Department of Asian StudiesRevised February 2012
Department of Asian Studies Courses Teaching AssistantshipApplication Form
Please complete the entire application and return it to the address below by March 31, 2015 for 2015S or April 30, 2015 for 2015W appointments. Late applications will be considered depending on availability. Please note that we will try to inform you of your assignment as soon as possible, but confirmation may not be given until the beginning of the term. If your situation changes after you submit your application, please inform us at the address below as soon as possible. We will not accept applications that are not authorized by your Supervisor.
Thank you.
Return your application and/or inquiry in writing to:
Graduate Secretary
Department of Asian Studies
607-1871 West Mall
University of British Columbia
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z2
Phone: 604-822-5728
This is an application for a Teaching Assistantship in Summer/ Winter2015 (circle one)
□ Term May 1-June 30, 2015□ Term 2 July 1- August 31, 2015□ Both terms
(Please circle the term you would like to teach)
□ Term 1 September 1- December 31, 2015□ Term 2 January 1-April 30, 2016□ Both terms
(Please circle the term you would like to teach)
IMPORTANT (applications without a subject specified will be discarded):
I am applying for TAships in: (no more than TWO selections)
Name (Family name, Given Name): ______Date of Birth: ______/___/___
yyyy mm dd
Student #: ______SIN: ______
E-mail address: ______Phone number: ______
SUPERVISOR: (signature)______
Please check all that apply:
□ I have worked as a TA for the Department of Asian Studies for ______consecutive years.
□I am (Circle One): a B.A. / M.A. / Ph.D. student in Asian Studies. (Specialization: ______)
□I am (Circle One): an Undergraduate / a Doctorate / a Master’s student in another department.
(Department: ______, Major/Specialization: ______, Faculty: ______)
□ I have an M.A. degree.
Although we will do our best to accommodate your preferences, final decisions are based on the needs and merits of the Department and the Programme.
Please note that the fewer preferences you indicate increase your chances of being assigned more TA hours.
A.I prefer to work:□ Full-time (12 hours per week.)□ No more than ____ hours per week.)
B.I prefer to be assigned:□ any courses□ courses listed in the following order:
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______4.______
□ ONLY the course(s) listed above
Please complete the following if applicable:
TA experience at UBC:
YearCourse #Instructor
Other teaching experience:
YearInstitutionPositionCourse TitleTextbook
Credentials or courses taken that relate to the teaching of courses offered in the department______
NOTE: If you are considered for an appointment, the department will contact you in April for Summer 2015and in August for 20015Winter appointments.
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