A Joint Statement From Child Abuse in the Classroom Directors:

Anita Hoge, Director of Research and Development, and I,

Karen Bracken, Director of Communications, have found the implementation of ESSA and the social, emotional data collection and behavioral interventions have violated the rights of parents guaranteed by law. We have found that our elected representatives are not protecting our children and grandchildren. We stand by our claim that ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, violates the privacy and freedom of our most vulnerable treasure, our children. Our commitment to protect our children can be heard today in Press conferences not only here in Indiana, home state of Vice President Pence and Congressman Rokita, but also in Austin, Texas, and in Atlanta, Georgia.

The authors of ESSA had never reported the embedded, secret plan for Congress to pass psychological manipulation in an education bill forcing teachers and schools to become mental health practitioners. ESSA makes a mockery of the intent of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 that was created to help disadvantaged children learn to read.

Parents insist on informed written consent and full disclosure of any psychological or behavioral / mental health assessment or intervention that is being done in the classrooms of America no matter what innocuous name they are given.

From the 1990’s forward, Anita Hogehasbeen determined to protect the children of the United States. After filing a complaint under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA), the Pennsylvania Department of Education was forced to remove the psychological testing and the Educational Quality Assessment (EQA). Pennsylvania’s EQA was the national model for the nations report card NAEP. EQA measured and scored the attitudes, values, beliefs and dispositions of our children and their families. How do you measure honesty, Resiliency or Grit? How is behavioral data tracked?

ESSA federal law is attempting to do the exact same thing by implementing psychological interventions to change the attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions of our children. This was illegal in 1990… it IS illegal now. We say, NO! We intend to protect our children. Let us remind you, this IS the United States of America.

Our Press Release alleges legal violations documenting that these violations are happening in Vice-President Pence’s home state of Indiana. Our documentation proves how the social, emotional, and behavioral standards and interventions were introduced into ALL of the classrooms of America. We are insisting that our elected officials in their leadership capacity stop the,

Child Abuse in the Classroom, this is Our Legal Challenge to ESSA.

Thank you.