Bifurc.&Chaos, 2008, v.18, N12, p. 3815-3823
57. D.Hennig, M.G.Velarde, W.Ebeling,A.Chetverikov Compounds of paired electrons and lattice solitons moving with supersonic velocity. Physical Review E 78: 066606-(9) (2008)
58. M.G.Velarde, W.Ebeling,A.P.Chetverikov Anharmonic Oscillations, Dissipative Solitons and Non-Ohmic Supersonic Electric Transport. In: Lect. Notes Phys. 751, p.321-335, 2008. Springer-VerlagBerlin Heidelberg 2008
59. A.Chetverikov, W.Ebeling, M.G.Velarde. Local electron distributions and diffusion in anharmonic lattices mediated by thermally excited solitons. Eur. Phys.J. B, v.70, p.217-227, 2009
60. A.Chetverikov, W.Ebeling, M.G.Velarde. Electron Dynamics in Tight-Binding Approximation – the Influence of Thermal Anharmonic Lattice Excitations . Contrib.Plasma Phys., 2009, v.49, No.7-8, p.529-537
61.W.Ebeling,M.G.Velarde,A.Chetverikov, D.Hennig Anharmonicity and Soliton-Mediated Transport: Thermal Solitons, Solectrons and Electric Transport in Nonlinear Conducting Lattices. In book: Self-Organization of Molecular Systems. From Molecules and Clusters to Nanotubes and Proteins. Ed. N.Russo, V.Ya.Antonchenko, E.Kryachko.P. 171-198. Springer, 2009
62. W.Ebeling, M.G.Velarde, A.Chetverikov. Bound states of electrons with soliton-like excitations in thermal systems – adiabatic approximations. Condensed Matter Phys, 2009, v.12, p.633-645
63. A.Chetverikov, W.Ebeling, M.G.Velarde Thermal Solitons and Solectrons in Nonlinear Conducting Chains. Int. J. of Quantum Chemistry, v.110, N1, p.46-61, 2010
64. M.G.Velarde, A.P.Chetverikov, W.Ebeling, D.Hennig, J.J.Kozak On the mathematical modeling of soliton-mediated long-range electron transfer. Int.J.Bifurc.&Chaos, v.20, N1, p. 185-194, 2010
65. M.G. Velarde, W. Ebeling, A.P. Chetverikov. Anharmonicity and soliton-mediated electric transport. Is a kind of superconduction possible at room temperature? In: L. Fortuna, A. Fradkov, M. Frasca (eds.), From physics to control through an emergent view. World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science, Series B, v.15, 2010, p. 8-13. World Scientic, Singapore2010.
66. D.E. Postnov, A.P. Chetverikov, D.D. Postnov. Stimulus-induced response patterns of medium-embedded neurons. Eur. Phys.J. Special Topics 187, p.241-253, 2010
67. M.G.Velarde, W.Ebeling,A.P.Chetverikov Numerical evidence of soliton-mediated electron pairing in heated anharmonic crystal lattices. Int.J.Bifurc.&Chaos, 2010 (transmitted to publish)
68. M.G. Velarde, L. Brizhik, A.P. Chetverikov, L. Cruzeiro, W. Ebeling, G. Röpke. On electron pairing in one-dimensional anharmonic crystal lattices. Int. J. of Quantum Chemistry, 2010(transmitted to publish)