A Lesson Before Dying – Chapters 9-15 Quiz
Choose 5 of yourvocabulary wordsto create a paragraph using ALL 5 words correctly in a coherent and well-developed paragraph. Underline the vocabulary words you used.
Fill in the Blank – Choose either to define the literary term OR provide an example from the text.
- Foreshadowing
- Irony
- Infinitive Phrase
- Gerund Phrase
- Participial Phrase
A Lesson Before Dying – Chapters 9-15 Quiz
Explain the significance of this quote. “I was not there. Yet I was there.” (Gaines 3)
1)What does Grant Wiggins ask of each student he teaches?
a)That they buy their own textbooks
b)That they do their best work
c)That they arrive on time no matter what
d)That his/her family do something for the school every semester.
2)How does Miss Emma arrange for Grant to visit Jefferson in prison?
a)By speaking to Henri Pichot
b)By having Grant masquerade as a priest
c)By sneaking him in through a tunnel
d)By bribing Deputy Paul
3)How does Miss Emma know Henri Pichot?
a)She was his father’s maid
b)He patronizes her business
c)They were classmates
d)She used to work as a cook for his family
4)What kind of car does Grant drive?
a)A gray ford
b)A blue pontiac
c)A red chevrolet
d)A black dodge
5)Where does Vivian live?
a)With Grant
c)Baton Rouge
d)The quarter
6)What is the name of Grant's favorite bar?
b)The Rainbow Club
c)Phoenix Landing
d)The Silver Spoon
7)Why doesn't Vivian want to elope with Grant?
a)She wants to get married in the church
b)She doesn’t love him
c)She is still legally married to her children’s father
d)She does’t want to leave her parents
8)Where is Grant's school located?
a)In Bayonne
b)In a one-room schoolhouse on the outskirts of the quarter
c)In a church on Henri’s plantation
d)In Tante Lou’s basement
9)How does Grant manage to teach six grades at once?
a)He staggers the times at which the grade levels arrive at school
b)He encourages students to review their work with their parents
c)He assigns older students to teach the younger ones
d)He gives the same lectures to everyone, but gives homework at different levels of difficulty
10) How does Grant punish students who misbehave in his class?
a)He holds a conference with their parents
b)He hits them with a ruler
c)He spanks them
d)He sends them to the principal’s office