Christians are Networking

Volunteer Handbook

A Jobs Ministry Sponsored by Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington

Version 2

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

It is with great enthusiasm and above all, hope, that I write to encourage the efforts of Christians Are Networking (CAN). I am particularly pleased to see Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington sponsoring a ministry for the benefit of those in search of meaningful employment. This new program embodies my continuing and fervent desire to enliven Catholic social justice in ways that strengthen individuals, families and communities and exemplify the humble privilege of serving those in economic need.

CAN focuses on discerning the state of life to which Our Heavenly Father has called our job seekers. It enriches their employment journey with the prayerful service of fellow Catholics, who serve as career mentors and ministers in the identification of potential job opportunities. Its mission is to embolden job seekers that they may carry their crosses well and, ultimately, experience the wonderful revelation of God’s plan in their lives.

I started this letter by mentioning hope. I speak often of the need for all of us to be people of hope. How prescient was our Holy Father when, during his visit last year to Washington, D.C., he reminded us of “Christ our Hope”. In the midst of our current economic challenges, my dear brothers and sisters, we must reflect and pray for this gift of hope and share it with all we meet so that we may be leaven within our communities and workplace.

Like many of you, my life has been deeply impacted by individuals from the “Greatest Generation”. As inspiring as these people have been in my life, I have great hope and optimism when I witness today’s faithful responding in efforts like CAN. May future generations be inspired by our response to this present economic climate and may they find us to be people of faith and, above all, hope.

Faithfully in Christ,

Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde Bishop of Arlington

CAN Mission

To provide a faith-based ministry supporting people who are in career transition, providing a venue where they can prayerfully share job seeking ideas, leverage relationship capital (contacts, business referrals), and find opportunities to engage a broader network for mentoring and identifying employment opportunities.

CAN is open to the public – but, targets Christian professionals.

These services are free for session participants.

Program Description

CAN provides a supportive environment where those seeking employment can receive:

  • Prayer support
  • Practical career counseling (e.g., resume writing, interviewing skills, writing cover letters, internet job searching, personal marketing plan)
  • Networking Opportunities

CAN hosts weekly sessions that are structured as follows:

Professional Counseling Services (.5 – 1.5 hour depending on whether there is a speaker):

Professional counseling sessions (supplemented with Job Seeker Workbook) preceding session start time.

Outside Speaker or Volunteer-Facilitated Session (if applicable, 1 hour)

Networking Session (.5hour):

Sessions begin and end with prayer.

Job seekers provide 1 minute “elevator speech” (introduction of self, skills, areas of interest, specific assistance they require from the group and pending job applications).

Session participants self-identify if assistance can be providedto the job seeker (introductions, referrals, job leads, etc.).

It is the responsibility of the individuals to follow-up on networking contacts.

The Role of a CAN Volunteer

Volunteer coaches will partner with the job seekers, to provide counseling and coaching in areas essential for a successful job search. These coaches will have a professional background in Human Resources, Talent Management, and/or hiring/recruiting.

Volunteer coaches aid job seekers by assessing their need for (and providing) in depth coaching, recommending completion of Workbook exercises (independently or collaboratively), and/or directing the job seekers into the networking room.

The goal of CAN is to have job seekers fully participate in the networking sessions after they have received the support needed to complete their Workbook with focus on areas of need. Some job seekers may come prepared on day one for their job search. Our goal is to help a job seeker work on areas of weakness so when they attend the networking sessions they have a focused plan and can offer and receive effective assistance.

Approaches to Mentoring

Developmental Approach: Supportive Friend

  • Listens
  • Assesses the jobseeker’s current situation
  • Helps define career goals and create an action plan
  • Advises on developing/revising marketing tools
  • Hold the jobseeker accountable for implementing the changes and reaching the goals

Prescriptive Approach: Rescuer, Savior, or Reformer

  • Advises on everything
  • Assumes responsibility for the jobseeker’s problems
  • Creates/revises the jobseeker’s marketing tools
  • Encourages dependence


  • You can only be responsible for what you can control
  • You cannot be infinitely available
  • It is okay to have limits and communicate them
  • Your other relationships are just as important as this one
  • You are not responsible for the choices of others
  • It is okay to say “no”
  • Do not provide financial resources to a job seeker
  • Do not offer transportation to a job seeker
  • If you meet with a job seeker outside a scheduled CAN session, meet in a public space

CAN Volunteer Opportunities

Administrative Coaches (ACs)– Volunteers facilitating registration (new and returning job seekers), maintaining membership records, distributing of collateral materials, and generating group communications (pre- and post-session). ACs welcome job seekers, assess where they are in their job search, and introduce them to available CAN resources. ACs may recommend where a participant enters the program (e.g., recommending completion of specific Job Seeker Workbook modules).

Staffing Requirements - 2/location/evening.

Transition Management Coaches– Volunteers, partnering with the job seekers, to provide counseling and coaching in areas essential for a successful job search. These coaches will have a professional background in Human Resources, Talent Management, and/or hiring/recruiting.

  • Resume Writing – Resume Coaches will evaluate a resume for content, “key-words” and over-all appearance. Coaches will work with the job seeker to ensure that the resume represents the candidate’s qualifications, job history, and experience in a clear and readable format.
  • Interviewing Skills – Interview coaches will help prepare for interviews. Assistance will include: anticipating potential interview questions; strategizing and rehearsing answers for potential questions; conducting mock interviews; and suggesting questions the job seeker should ask of the interviewer. Coaches will assist the job seeker in projecting a professional and confident image.
  • Career Development (CD) – CD coaches will advise job seeker on the creation of a personal brand and successful personal marketing plan. Plans will demand personal accountability from the job seeker. Plans will be action focused, with measurable steps. The structure afforded by the plan will help the job seeker position himself/herself in the job market. Plans assess: Product (the job seeker’s career goals, competitive advantages, etc.); Promotion (polishing of cover letters, personal branding statement, “elevator” speech, etc.); Placement (distribution channels – internet search engines, networking, etc.); and Pricing (negotiating compensation).
  • Internet Job Searching (IS) – CAN IS coaches will advise the job seeker about internet tools that may facilitate networking activities (Linked-In, FaceBook, Twitter); identifying job postings matching the candidate’s abilities (establishing job search agents) and posting resumes on web-based job boards.

Staffing Requirement: 4-6/location/evening.

Session Facilitators / Coaches (SFCs)– Volunteers facilitating the networking session. SFCs will ensure that sessions begin and end on time. When applicable, SFCs will introduce guest speakers. Most importantly, they will facilitate the rotation of job seekers through “elevator” speeches and serve as the recorder/reporter networking opportunities. SFCs will ensure that job seekers are limited to the specified time allotments. At the end, SPCs will thank the guest speakers (if applicable) and the session participants. SFCs will provide administrative information associated with the following week’s session.

Staffing Requirements: 1-2/location/evening.

CAN Prayer Team

CAN is a faith-based job ministry. Services of our volunteers will be augmented by prayer volunteers.

CAN prayer team members are not required to participate in the weekly CAN sessions.

Prayer Participant. Prayer participants are volunteers who will add the success of the Job Ministry to their daily prayer time and routines. They will ask Our Lord to honor CAN’s endeavors that we will remain faithful in our ministry, God-focused in our efforts, and fruitful in our mission.

Prayer Warrior. Prayer needs will be collected on prayer concerns cards submitted weekly by CAN participants.A prayer warriorvolunteers to include these prayer requests, by name and specific intention, into his/her daily prayer life and routine. In addition, (s)he will provide “prayer coverage,” when requested, in conjunction with specific events associated with the CAN participant’s job search (e.g., will to pray while a job seeker is participating in an interview).

Prayers of Our CatholicCommunity. Weekly, prayer concern cards will be presented with the gifts of parishioners during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Expectations of CAN Volunteers

Application Process

CAN Volunteers are to fill out a Volunteer Agreement, Volunteer Risk Awareness Agreement, and Sworn Statement or Affirmation. (See Attachments 1-3).

Sign in and out

CAN Volunteers will sign-in at the weekly sessions.


Catholic Charities asks volunteers to serve for one (1) year.

The success of this job ministry depends on our volunteers, so we ask that you report for dutyon time and participate during the entire session.

Volunteers who are notable to participate in a weekly session are asked to inform the Volunteer Coordinator.

Appearance and Name Badges

The CAN Jobs Ministry has no formal dresscode, but encourages volunteers to dressappropriately for a worship environment and thework that will be done.

Volunteers are asked towear Volunteer name badges during the sessions.

Have Fun!

The satisfaction of our CAN volunteers is important to us. Please discuss any suggestions, comments or questions with the CAN Volunteer Coordinator.

We hope you enjoy yourvolunteer experience.

Contact Information


CAN meets Thursdays, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

St. Martin De Porres Senior Center

4650 Taney Ave.

Alexandria, VA 22304



12708 Mill Glen Court, Clifton, VA 20214



3801 Cameron Mills Road, Alexandria, VA 22305


Attachment 1

Contact Information:

Street Address
City, State, Zip
Home Phone
Work Phone
E-mail Address


Please indicate your status.

______Regular Volunteer (attend at least two meetings per month)

______On-Call Volunteer (available as needed)

______Resource (unable to attend meetings – available via e-mail/phone)

Preferred Method of Contact:



Area(s) of Interest: Please check all areas of interest that apply.

Administrative Coaches – Registration Team. Volunteers facilitating registration (new and returning job seekers) and distributing collateral materials. ACs welcome job seekers, assess where they are in their job search, and introduce them to available CAN resources. ACs may recommend where a participant enters the program (e.g., recommending completion of specific Job Seeker Workbook modules).
Administrative Coaches – Communications Team. Volunteers maintaining membership records and generating group communications (pre- and post-session).
Administrative Coaches – Set-Up & Clean-Up Team. Volunteers who are responsible for set-up and clean-up of each session.
Transition Management Coach – Resume Writing. Volunteers, partnering with the job seekers, to evaluate a resume for content, “key-words” and over-all appearance. Coaches will work with the job seeker to ensure that the resume represents the candidate’s qualifications, job history, and experience in a clear and readable format.
Transition Management Coach - Interviewing Skills. Volunteers who will help the job seeker prepare for interviews. Assistance will include: anticipating potential interview questions; strategizing and rehearsing answers for potential questions; conducting mock interviews; and suggesting questions the job seeker should ask the interviewer. Coaches will assist the job seeker in projecting a professional and confident image.
Transition Management Coach - Career Development (CD)– CD coaches will advise job seeker on the creation of a personal brand and successful personal marketing plan. Plans will demand personal accountability from the job seeker. Plans will be action focused, with measurable steps. The structure afforded by the plan will help the job seeker position himself/herself in the job market. Plans assess: Product (the job seeker’s career goals, competitive advantages, etc.); Promotion (polishing of cover letters, personal branding statement, “elevator” speech, etc.); Placement (distribution channels – internet search engines, networking, etc.); and Pricing (negotiating compensation).
Transition Management Coach - Internet Job Searching (IS) – IS coaches will advise the job seeker about internet tools that may facilitate networking activities (Linked-In, FaceBook, Twitter); identifying job postings matching the candidate’s abilities (establishing job search agents) and posting resumes on web-based job boards.
Session Facilitators / Coaches (SFCs)– Volunteers facilitating the network session. SFCs will ensure that sessions begin and end on time. When applicable, SFCs will introduce guest speakers. Most importantly, they will facilitate the rotation of job seekers through “elevator” speeches and serve as the recorder/reporter networking opportunities. SFCs will ensure that job seekers are limited to the specified time allotments. At the end, SPCs will thank the guest speakers (if applicable) and the session participants. SFCs will provide administrative information associated with the following week’s session.
Prayer Participant. Prayer participants are volunteers who will add the success of the Job Ministry to their daily prayer time and routines. They will ask Our Lord to honor CAN’s endeavors that we remain faithful in our ministry, God-focused in our efforts, and fruitful in our mission.
Prayer Warrior. A prayer warrior volunteers to include prayer requests, by name and specific intention, into his/her daily prayer life and routine. In addition, they will provide “prayer coverage,” when requested, in conjunction with specific events associated with a CAN participant’s job search (e.g., pray while the job seeker is participating in an interview).

Client Confidentiality

Catholic Charities respects the rights of and adheres to the privileges of client confidentiality. I understand that the receipt, use and release of information about Catholic Charities clients is permitted only with the written consent of the client, or the client’s legal guardian, except where prohibited by law, e.g. VA Criminal History Record. I further understand that all information provided by the client to myself or Catholic Charities, or received about the client from a third party, is confidential in nature and is not subject to disclosure to any third party unless authorized by that client in writing. Written authorization must define the parameters of what information may be provided, to whom it may be provided and for what purpose, and signed by the client. Unless otherwise specified, the release will expire after one year.

Code of Ethics and Appropriate Conduct

I understand that I am volunteering for a Catholic organization and as such, I agree that while volunteering at Catholic Charities I will adhere to the tenets and moral and ethical standards of the Roman Catholic Church.


I authorize Catholic Charities to film or take photos of me for promotional or training purposes only.


I understand that Catholic Charities expects volunteers to serve for one (1) year and agree to attend required trainings/meetings.

I understand and agree to the policies as written above:


Signature of Volunteer


Printed name of Volunteer



Attachment 2


Catholic Charities


I, ______, will offer my time and services as a volunteer to Catholic Charities. I hereby acknowledge and state that I am not their employee, nor am I eligible for any compensation or benefits provided to an employee. As a volunteer, I recognize and acknowledge that I am not being compensated in any manner for services rendered. I further recognize and acknowledge that I am not provided with any form of workers’ compensation or disability insurance coverage or other similar insurance program. As a participant in this program, I hereby state that I am aware of and accept the risk inherent in the above program activity.

Liability Coverage

I have been informed that the Diocesan Insurance Program maintains comprehensive general liability insurance, as well as directors and officers insurance, to protect me as a “Covered Person” for my negligent actions covered under these policies, only while acting in the scope of my defined responsibilities, which may result in damage or injury to another person or persons. However, I acknowledge these policies will not protect me for criminal or intentional acts committed by me. I further understand that there may be no insurance coverage for allegation of negligence in claims of sexual abuse activity involving a minor, which would include hiring, retention, and/or supervision of any kind.

Use of Vehicles

I further acknowledge, with regard to any personal vehicle driven by me as a volunteer that in the event of an accident, there is no coverage afforded to me through the Diocesan Master Insurance Program for physical damage sustained to any vehicle involved or liability incurred by me while operating my vehicle.