Teachers' TV Lesson Plan


KS1/2 Art Lesson Plan


Debbie Shelvey

Associated Teachers’ TV programmes

KS1/1 Art: Investigating Materials

Programme description

This programme covers ideas on how to plan, resource and generate an appropriate vocabulary for 'Investigating Materials' in the KS1 art curriculum

Note to teachers

This tips sheet was not created by Teachers' TV but the author has allowed us to publish it here to be used for educational purposes

Learning objectives

1To look at our weavings and say what you think and feel about them

2Consider what you might change in your weaving

3Consider the skills you have learnt and will use again



1Recap previous lesson: completing our weavings

2What were the two thoughts we had to keep in our head when we were making our weaving? COLOUR, TEXTURE

3Tell me about ‘colour’

4Tell me about ‘texture’

5Today, begin by finding our own weaving and taking it back to our seat


1How did you know it was your weaving? What helped you pick it out?

2Focus on their choice of colour and texture.

Task 2

Think back to the start of this topic. We brought into school something made from a fabric that we liked. We talked about why we liked it and how it made us feel.

1 Work with a partner

2Share your thoughts about your weaving

3What do you like about your weaving?

4Is there anything you don’t like about your weaving?

5How does your weaving make you feel when you look at it or touch it? Remember the words we put on our word list. Lets use them.

6Select pupils to share their thoughts with the class

Task 3

Now we are going to make a simple report about our weaving. This will be kept in our sketch-books to remind ourselves of what we did and what we learnt.

1Show ‘evaluation sheet’

2Begin by sticking a picture of your weaving at the top

3Next draw a face to show how you feel about your weaving

4What would you do to make your weaving better? Write one simple sentence


1We began this topic by exploring different materials

2We tried to create lots of different effects. Tell me some

3We brought in things from home made from a fabric we liked, so that we could explain to others how they made us feel and why

4We explored a range of fabrics to find out how they were made. Tell me some

5We experimented with paper weaving and them we made our own looms. Show a loom and ask pupils to name ‘warp’ and ‘weft’

6We collected lots of natural and man-made materials so that we could make our own weaving

7Now we have finished those and considered what we like or dislike about our weavings and how they made us feel

8Put your hand up if you enjoyed this topic but be prepared to say why

9Tell me, what have you learnt about ‘Investigating materials’?


Evaluation sheet

Photographs of individual weavings


Labels ‘warp’ and ‘weft’ and ‘loom’

Word lists

Sketch book show different effects and paper weavings

Examples of knitting, crochet, bonded

Examples of plaiting, twisting



1Can pupils explore and use natural and man-made materials to

communicate ideas in a weaving?

2Can pupils comment on differences in others work?Can pupils suggest ways to improve their own work