“A Life of TrustingGiving”

3/11/18 PM

Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 8:6-7

Introduction: We are called to grow and matureas Christians.

2 Cor. 8:6-7

Growing spiritually means seeking and working to excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in earnestness, in love, etc.

And Scripture also calls us to “excel in this grace of giving.”

As with these other aspects of spiritual maturity, our giving is a reflection of several things regarding our faith walk. In each individual and family there is of course more to their story than the specific amounts and percentages of their giving.

But this evening let’s look at what our giving says about our faith and maturity in Christ, and let’s look especially at a few admonitions and warnings given to those like ourselves who are materially blessed.

1 Tim. 6:17-19

  1. Our giving demonstrates that we trust in God rather than in our jobs or material possessions.

1 Tim. 6:17

Mark 12:41-44; Matt. 6:25-32; 19:16-26

2 Cor. 9:6-11

  1. Our giving demonstrates our compassion for others and our desire to help those in need rather than focus on our own selfish desires.

1 Tim. 6:18

Acts 2:44-45; 4:32-37

  1. Our giving demonstrates that our priorities in this life are centered on the eternal things rather than the things of this world.

I read this week the story of a woman who had finished shopping and returned to her car. She found four men inside the car. She dropped her shopping bags, drew a handgun, and screamed, "I have a gun, and I know how to use it! Get out of the car." Those men did not wait for a second invitation; they got out and ran like crazy. The woman, somewhat shaken, loaded her shopping bags and then got into the car. But no matter how she tried, she could not get her key into the ignition. Then it dawned on her: her car was parked four or five spaces away! She loaded her grocery bags into her own car and then drove to the police station to turn herself in. The desk sergeant to whom she told the story nearly fell off his chair laughing. He pointed to the other end of the counter,

where four men were reporting a carjacking by an old woman with thick glasses and curly white hair, less than five feet tall, and carrying a large handgun. No charges were filed. You see, she thought it was her car, but it really belonged to someone else. We think our lives are our own, but they really belong to God. [Greg Laurie, "A Time to Worship," Decision (November 2001); submitted by Van Morris]

1 Tim. 6:19

Matt. 6:19-24, 33

Phil. 1:3-6; 4:10-20

Conclusion: Two ways to measure how important God and His church are in our lives: our checkbook register and our calendar.

We should be excelling—growing—in both. Which means we’re not perfect—we each have room to grow in these areas.

And as we are learning to excel in the grace of giving and all other Christian graces, God continues to work through us to accomplish His purposes.