Q: Can you tell me where to find PowerPoint from the ELPA21 webinar from last week?
A: Last week’s PPT will be posted on the ELPA21 web page next week http://www.k12.wa.us/ELPA21/Training.aspx.
Q: Good news on ELPA 21 platform. Is this just a one year contract for AIR?
A: We are not sure of the duration of the contract at this time but it is anticipated to be a multi-year contract.
Q: When can the accommodations for ELPA21 be uploaded and practiced by students prior to the summative assessment?
A: OSPI is still awaiting further guidance from the Consortium and we do not have the specifics yet. We will notify districts as soon as we have those details.
Q: When will the ELPA21 tile be posted on the WCAP portal?
A: The ELPA21 is currently available on the WCAP portal http://wa.portal.airast.org/.
Q: When will the 2016-17 ELPA21 Proctor Training materials be available?
A: The Training Test is currently available and the additional manuals and materials should be completed in December.
Q: Are there updates to the practice tests permitting access to embedded accommodations and designated supports?
A: No, there are no changes at this time for the training test.
Q: Will there be a two month ELPA21 window again for 2017?
A: We anticipate the window to be the same as last year’s extended window. Districts are able to determine individual testing dates within that window.
Q: Is the last ELPA 21 webinar posted?
A: It will be posted by next week.
Q: Will OSPI provide any information to districts about what students were affected by the change in ELPA21 scoring?
A: The communication sent out Friday, November 18 is the most current information we have. We do not currently have specific details of individual students affected within each district. OSPI is discussing this internally and will notify DACs when we have this information available.
Q: Why has the NGSS test been designed for grade 11? The previous test the Biology EOC targets grade 10 and is available to students in grade 9. Why the change?
A: The high school standards in NGSS are written as a grade span 9-12. The NGSS assessment will be comprehensive for high school and will assess the performance expectations in the high school grade band. The assessment will include the science and engineering practices and cross-cutting concepts in the NGSS domains of Life Science, Earth and Space Science, Physical Science, and Engineering and Applications of Science. The design of high school courses, based on NGSS, is a local decision. However, model course maps are provided in Appendix K of the NGSS that indicate three science courses will be needed to provide the typical student the opportunity to learn all of the standards.
Q: Are there 5th and 8th Science Field Tests? If so, when will they be available?
A: There will be field test items embedded in both the 5th and 8th grade Measurements of Student Progress (MSP). This first occurred in the 2016 spring MSP and will occur again in the 2017 spring MSP. Pilot forms are randomly distributed to students throughout the state who are taking the online version of the exam. There is no need for districts to volunteer or sign up for the 5th and 8th grade field tests.
Q: Will locking items be found on the practice assessments this year?
A: No, locking items are not included in the Science Training Tests this year. They are included in the Student TDS Interface Module so that students can be told about them. Locking items are being field-tested this year at all grades. When the training tests are released in Fall 2017, locking items will be included.
Q: For gr 5 and 8 MSP science - will students know which items are for the field test? Also, how many field-test items do you anticipate being included in each student's gr 5/8 MSP test?
A: No, the test will not tell students that they are answering field test questions. Students may notice that the items look a little different. There will be 3-6 field test items per test form.
Q: Was a WAW sent out recently? I saw an email saying something about an article in the Nov. 15 edition but I didn't ever see the actual WAS for that week.
A: Issue 23 of the WAW newsletter was distributed on November 14 at 9:17pm. If you are unable to locate this edition, please send an email request to .
Q: Where do I order Spanish CDs for the science EOC?
Ä: Translated CDs for the Winter EOC (math and biology) will be ordered through TIDE, under the “Orders” “Additional Order” section. The window will open on December 16 for placing orders for accommodated forms and also for placing additional orders for standard form materials, if you are identified to receive your initial order of materials on December 15.