
1) REM sleep is inhibited by

A) increased activity of neurons within the locus coeruleus.

B) increased activity of peribrachial neurons.

C) increased activity of neurons within the raphe nucleus.

D) decreased activity of neurons within the thalamus.

E) A and C are correct.

2) Although the amygdala is involved in ______, the amygdala does not play a role in ______.

A) expression of happiness; expression of anger

B) facial expression of emotions; recognition of emotion communicated via tone of voice

C) recognizing tone of voice; emotion cues using body posture to communicate emotion

D) recognition of facial expression; emotional expression

E) emotional expression; expression of happiness

3) Which of the following is a potent stimulus for producing osmotic thirst?

A) vomiting during illness

B) loss of blood after an automobile trauma

C) ingestion of a bag of salted potato chips

D) evaporation from the lungs during the winter months

E) A and B are correct.

4) Stages of sleep are easily distinguished by

A) the quality and quantity of dreams.

B) changes in consciousness.

C) changes in motor movements.

D) changes in respiration.

E) changes in the electrical activity of the brain.

5) Lesions of the lateral hypothalamus

A) produces sham feeding.

B) is an intensely aversive stimulus.

C) elicits repetitive chewing movements.

D) inhibits food intake.

E) produces eating and drinking.

6) Aggressive behaviors

A) need not be an actual attack.

B) include actual attacks against another organism.

C) include those involved in predation.

D) are often associated with reproduction.

E) All of the above are correct.

7) According to Darwin, the expressions of emotion in humans

A) involve muscle movements of the hands but not the face.

B) evolved from similar expressions in other animals.

C) are learned during an early critical period.

D) are unique to each culture.

E) vary greatly among individuals.

8) The part of the cerebellum that receives somatosensory, auditory, and visual information is(are) the

A) pontine nucleus.

B) dentate nucleus.

C) vermis.

D) flocculonodular node.

E) intermediate and lateral zones.

9) A ______consists of the extrafusal fibers innervated by a single alpha motor neuron.

A) intrafusal contact

B) motor unit

C) muscle spindle

D) myofibril tangle

E) extrafusal junction

10) The carbohydrate reservoir in the liver is primarily reserved for

A) the central nervous system.

B) general metabolism.

C) the liver.

D) the muscles.

E) the activation of nonshivering thermogenesis.

11) The primary symptom of narcolepsy is

A) dreaming while awake.

B) sleeping at inappropriate times.

C) abnormal slow-wave sleep.

D) sleep paralysis.

E) recurring nightmares.

12) Which brain area is most important for male sexual behavior?

A) rostral medulla

B) periaqueductal gray matter

C) central nucleus of the amygdala

D) medial preoptic area

E) sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area

13) The primary function of the Pacinian corpuscle is to detect

A) heat.

B) vibration.

C) harmful stimulation.

D) cold.

E) texture.

14) The pitch of a sound stimulus is related to the physical characteristic of

A) the distance between the sound source and the detector.

B) the amplitude of the vibration.

C) the complexity of the sound waves.

D) frequency of vibration.

E) A and C are correct.

15) A single sleep cycle of non-REM/REM sleep lasts about

A) 10 minutes.

B) 90 minutes.

C) 30-40 minutes.

D) 8 hours.

E) 360 minutes.

16) A(n) ______response allows an organism to avoid, escape from, or minimize an aversive stimulus.

A) fight-or-flight

B) emotional

C) coping

D) species-specific

E) unconditioned emotional

17) An impairment of the ability to execute a learned movement is termed

A) Parkinsonism.

B) coordination deficit.

C) apraxia.

D) paralysis.

E) a learning disability.

18) The ossicles are

A) positioned within the pinna of the ear.

B) tiny bones located within the middle ear.

C) auditory receptors.

D) neurons that innervate the middle ear.

E) receptive cells in the inner ear.

19) Most of the serotonin neurons in the brain are located within the

A) raphe nuclei.

B) striatum.

C) locus coeruleus.

D) nucleus accumbens.

E) reticular formation.

20) The optimal value of the system variable in a homeostatic system is termed the

A) homeostatic variable.

B) thermostat.

C) detector.

D) correctional mechanism.

E) set point.

21) The components of an emotional response include

A) autonomic activity, moods, and behaviors.

B) feelings and behavior.

C) behavior, autonomic activity, and hormonal secretions.

D) behavior and moods.

E) hormonal secretions and cognition.

22) The standard treatment for Parkinson's disease is

A) administration of amphetamine/cocaine cocktails.

B) chronic administration of serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

C) administration of L-DOPA.

D) administration of haloperidol.

E) administration of dopamine.

23) Which of the following are examples of sexually dimorphic behaviors?

A) parenting

B) mating

C) most aggressive behaviors

D) courting

E) All of the above are correct.

24) The most common change in eating patterns that would be observed in a human who overate at one meal is to

A) adjust when we eat a meal.

B) adjust subsequent meal time and meal size.

C) change what is consumed and when it is consumed.

D) adjust the size of a subsequent meal.

E) All of the above are correct.

25) The monosynaptic stretch reflex

A) is a learned fear reaction.

B) is exhibited when a person is asked to move one leg as quickly as possible after being touched on the knee.

C) is a polysynaptic reflex.

D) begins in the hindbrain.

E) does not involve the brain.

26) The principle that best describes an organizational effect of androgens that prevents an animal from showing female sexual behavior is

A) behavioral masculinization.

B) emasculinization.

C) feminization.

D) behavioral defeminization.

E) aromatization.

27) Which of the following is a function of the vestibular system?

A) generation of a cue that promotes the sensation of depth in a visual scene

B) adjusting eye movements to compensate for head movements

C) maintaining posture

D) inhibitory feedback onto the auditory system during exposure to loud stimuli

E) B and C are correct.

28) A key difference between rodent and human females is that

A) a female rat can only mate during estrus.

B) a human female requires a progesterone surge for sexual receptivity.

C) the rat estrous cycle is longer than the human menstrual cycle.

D) rats are capable of mating at any point during the estrous cycle.

E) rats mate during diestrus as a form of birth control.

29) Sodium channels play a key role in the perception of

A) sugars.

B) acids.

C) toxic alkaloids.

D) umami.

E) salts.

30) The protein that dictates the conversion of the undifferentiated gonads into the testes is controlled by the

A) X chromosome.

B) ob/ob protein.

C) gene 

D) gene 

E) leptin protein.


31) A craving for sodium chloride is called a salt appetite.

32) REM sleep is often accompanied by dramatic movement of arms and legs.

33) Intrafusal muscle fibers are innervated by gamma motor neurons.

34) The receptive organ for the vestibular sense is the Organ of Corti.

35) The central nucleus of the amygdala is the most important part of the brain for the expression of emotional responses provoked by aversive stimuli.

36) Activational effects of hormones occur in adulthood, after development is complete.


37) Describe both the short-term and long-term reservoirs for energy storage, including any necessary hormones. Determine which reservoir is best utilized for the CNS and explain why.

38) Describe the transduction process for gustatory signals for three (3) of the five taste qualities. Include type of channel (ionotropic or metabotropic) and what type of gustatory stimuli binds to the receptor.

39) Describe the stages of sleep, noting changes in EEG patterns (including types of waves). Also, list three differences between non-REM and REM sleep.


1) E

2) D

3) C

4) E

5) D

6) E

7) B

8) C

9) B

10) A

11) B

12) D

13) B

14) D

15) B

16) C

17) C

18) B

19) A

20) E

21) C

22) C

23) E

24) D

25) E

26) D

27) B

28) A

29) E

30) C


31) TRUE


33) TRUE


35) TRUE

36) TRUE